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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. Ack, bad diagram is bad Will fix...eventually when I have the time
  2. I've often felt that if Macross ever did have to go over-the-top to depict the mecha with more stereotypical anime melee weapons, a spear/polearm/lance would fit the Macross universe better than almost any other weapon. There are already so many phallic shapes and weapons throughout the Macross franchise, mecha-sized spears would be a much more natural fit with that established male sexual aesthetic. But really, I'd prefer Macross stay away from more elaborate melee weapons completely. A destroid baton, gun pod bayonet or mecha-sized knife here and there is enough close combat weaponry for Macross. Personally, I never want to see two valkyries fighting with swords. That sort of thing is best left to anime like Five Star Stories, Escaflowne, Gundam or Neon Genesis Evangelion. There's no shortage of knight/samurai style mecha fighting in anime. Macross is at it's best shooting, launching missiles and at the last, punching/kicking once all the ammo is gone I think many of us had similar thoughts when first looking at the YF-19 and YF-21. I think it's a natural tendency when looking at something that is humanoid in shape, we interpret details of that humanoid form within the context of our own bodies. A thin, blade-like object hanging from the hip/leg of a human-shaped robot would invariably conjure up an image of a sword/sheath to our humanoid mind
  3. I must admit, "may-cross" is a new bastardization to me. I've heard "muh-cross", "mah-cross" and "maw-cross", but never "may"
  4. Yeah, for sure. Must see! I think I liked the bayonet so much because it allowed Macross to dip it's toes into the world of mecha martial arts without betraying the basic design of what a variable fighter is built to do. Many of us have noted that Macross depicts combat as more high-speed and long-range than almost any other mecha anime. So if the franchise is to feature some kind of close-quarters weaponry, I'd prefer a conservative type of hand-to-hand weapon that easily flows and integrates into the style of a variable fighter. Of course, the VF-25 Messiah's Assault Knife is NOT an over-the-top weapon, but it does feel a little too "humanoid" and counter-intuitive for a Valkyrie. A retractable blade in the forearm/shield is much more seemlessly integrated and has the virtue of melding well with a "transforming fighter" and being more distinct than the over-exposed "mecha knife".
  5. Space "Dandroid" V? The legacy lives on
  6. I kinda wish all the Variable Fighters with blades used either VF-11 Thunderbolt-style gun pod bayonets or VF-27 Lucifer-style shield blades. I realize the technology in Macross is far different than Neon Genesis Evangelion or Full metal Panic, but sadly there is very little visual/stylistic difference for the audience. The Frontier weapons just look like more-of-the-same Andras The FAST Pack Arm Armament Unit (WORST Macross equipment designation EVAR) should not allow transformation, but I don't believe there is any official trivia stating as such.
  7. Okay, I typically wait until I do the next update to correct errors like this, but since this thread is discussing the subject, I've uploaded a revised profile that just corrects the craft designation. The Macross Zero directory and the profile HTML, directory and graphics have all been updated with the finalized designation for the Ghost craft. http://www.macross2.net/m3/macrosszero/macrosszero-index.html Revising the QF-2200D-A profile with new Macross Chronicle trivia will have to wait until the impending website update. Thanks for the help Seto Kaiba and GuardianGrey.
  8. Are we sure about this? The Macross Compendium still has separate entries for them and just puts all the QF-2200 variants under that same profile. I can make the changes to my website for the next update, but just want to be sure it's accurate before making a big change like that. Just so I can keep it all straight: QF-2001 = QF-2200D-A (standalone mixed-patch colors silver and dark grey Ghost, the one with forward canards) QF-2200 = QF-2200D-B (small black colored Ghost mounted on top of the VF-0 for the special attack/assault specification "ANGEL")
  9. GuardianGrey We'd have to ask Seto, since he did the translation of the book. I don't believe the AMM-1 are reaction weapons, but like much of the technology in Macross, it is merely MORE ADVANCED versions of conventional technology. While OverTechnology did lead to entirely new inventions (reaction engines/weapons, space metal, beam weapons, etc) humans appear to simply super-charge all their existing technology with OverTechnology. So the humans still use missiles, but they are all lighter weight, far faster and far more destructive. The humans still fly jet fighters, but jets are now aerospace craft for air and space that transform into robots. The humans still use projectile guns, but they shoot far faster and are entire orders of magnitude more accurate. The humans still use titanium armor, but is magnified by energy conversion technology. Most Macross technology is conventional technology, merely dialed up to 11 (forgive my fandom for Spinal Tap) I'm unsure if I've ever seen that FF-2001 with the kawaii girl before. Where did it come from?
  10. GuardianGrey Yes, I can definitely understand someone interpreting the anime shows in that way for an RPG. And Robotech fan RPG stuff could be a crazy topic unto itself, so the more left unsaid, the better Yeah, Grebo's stuff is great. If you like Macross customs, check out the Fan Works sub-forum here on MW. DeductiblyBonkers just built a very sexy VF-19A custom, including a re-drawn head unit. I think the AMM-1 missiles and their pylons are modelled more after weapon carriages like those on the jet fighters such as the F-15 Eagle and F-14 Tomcat (for ordnance like the AIM-9 Sidewinder) than the bombs on the F-111 Aardvark. Though I agree the swing-wing design of the VF-1 Valkyrie would require swivelling pylons in a similar fashion to those on the F-111 wings. As a curious aside talking bombs and missiles, recent fan translation of the M.A.T. Sky Angels Volume #3: Extra Journal: VF-1 Valkyrie (1984) book has revealed the AMM-1 has firepower equivalent to a bomb despite being a missile. Page 31-37 cites a 20 kg warhead equivalent to 200 kg of TNT! OverTechnology indeed
  11. My website has the correct designations. There are TWO Ghost craft in Macross Zero; the QF-2200 Ghost (which is the small, grey/black aircraft attached to the VF-0 Phoenix for the special attack/assault specification, aka "ANGEL". There is also the QF-2001 Ghost, a standalone unmanned aircraft.
  12. GuardianGrey Well, it's not as if examples of VTOL fighters in Macross are numerous and perhaps more detailed official explanations are needed, so having a different impression is understandable. Mostly I ask questions only to ensure my own understanding of the official trivia is accurate since it's rather important that I confirm that VTOL fighters are official for my website. Just remember, we don't know everything about the Valkyries as yet. Even after 30 years, there is still new information being published about the Valkyries (official and unofficial), as found in the Macross Chronicle and Variable FIghter Master File series. Though your recent post made me realize that I have misunderstood it was yourself that had a problem with VTOL on the Valkyries; the way your earlier posts were written made me think it was the RPG players that were arguing with you against VTOL, not vice versa. And yes, I know well of disagreeable rabid otaku. As absurd as it sounds, there are trolls on this very board that have attacked me as not being a Macross fan and not being an anime fan. Such is the nonsense of the internet The XB-70 Valkyrie could very well be an influence on many Macross VFs. It's mentioned in official trivia as an influence for the name of the VF-1 Valkyrie and also found pictured in the This Is Animation Special: Macross Plus book. Be careful though, I believe that blue-in-blue VF-11MAXL picture in your post is unofficial fan art, built by Grebo Guru (I think his profile/artwork is still on DeviantArt)
  13. What made Ebert such a great cultural critic was precisely his humble re-evaluation of his past opinions, his open-mindedness to see the good in even the worst films and willingness to adapt to the new media landscape, as Duke pointed out. Ebert embraced the internet and even defended rap music. Yet Ebert was only human and his luddite attitude toward video gaming was wanting. Still in spite of his flaws, Ebert was never some grouchy old man who spoke for the culturally obsolete. That wasn't Ebert and does no honor to who he was. If "get-off-my-lawn" is the conversation, Ebert's memory has no place in such discussion. I know the MW forums too well to post good film blogs and websites just so the trolls can rip them apart to "win the argument", but if anyone is interested I be more than happy to share the great places of film goodness I frequent online via PM. You can also scour my post history for my posts in film topics and you'll discover links to some of my film-based stomping grounds
  14. If one wants to creatively imagine there was something between Milia and her bodyguard, I suppose the page is as open as any to think there was some kind of relationship there. But IMO, if a Milia/Bodyguard relationship is what we were supposed to read into those characters, there's definitely not enough on-screen or on the page to justifiy that. Certainly not enough to make such a relationship satisfying on any level for the audience.
  15. Amazing post. I really like your reading on these two characters. This type of analysis is a rare treat. Well done.
  16. Best Bioshock trailer I've ever seen Seriously, I have faith in Brad Bird. Unlike some more recent filmmakers, Bird has proved himself time and again with each of his projects. I'll be seeing "Tomorrowland" for sure.
  17. There's been plenty of fans who have passed through MW over the years such that almost every Macross character, relationship and production has been criticized at some point. Yes, some criticisms had climbed to the top of the popularity pile in decades past; Minmay is annoying, Robotech Minmay is far worse, Macross 7 is awful, et cetera. But I don't believe there is a concensus about any particular shipping wars or criticisms across the board. Except perhaps that Michael Bay sucks
  18. The breadth and talent of those writing/reviewing/commenting about film has never been better than it is in our current era. Younger reviewers actually understand the impact of technology, the internet and video games on the medium of film and don't suffer a snobby self-righteousness against our modern media era. The current generation also have a healthy intolerance for the Oscar's agenda for elevating dramatic mediocrity, a growing cultural attitude I have been only too happy to welcome for decades. IMO, too many folks watch shouting YouTubers complain online and think it's insightful because these talking heads behave just like their "angry fan" audience. I'd suggest spending a little effort finding the right folks to watch and read. I know "anger" and "outrage" are popular online these days, but the best film review content is upbeat, not an echo chamber for geek culture.
  19. Just checked Episode 27. Monster can be seen at Time Indexes: 3:06 - 3:23 (starting up and walking, the infamous deck-crushing step) 8:41, 11:39 (a pair of Monsters alongside the SDF-1 bridge) 13:47 (both Monsters firing main guns) 17:52 - 17:55 (more elaborate firing animation, with reverse angle)
  20. It's there in my post above. Ventral vernier thrusters propel the craft into the air. Truly, VTOL is a very minor maneuver for a bridge-smashing, flying karate-kicking, nation-powering, transformable aerospace robot that can be piloted with a guitar EDIT: Pretty pictures
  21. No, I did not. I didn't realize that was official.
  22. No, I think for my part the VTOL capability is sufficiently established. Though I admit, I think this is the first time I've heard the VTOL capability of a VF called into question. If nothing else, it's an interesting thought. I would imagine those RPG players arguing with GuardianGrey are perhaps a rather disagreeable crowd. I'm uncertain if folks realize the outrageous power/thrust/engineering performance Valkyries display in the anime productions. In my opinion, VTOL would be the least contentious point we could debate given the absurd magical prowess of the Variable Fighters
  23. It's March, though Mach would be kind of a kickass name I understand what you're saying and agree VTOL should only matter if the fighter mode can perform it. But the fighter mode can perform it, at least in the VF-1 Valkyrie's case. It doesn't matter if it transforms (partial-GERWALK) afterward or not; the verniers propelled the VT-1 into the air in place of aerodynamic lift. That's VTOL. anime52k8 Looks like the F-14 Tomcat is the winner. Makes perfect sense too, since Kawamori is such a huge fan of the F-14. Thanks dude. David Hingtgen Ah, a new aeronautical term. I read about it after reading your post. Makes sense. Thanks!
  24. I take full responsibility for initially liking Elysium then despising the film a week later. I suppose in my eyes, the goodwill of District 9 carried Elysium until I was sober. "Wonderful stuff, that Romulan ale."
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