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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. If you own a Dreamcast, you must also own Soul Calibur.
  2. I'm from Winnipeg. Go Jets.....er, never mind. Ahhh, the days when we had 8 teams in Canada
  3. See ya in the first round! I wonder who voted who's from Japan? Indeed, on fire
  4. Canada. Calgary, Alberta to be exact. Go Flames Go!
  5. Very cool. Now for some great stills of this fighting a valk. In 1280x1024 or higher of course
  6. Cripes! This is fantastic! I love the design and I really like the style of your artwork. Your color scheme is very resfreshing and I like the overall picture design. Wow, wow, wow!
  7. That sure is a new direction for the batmobile. I like the very rugged, mechanical look. It looks functional and practical, rather than ornamental or fragile. Very cool.
  8. Saw the series way back in the mid 1980's. I am a sucker from war stories, grand epics, science-fiction, good characters, worthwhile plots, and love stories...Macross fit all of that and how! It's easily one of the best science fiction tales I've ever read and has been key to the formation of my appreciation for anime and sci-fi. The rest is just an extension of that affinity for Macross. Yes, many of the CDs, books, and Yamatos have allowed me to indulge in more great Macross. However, the original concepts of great storytelling keep me coming back.
  9. I love this custom! Can't say enough great things about your work Anasazi.
  10. As I said, the system compensates and serves its purpose. It is not an all-powerful god-like technology that can defend against ANY and ALL attacks. The bridge survived.
  11. No, but I've seen my fair share of annoying cartoons. I'm glad Macross did without as much as possible
  12. Just promise me you'll do a huge resolution version of this great looking picture and I'll be happy!
  13. Very interesting. It's kinda slow and awkward, but it looks like it works.
  14. i'd love to agree if they used it more often in the tv series. past ep 13, i can't remember the macross using the pinpoint. random thought - couldve conserved energy in ep 36 and wasted it on a final dedalus attack on kamjin, or maybe not. . . The pin point barrier system was shown in other instances, including the final battle with Bodolzaa's fleet in Episode 27 "Love Drifts Away" (specifically during the SDF-1's penetration of Boldolzaa's mothership). Also, earlier episodes established the PPB as a viable system onboard the Macross and thus it's unnecessary for the creators of the show to feature the PPB in use as an annoying repetitive sequence every single episode of the series.
  15. Only partially. There WAS severe damage to the command tower. Arguing over semantics. The PPB served it's purpose and kept the bridge intact. There was a single hole in the side of the bridge and the long range radar was knocked out. Every other critical system on the bridge was fully functional, including short range radar. Had the PPB not been there, the bridge likely would've been destroyed. Hence, the PPB compensates for the traditional bridge vulnerability on the Macross. Point stands.
  16. In the TV series, each section of the bridge was a self contained part of the hull itself. The large transparent hull simply covered another sealed hull wherein sat the bridge (which had a narrow veiwport as well). Indeed, the DYRL version had no such interior hull sections and was all one open bridge. Yes, command towers are all very big and vulnerable targets, but quitenecessary not just for veiwing area, but also for communication and detection equipment. I would think however, that the pin point barrier system would more than compensate for the traditional bridge vulnerability. Indeed, there was one instance in which the SDF-1 was hit by the main gun of a Zentradi cruiser and was sucessfully defended by the PPB system.
  17. Possibly true, but consider each individual person. I am not a toy and model collector. I own three Yamato 1/48 Scale Valkyries and that's it. I've never had a Bandai, Hasegawa, or any other Valkyries and I sold the 1/60 scale Yammie that I did own. So I'm the person that is very discriminating about the products I buy. I'd love to have a VF-0, but I want one with the quality of a 1/48 Yammie. Though to say something positive, the proportions and design of the first VF-0 toy sure is a lot better than the first VF-1
  18. Just after this Christmas, I've also seen the SDF Macross three disk sets available for about $60 a piece at A&B Sound (think it's just Canada). I've also been to another city and seen the same, so it looks like all their stores are carrying it. Very cool.
  19. Again, I'm not that thrilled. Those hips continue to irk me and the new pictures just seem to indicate this 1/100 scale VF-0 is on the same level as a 1/60 scale VF-1. Maybe I've been spoiled by the 1/48, but I'm not going to settle for anything less than a high quality VF-0S and this isn't it. I'll save my money and hope for something else.
  20. Very nice. Looking forward to more progress shots.
  21. As a person who collected Transformers in his youth, I must agree with the naysayers of G1 toys. They chewed crotch. Comparing them to any of the newer TF toys that I've seen (and I'll admit I'm no expert), it's really no comparison at all...the newer toys are far superior. Of G1, Jetfire and Optimus Prime were the only Transformers I ever liked because they were the few that actually had a decent level of articulation. Jetfire and Optimus transformed into robots...not statues
  22. On the note of continuity, Batman Begins is not a sequel. The entire premise of the film is to create an adaptation of the early years of Batman. This means a new director adapting the source material, not building upon previous films. A very smart move in my opinion.
  23. I read this as Gary Coleman, and wondered what drugs you were on. About the 3rd reading I got it. LOL! That's hilarious
  24. This film actually has a very good chance of reviving the Batman film franchise and treating the character with some much needed respect. Christopher Nolan is known for some of the most engaging, complex, and entertaining thrillers. With him at the helm, it's very likely Batman Begins will feature a very engrossing plot, focusing upon the detective/crime story roots of the Batman character. Not only that, Nolan proved in Memento that he can pull off mood and atmosphere (and a dark character) whilst keeping the film grounded and the lead character likeable. The casting sure shows plenty of promise. Christian Bale is a very welcome sight for the lead role. He's pulled off some very dark characters with style and he's beginning to look the right age for Wayne. Gary Oldman as Commissioner Gordon was a fine decision. It'll be a treat to see a skilled actor like Oldman play outside his usual typecast roles as the villain. Cillian Murphy is another talented young actor who doesn't fit the silly Hollywood mold, which is why he'll more than likely light up the screen...even in a small role. Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson, and Micheal Caine need no introduction and all point toward smart casting. Looking at the cast overall, it's filled with many wisely chosen actors, surprisingly devoid of silly trend selling choices. I've got a good feeling about this one.
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