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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. I think Cloud Imperium Games really needs to do a better job communicating to consumers that the price point to get into the game is actually lower than every other $60 Triple A title. You can buy a Star Citizen package for as low as $45 to get the full game and your starter ship. Everything else you see being sold on their website will eventually be available for purchase using in-game currency, just like any other CRPG-style game. So if you want that sexy $250 ship, simply buy a $45 package to start and earn fictional credits to purchase that expensive ship just by playing the game. But I suppose Cloud Imperium haven't bothered marketing Star Citizen with the entry-level package because - as we can see from the current total of $77 million in crowdfunding - they don't need to
  2. Yeah, there are only three official figures for muzzle velocity in Macross; the VF-0 Phoenix GPU-9 (1,100 m/s), the Defender 78 mm guns (3,300 m/s) and the SSL-9B Sniper Rifle (6,200 m/s to 7,490 ms in space). So you can imagine basically any figure you want. But like I said, personally, 5,980 m/s for the GU-11 throws all the official figures all out of whack. At that velocity, there's really no room for improvement to ANY other gun pod for the next 50 years of technological advancement AND what the hell is even the point of the sniper rifle if the GU-11 is just as good? It'd also be rather odd for there to be such a massive gulf in performance between the GPU-9 and the GU-11, which - if we used the VFMF figure - is currently only 900 m/s difference.
  3. I believe the Sky Angels muzzle velocity figure for the GU-11 was debunked about the same time as the book was published, since official trivia for SDFM printed muzzle velocities FAR below that crazy figure. For example, the 78 mm high-speed automatic cannons of the MBR-04-Mk X Destroid Defender have an official muzzle velocity of 3,300 m/s...seems highly unlikely a dedicated long-range projectile platform like the Defender would have weapons with an inferior muzzle velocity to a VF-1 gun pod if that particular Sky Angels figure were to be believed. It would also be rather ridiculous for the GU-11 gun pod to have a muzzle velocity of 5,980 m/s if the VF-25G Messiah's best long range dedicated sniper rilfe some 50 years later only managed to achieve 6,200 m/s In the Variable Fighter Master File: VF-1 Valkyrie Vol.1 page 52, the GU-11 Gun Pod for the VF-1 Valkyrie is rated with a muzzle velocity of 2,000 m/s. In the Variable Fighter Master File: VF-19 Excalibur page 71, the Howard GU-15 Gun Pod for the YF-19 is rated with a muzzle velocity of 4,000 m/s. These figures fit a lot better into the established official muzzle velocities of the Macross mecha, from 2009 all the way to 2059. And at 2,000 m/s, that still gives the GU-11 an astounding 4.86 MJ per round, or 97 MJ per second, making it eight times more destructive than the best tank cannon we currently have. So yeah, that's a BIG bada-boom
  4. It's a true bromance When I grow up, I wanna be just like Seto!
  5. Very nice work!
  6. I was looking online for VF-4 images and came across a blog describing the reissued 1/72 Resin VF-4 Lightning III model kit from Flashback 2012, based off the old and very rare Musasiya kit. The old Musasiya kit featured some printed drawn line art of the VF-4 that I've still never seen reprinted in any Macross book since. Naturally, I'd kill to get a hold of it. So I was curious, does the Hobby Shop Depot reissue include any of that old line art of the VF-4 from the Musasiya kit? For reference, I've attached pictures of the art I'm looking for.
  7. WIth all due appreciation to Seto for hosting the Macross Mecha Manual for the last 4 years, the website is mine (as stated in the FAQ). It's a one-man all-Mr March show for which I am the sole person managing the site and building all it's content. Any criticisms, corrections or questions are directed to me. I do indeed believe the VF-5000's debut (fighter mode) was in the This is Animation Special Macross Plus, but if it's not, that would be my fault A note about non-transformable VFs... Unless I'm mistaken, I think there was only ever one non-transformable VF, and that was the VF-X, which was a fighter-only prototype for what was planned to be - and of course DID become - the fully variable VF-1 fighter. It's also kind of an oxymoron for a VF (VARIABLE FIGHTER) to be non-variable, hehehehe I believe the only reason a VF would be non-variable is for real life production reasons; meaning, Big West has not yet paid Kawamori to sit down to draw the other modes. The VF-4 Lightning III was always a variable fighter and was always described as such in the offical literature. But it is true the Battroid and Gerwalk modes were not drawn until some years later (or simply not released?). So perhaps some overzealous writers decided they were non-variable because no one had produced any artwork for it. Interesting trivia, I think there was a VF-4 Battroid mode drawn for a video game before the actual Battroid drawn art was released. Can't seem to find a picture online, but it's hanging around somewhere.
  8. Not really about the music, but I have to agree that Sheryl was by far the most compelling character in Macross Frontier. She had a really great dramatic arc and almost whatever was happening with her story was interesting nearly the entire series.
  9. I'm not sure how it works. I think you can play the game, but you have to pay to get a ship. I'm not sure how the full game will work. Packages can be really cheap or they can be really expensive, depending upon how much you want to spend.
  10. Yes, I'm playing the limited modes they have for now. I've downloaded the Arena thing they released about 5-6 months back. Haven't touched it recently, but I'm totally on board with the game. I purchased a ship package about a year ago, a Ghost Hornet 7C or something. I've got a few friends that are into it as well and we'll be playing as a group come release. THink I'm going to stick with that until the actual game is released before buying anything else. Not into spending hundreds of dollars until I know this is something I'm going to want to spend lots of hours playing.
  11. Very much agree with Rodavan. Make sure to forge your own path and design your VF-1 with the proportion compromises you prefer. Only the Frontier mecha were designed with accurate proportions, so any VF-1 model is going to be an interpretation, even the "official" models in things like the Variable Fighter Master File pictures.
  12. GuardianGrey No apology needed. I just wanted to let everyone know the Master List is not a prioritized feature, so visitors should know where to look instead. Since folks are still using the Master List, I will make an attempt to update it for the next website update. No promises, but I'll try. Yes, dozens of visitors emailed me asking for a Master List page. Also, many of the forum members here on MW requested it as well. It wasn't a bad idea at first. I didn't really mind at the time. For me, it was never useful. But if I dismiss my own bias and "unhealthy" familiarity with Macross Mecha ( ), I can see the value of the Master List for the average fan. I think at the very least we can admit the Valkyries all listed in numbered order is a rather convenient reference. I just find the Master List has become somewhat of a pain in the ass now that it's so big. I think there are now something like 300+ profiles on the M3. Editing the Master List to ensure each profile is included, that they are all updated/corrected with proper names, that the directories/html are accruate when name changes occur...it's just extra administrative work. Time I'd rather spend building content.
  13. Mission accomplished!
  14. The Auerstadt Submarine Aircraft Carrier is listed on the Master List of Macross Mecha (under enemy ships) as are all the SV-51 variable fighters (under valkyries, near the top). I've been previously informed the Octos is missing from the list, but that has since been corrected and will appear in the next update (along with a whole lot more). A note about the Master List: I built the page due to many visitor requests, since folks expressed difficulty remembering in which Macross production each mecha appeared. Initially, the list was managable when it was relatively small, but once the Macross 7 and Macross Frontier mecha libraries were added, the list became quite a burden. While I try to update/maintain the list as best I can, please understand it's not a priority. I would always recommend visiting the individual sections of the site for the most accurate listing of vehicles, mecha and ships.
  15. Welcome back! Great to see you again. Art is looking phenomenal, as always.
  16. It's been around for a while. It's a good short, a very interesting merging of old and new special effects. But why I really like this short film is because it's a reminder why we can't go back, speaking in terms of filmmaking and effects. It shows the absolute pinnacle you could achieve using these old techniques, but they can't go beyond that. My 10 year-old self would have killed for something like this back in the day, but I'm really glad I didn't have to watch the new Godzilla like this
  17. I think the intention for the Variable FIghter Master File books is to simply feature content, not include specific squadrons from the video games. The VFMF books also don't reprint any of the existing squadrons from other books, such as those VF-1, VF-4, VF-5000, VA-3, VF-17, YF-19 and YF-21 squadron markings from This Is Animation Special Macross Plus. I suspect most folks buying the book would prefer to see new stuff. I don't own the VFMF "Squadrons" book, so perhaps some VF-1 stuff is reprinted in there?
  18. If it makes you feel any better, most blogs I go to now have finally stopped linking to that site.
  19. *scream in Engrish* "Aprils Fooled Attack!" Love it
  20. Brilliant! It's gold alright....COMEDY gold
  21. I really like the character design and art style in this book. Nice to see some VF-171 schematics too. Are their any blank ,uncolored versions of the VF-171 schematics?
  22. The YF-24 Evolution and VF-25 Messiah definitely draw inspiration from existing real-world aircraft. It's been stated via his interviews that Kawamori only wanted to move away from the dominant style of "passive stealth silhouettes" of most modern jet fighter craft. Personally, I think anything that evokes the PAK FA is a win. I love that fighter
  23. Mr March

    Qaud Candy

    Make it as big as possible. That way it's the gift that keeps on giving once I upgrade to 4K
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