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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. I must admit, I enjoy having the option. If I want an uber-edition of my favorite game or DVD, it's great to have the choice. If I don't, equally as good! I like the attention given to some of these products so people who beleive all the special stuff is worth it can have the option to buy that stuff. Those who don't simply buy a cheaper version. Everybody wins.
  2. This is a very good criticism. I myself have been bitten once or twice by the trap of the Special-Edition-with-nothing-special-about-it. In the case of DVDs, it's really a question of looking hard and long at what the special features are and the quality of those features. The extended edition sets of Lord of the Rings were fantastic IMO and other sets like Gladiator, X-Men I and II, Memento Boxed Set, et cetera. But there were others like the L.A. Confidential and GOod Will Hunting release that was pretty weak. Same can be said for both the Star Wars and Indiana Jones sets, which were good, but lightweight for films of their popularity and impact on the film industry.
  3. Well, I enjoy getting the extra stuff for those rare, special products that mean more to me. I have no illusions that I get more out of many of the products that interest me than many of my friends. In the case of Half-Life 2 and Halo 2, many of my friends are just looking for the next killer-multiplayer-app. They could care less if it has interesting design, music, story, or character. THey just want the frag romp on the latest and greatest software available. Obviously, I enjoy many of these games for much more than that. So needless to say, I'm interested in the special editions more than my friend.
  4. See, I actually watch the special features on my DVDs. I like behind the scenes footage and I especially enjoy learning about the process of making films. Since I'm a part time filmmaker myself, the special features are a lot like instruction for me. And also the simple fact that I love film and just love to play the enthusiastic fan For those that don't enjoy all the additional stuff, clearly added features aren't a big draw.
  5. "The Firebombing" by James Dickey (1923-1997). The poem is actually written in the first person and I beleive was about a pilot that performs the dropping of fuel bombs in World War II.
  6. Is that the one where the brunette is caught in a particular position? Very steamy indeed. That would be the one Netherlands Double A Paper Advert
  7. I was having a rather interesting conversation with my friend the other day about special editions, limited editions, boxed sets, and the like. With the release of Halo 2 on the X-Box and Half-Life 2 on the PC, my friend and I debated about "Special Edition Syndrome" invading the electronic gaming world. Seems both games are being released in at least two or more packages with added stuff like soundtracks, DVDs, logo-emblazoned toilet paper rolls, ad naseum. My friend is of the mind most Special Edition-ed products are a waste of money, though he admits he has purchased the occassional "special" product himself. I, on the other hand, believe that the more attention given to those very special products of which I receive the most enjoyment, the better. My friend's biggest arguement boiled down to what does one do with "the extra stuff". He asked if I really get anything out of all the junk that's offered in these "Super Editions" or does the stuff just sit on a shelf collecting dust. From his perspective, he just wanted the to watch the movie on a good format or play the game on a good system. All the rest is just window dressing and a waste of time. I felt differently. I'm the kind of person who doesn't invest money in just any game/movie. With some exceptions, the majority of products I buy mean something to me. I don't game enough to purchase a half dozen or more First Person Shooters per year. Nor do I rent lame movies because it's "bad movie night" (don't even get me started on that one). At most, I buy one game every 8-10 months (console and PC inclusive). At most I purchase 10% of the films I view (which works out to alot, since I watch close to a hundred films annually). So when a quality special edition of something I love is released, I'm all for it (especially since I often sell or give away the old version). I'm the kind of fella that read through the manual to Starcraft and loved it. I'm the guy who actually uses the Argonaths as functional bookends. I'll listen to my Halo soundtrack in my car on the way to work. So I wanted to get other opinions and see what the general populace felt. Or, at the very least, the opinion of hardcore anime fanatics who have followed one sci-fi franchise for over 20 years. Some may say I'll get skewed results, but I'm not government subsidized Do you like/buy Special Editions? What's your opinion?
  8. Not bad, but have you seen the german advertisment for Double A? That commercial was waaaay more steamy
  9. After paying top dollar for all my R1 releases, I'll wait for a R1 release of this new remastered set. Luckily, I have hooked nearly all my friends on Bebop, so I can easily sell my existing set to anyone who's having touble purchasing their own. Sounds good to me!
  10. A friend dragged me to see the remake (and I mean that, since I hate most cheesy horror flicks) and I was pleasantly surprised with the film. Sure the story was trite, but the film was also fun and even adventurous. I found I actually enjoyed it. A great brainless (pun intended) remake and plenty of fun to watch if you're in the right mood.
  11. Owwie! Even with the stronger Canuck dollar, that's an tough (expensive) pill to swallow. Have you seen any Canadian pricing for the "Collectors Edition" Retail version yet? All I can find online is the plain-ass version. No, but I really don't care all that much. I buy so few games anymore, that one game costing me $89 US is not going to break me.
  12. The big Gold Edition Collectors set sounds cool. Ordinarily, I don't go for those big sets, but Half-Life is certainly one of those few, rare products that deserves a good set. I also love the soundtrack for Half-Life, and from what I've listened of HL2, the soundtrack is even better. I'm gonna get this uber set. GOLD -- $89.95 Half-Life 2* Counter-Strike: Source Half-Life 1: Source* Day of Defeat: Source* Valve's back catalog currently available on Steam Complete Half-Life 2 Strategy Guide from Prima Games 3 different Half-Life 2 posters Half-Life Collector's box Half-Life 2 hat Half-Life 2 postcard Half-Life 2 stickers Half-Life 2 Soundtrack CD Chance to win a trip to Valve! (1 trip offered for every 5000 Gold packages purchased).
  13. Definitely time for a blue interrupt
  14. Damn hype This news has intensified my anticipation again. I've been downloading a bunch of new movies that show off the game. It looks so good. After all the release delays and the code theft, I had been left with a sour taste in my mouth for HL2. Having watched these demo films, I remember how much I was awaiting this game roughly this same time last year.
  15. Bloody Hell! Even at this stage, this model looks fantastic! I can't wait to see more. I think this is the first time I've seen someone attempt a 3D Zentradi ship. I love it so far!
  16. Bloody brilliant! I loved it! Funny thing is I love both Rings and Bowling and found this independant film was fantastic
  17. I'm really hoping this doesn't turn out to be another Daikatana. I loved the first game and I really am impressed by what I've heard of the sequel. The demo movies were amazing and included all the things I expected in a sequel to a game like Half-Life. I'm just hoping the game is the entrie package and not just bits and pieces of a much better progenitor. Oh yeah, ID has been done for years IMO. The games they produce become little more than graphic test beds that are put to better use in games that liscense the engine.
  18. This sucks. I was really hoping Ridley would get attatched to the project and do a true sequel (no ill-will to Cameron, who did a fantastic film IMO). But I suppose money talks. I sure won't go to see new film, but doubt very much that will save me from watching it. Hell, I've avoided paying for Tarantino for years, but I've somehow seen every film of his
  19. It's so..."College"
  20. do you also want non-yf19 ones too? also, when u say schematics, u mean... profile pics right? like, from front, back side, etc. do u want it only for the battroid or for fighters too? i think i might have some more. i gotta look around. this is what happens when you have 320 gigs of hard drive space. well, let me know. ill continue looking for my collection. also do u want pics like this one? this is schematic-like. it shows the innards and everything. Any schematics in ALL modes (meaning front, back, top, bottom, rear, whatever in straight on angles) I would love to have. Particularly rare ones like the YF-19 battroid pictures you posted. Like I said, I own several Macross books like Perfect Memory, Gold Book, and Design Works, so I already have all the beauty and perspective lineart I could possibly want. But properly drawn schematics and diagrams for the Macross mecha seem really rare (except for the fighter modes). Thanks for all you've posted so far. I hope to see more stuff soon. Btw, is there YF-21 Battroid schematics lineart like the YF-19 pics you posted?
  21. Thanks. Do you have anymore schematic like pictures of the Macross mecha?
  22. FANTASTIC! Do you have a better version of the rear angle? I noticed your front angle picture is larger than the picture I've posted. Thank you, thank you. I love schematic lineart.
  23. There's so many...where to begin. I'll just post the games I remember off the top of my head and beg forgiveness to the programmers of those fantastic games I forgot Fallout (PC) - By far one of the best turn based RPGs on any platform. Amazing open ended exploration, a fantastic game engine, a skill system still used by many RPGs to this day, and atmosphere to burn. Everything from the opening score, to the voice acting, to the game play was brilliant. Soul Edge/Soul Blade, Soul Calibur, Soul Calibur II (Arcade, PlayStation, Dreamcast, X-Box) - This series grabbed hold of me in my early college days and I've never let go. I probably would never have become a Halo fan if I hadn't loved this series and purchased an X-Box just for SCII THe best weapon fighter I've ever played. Starcraft (PC) - Six years after its release, this Real Time Strategy game is never included in Windows alerts as an unused desktop item. Played the single player campaigns for both Starcraft and Broodwar, start to finish, at least four times over and spent almost a year at online play. Definitely a classic. Unreal Tournament and Quake II (PC) - I put both of these fantastic First Person Shooters together because they represent the first and last time I put in what I call "competitive hardcore" online play. I put in over two years of straight UT online play and for a period of 6 months, I was so good at Quake II, US tournament players were actively seeking one-on-one challenges with me. Luckily school came along and saved me before I landed in a support group Halo (X-Box) - An instant classic. What can I say about this great title that hasn't already been proven by the endless hours I spend gaming? A great story, fantastic music, an original setting, and some true FPS innovations made this a sure fire hit with me. Street Fighter II (SNES) - One of the reasons I still own my SNES is this fantastic game from Capcom. The game that popularized the whole fighting genre, I played this at the arcade, on the SNES, the PC, and all the variations that came out. One of the best. Star Control II (PC) - I've played the full game of this masterful RPG/Adventure/Arcade hybrid six times over and anyone who has played it knows what an accomplishment that is. The best music of its era, fantastic gameplay, intriguing story, truly epic scale, insanely amusing, and the most fun I've had playing a game of its type...mainly because it was 100% unique and has never been duplicated since. Half-Life (PC) - The freakiest FPS I ever played. Though the multiplayer component never really grabbed me (yes, my friends already torture me with my lack of fondness for one of the biggest running online communities of all time) I can play this game over and over again. Take a great FPS game and merge it with the best elements of the James Cameron film "Aliens" and the paranoia TV series "The X-Files." Gaming heaven! Mechwarrior 2 and Mechwarrior 4 (PC) - Despite my love of anime mecha and Macross, heavily armored, lumbering ground mecha blistering with guns still hold a special place in my heart. I'm still an active Mechwarrior 4 player to this day. I can play these games any time. Master of Orion I and II (PC) - The first and last series of turn based 4X strategy games I ever played. Nothing else came close, not even Alpha Centauri. No other game made me feel like the Empire of Star Wars when I made a Doomstart and literally erased my enemies from the galaxy. Super Castlevania (SNES) - Though many argue the other Castlevania games were better, I played this one the most. Fantastic gameplay, plenty of great ways to use the whip in a uni-directional manner, best use of the SNES capabilities, and the perfect difficulty level. Tie Fighter, Dark Forces, DFII: Jedi Knight, Jedi Academy (PC) - For me, most of these mid-life franchise games worked as both entertaining for the Star Wars fan and as innovative PC games. Still playing these fellas today. Well, that's about it. A great trip down memory lane
  24. are you talking about these? No, no. I have the Design Works books with all those pieces of lineart. I'm talking about straight on front and rear shots that look like schematics. I found one (the rear of the YF-19 in Battroid) on my HD. I must have saved it from a previous thread, but I'd like the front piece and I'd love to see the YF-21 versions. Does anyone know which book these pictures are from? I'd really like to purchase it.
  25. Bloody hell! That's a great YF-19 model. I'd like to see some more shots when it's done.
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