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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. The way to deal with a tatoo is not to fear what may happen, but instead ask yourself what are you willing to accept when you look at it years from now. If you're going to regret a relationship with a girl because of a tatoo, then obviously don't get it. But you'd be surprised how memory has a habit of recalling only the good things about a person as time goes on. It could very well serve as a reminder of a life lesson you had to learn...something people forget all too quickly. Something worth considering. That being said, the Macross UN Spacy symbol isn't all that bad an idea. It's obscure enough that you're practically guarantteed no one else you ever meet will have one (though I have seen someone who has one, and I beleive it was posted on this website) and it looks unique in the realm of popular symbols across the world. One thing you don't want is someone mistaking your tatoo for the symbol of stupidity in some religion or something like that Just please, please, please for the love of god DO NOT get a tatoo of a skull, dagger, snake, motorbike, bird of prey, rose, heavy metal band, bracelet around the wrist or ankle, or those massive shoulder tatoos that wrap around. Also, pretty please do not place a tatoo on your lower back, belly, ankle, wrist, calve, or bicep...and certainly not your face. These tatoos have reached popular culture via music videos, albums, and films. Everyone and their dog has one, producing a big sigh and eye rolling everytime I see them. Try to be a little more unique...isn't that the whole point of a tatoo to begin with?
  2. There's a very good reason Bruce Boxleitner hasn't reprised his role in a Tron sequel and while he may not look as bad as this poor fella, I'm sure we know why
  3. I love that Zentradi ship. You captured the motif of the Zentradi yet managed to create a completely original design. Well done!
  4. That is insane! Although very impressive. Sad the kid couldn't lift it though
  5. Great work. I especially like the camoflague pattern and the custom pilot costume. Very nice!
  6. Can you fellas tell me an online store (preferably in Canada or at least ships to Canada) to buy the Sentinel or the APU? Spawn.com doesn't have any in their store from what I can tell.
  7. Those are some great mid-transformation drawings. Very stylish. I like!
  8. I just read a review for this film today. I very much want to see it and see if there has been any improvement to the proper scollarly analysis of anime by western enthusiasts. So far most of the books and films on the subject have been horribly inaccurate and shallow.
  9. VF-1 Valkyrie (Macross) - A mecha and fighter combination design way ahead of it's time. This thing transformed into a sleek and aerodynamic humanoid mecha before anyone else even knew what sleek and aerodynamic was supposed to look like. The FAST Pack equipped Valkyries was also the first time in film (of which I'm aware) that a science fiction spacecraft used thrusters and reverse thrusters to move and reorient itself in space. X-Wing (Star Wars A New Hope) - Still one of the classic science fiction fighter designs of all time. A truely timeless creation. When it was shown in full CGI glory with the release of the Special Editions, I fell in love all over again. Starfury and Thunderbolt Starfury (Babylon 5) - Easily one of the most theoretically viable of the science fiction fighter craft to date. Not only was the fighter properly designed to propel itself and manuver in all three dimensions, but it was also one of the few times we saw actual relativistic physics at work in a vacuum. The Starfury didn't continually thrust in space, it often coasted without any thrust, it would fly backwards, it would strafe, and it used counter thrust to change direction. And it looked amazing! Swordfish II (Cowboy Bebop) - A design that put retro back into science fiction spacecraft. Not only was it another move toward the trend oof reverse thrust/proper physics spacecraft, the design turned away from the dull, smooth, areodynamic spaceships that plague so much modern science fiction these days.
  10. Awesome! I was wondering when we'd see a section on those missiles. Great stuff!
  11. As far as I know, there are no official numbers. I've looked hard, but no one ever published them to the best of my knowledge. I doubt anyone at Studio Nue bothered to calculate it either I have seen one fan analysis that attempted to quantify the yeild of the Main Gun. The analysis was done years ago by a fella on another board and I unfortunately didn't keep a copy of it because at the time, he was still refining the analysis. He analyzed the scene in Booby Trap, in which the Macross autonomously fires the main gun's beam through South Ataria Island's mountain range, across several thousand kilometers of ocean, out into orbit, and through two Zentradi cruisers some 280,000 kilometers outside of orbit. He came up with the low end figure of 1.2 teratons equivalent explosive yeild per shot. In his analysis, he ignored any calculations for the several thousand kilometers of water the beam passed through, the atmosphere resistance, and he did not know what strength to attribute to the hyper carbon hulls of Zentradi warships so he used plain old steel as a substitute. He predicted his final analysis - which would include all factors that interacted with the beam - would increase the low-end yeild by an order of magnitude making it somewhere in the petaton range. From what I know of official Star Wars figures, the big Heavy Turbo Lasers are some 200 gigatons per shot. A single shot from the Macross main gun would be the equivalent firepower of anywhere from as little as 6 Heavy Turbo Laser shots to as many as 5,000 Heavy Turbo Laser shots. However, the short of it is, until someone else does a fair analysis (and by "fair" I mean not an analysis done by the typical Star Wars zealots with which you're probably debating) we're out of luck as to a final figure...and naturally there is nothing official
  12. The custom 1/48 work is really starting to pile up. For the longest time there was nothing and now it seems like everytime I visit the boards there is a new custom. I love all these great designs. Keep em coming!
  13. Wow, this is an oldie Thanks for the update BSU!
  14. I'm sure I will see it as my friends are all fans, and I'm sure I won't like it, just like all the other Tarantino films But I'm glad you liked it. Actually, as a level-headed and objective critique, I find that I got more out of Kill Bill than any of his other films. I am actually interested in the Bride character and her plight. The loss of her child at Bill's hands was a surprisingly effective and emotional characterization.
  15. That's some crazy statistics. Though I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. I'm probably one of the self proclaimed non-collectors on these boards, yet I own three 1/48 Yammies...and did own a 1/60 until I sold it last year. What can I say, Yamato makes a good product
  16. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Great stuff! Thanks for posting
  17. I like Will Smith and really enjoy some of his films (Men in Black in particular), but this "adaptation" of I, Robot (if it could be called such) is really poor. Unless the trailers are intentionally deceptive and are hoping to cash in on the Will Smith image, the film may feel far different. As it is however, this film's atmosphere and characterization have less than nothing in common with the short stories written in Asimov's I, Robot (which I have read along with several other Asimov books). The trailers don't even stress the fact that Asimov's writing of robots mostly focused upon the three laws of robotics. Nor does the story seem to focus on such themes. It looks like a robots-taking-over-the-world plot with Will Smith casted for summer box office draw. Nothing wrong with a good Will Smith flick, but this certainly doesn't appear to be an Asimov adaptation.
  18. I'm sure glad this project was made into Escaflowne and not Macross. The look and design of the mecha are so different that this Air Cavalry could have easily been another transforming robot show altogether. Some of the designs are nice though.
  19. Three thousand kilometers is pretty much in range for the largest of Zentradi spacecraft in Macross. It's certainly not out of the question. Bodolzaa's mothership was 1,400 km high and it makes sense that the manufacturing facility that built the motherships were larger than the ships themselves yes? Avoid RPG figures when rationalizing any official numbers or statistics. The numbers given in RPG games are often mistranslated, taken from dubious sources (mostly unofficial) and or are outright wrong on any number of important statistics. As the Macross Compendium describes, the Factory Satellite had been damaged for some time (probably for hundreds or thousands of years of Supervision Army assaults) before the UN Spacy ever got a hold of it. It's production capability is severly hampered by the facility's state of disrepair. About gravity produced by a mass like the Factory Satellite and its effect in the Sol system, the density and mass of the Factory Satellite is an unknown. Although the size of a small planet, its mass would most likely be significantly less since it is a hollow installation built for giants and not a solid mass. The majority of the Factory Satellite would no doubt be filled with empty space, making its mass comparable to a celestial body many, many times smaller. Properly positioned and set along an orbital path within the Sol system, its effect on any nearby satellites would be neglegible unless the effects of gravity were to be measured over a time period of many millenia.
  20. You don't have to like Halo to enjoy those hilarious videos, but it helps Thanks for the link. These episodes are so funny! I'm sending a link off to my friends right now. Bloody brilliant!
  21. Brilliant!!!! I love it
  22. Mr March

    1/48 BR "blue camo"

    Amazing! That is one seriously cool custom.
  23. Mr March

    CF VF-1A

    Love it! Great work.
  24. That was the reason why I bought my DC in the first place. Same here. Only game I've seen Gamespot give 10 out of 10. It was the reason to pick up the unit.
  25. I'm confident he'll make a great Bruce Wayne/Batman. Not only is he looking the right age, but he has the blend of goodness and darkness that is essential for the character. He can play on the level with a just enough of that "not-quite-sure-about-this-guy" the role requires. He's also 6'2", a good height for an actor playing Batman.
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