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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. Next season sounds great! Punisher vs. Daredevil. http://www.slashfilm.com/daredevil-vs-the-punisher/ I hope it's as good as the first season.
  2. Fair enough. I will admit there were some fragments of the Macross backstory introduced in Macross 7 that could possibly be written into something interesting. For me, I think it's more fruitful to simply create something more interesting right out of the gate.
  3. I would not be interested in a story about the Supervision Army told in Macross Delta. However, I think I can explain my interest in that aspect of the Macross fiction in a context that might help folks like Graham understand why some fans would want to see such a story. I remember when I first watched SDF Macross as a child, I was blown away (at the time) by what I thought was a very sophisticated narrative. Part of that sophistication was the extensive backstory detailing a great galactic history, which provided context for the future history where the TV series would be set. There were numerous interesting histories; the Protoculture, the Supervision Army, the ancient wars. The show introduced all these pieces of history, but when the SDF Macross series was done, I was hungry for more Macross. My imagination was fired up and I started thinking about the world of Macross, daydreaming about the Protoculture, the Supervision Army and wondering what they would be like. Those daydreams stayed with me a long time and I began to think they would make for a great story. Macross 7 was a failure for me, so I felt It wasted the potential of the Protoculture and the Supervision Army for what amounted to be very disposable villains of the week. The ancient history of the Macross universe was terribly uninteresting when realized in Macross 7. For some fans, they liked what Macross 7 did for the Protoculture/Supervision Army and were thus content. For some fans, they were never compelled by the ancient history in SDF Macross or Macross 7 at all. But for me, those daydreams of the ancient Macross history persisted as did my desire to see a TV series about those stories. Some years later as an older and more savy viewer, I re-examined the SDF Macross history and realized my younger self was far more impressed with it all than who I had become. I realized the backstory of SDF Macross was just that; backstory. Rich enough to provide context and gravitas for SDF Macross, but there was no compelling narrative in any of that ancient history. For all intents and purposes, a largely blank canvas. I had daydreamed into that ancient history far more than what was actually written by the original creators. I've no doubt someone COULD write something interesting about the ancient history of Macross. We all know that despite the wave of awful remakes/sequels/reboots we've seen in the larger entertainment market, there have been more than a few great productions we've all enjoyed. But I personally have thought for a long time now that it's just as likely - if not moreso - that a new take on Macross would be far more interesting than revisiting the ancient history of the Macross universe. Hope that helps.
  4. And so I do, most desperately
  5. If they do feature Macross Zero line art in this book, it's be ABOUT DAMNED TIME Only line art books we've had have book the SK Design Works book and the blu-ray art booklet. It's long overdue for a proper book of Macross Zero art to be released.
  6. Aren't most of the HBO TV series around 10 episodes? "The Wire" varied between 10-13 per season. "True Detective" is 8 episodes a season. "Rome" was 10-12 for two seasons. "Deadwood" was 12 episodes for each of it's three seasons. Game of Thrones is pretty much the norm.
  7. EXO I'd tend to agree, but my film experience keeps telling me they pulled away from Stannis' "final" moment for a reason. xrentonx The Starks fit that traditional protagonist mold, so it's difficult for us viewers - after a lifetime of bombardment from these kinds of stories - not to instantly accept and relate to them because they are likeable. That being said, they made no secret of the fact that Ned was way out of his depth politically at Kings Landing and it was clear he was going to end up in trouble. The Arya story line is both thrilling and extremely depressing to me. As a fan of great fiction, I am finding her journey incredibly compelling, even moreso because of her gender. And the nature of her vengeance, especially coming from such a young person, is very daring storytelling. But I can't deny my parental instincts really come to the surface whenever I see Arya on screen. I never wanted this kind of life for her. The more we see her descend into this wicked world of vengeance, death, assassination and deception, the more saddened I am for the tale of her life. The world is so wrong, it's crafting this child into a brutal killer. I can see so many parallels between Arya and real life hitmen, assassins, serial killers, gun men, and other such people.
  8. Agreed, we don't yet know for sure that Stannis is dead. More may come next season. Overall, I liked this season, and those last three episodes were amazing, especially "Hardhome". However, I think I have to echo at least some of the criticisms that this season was a little weak compared to what we're used to. As the TV series goes through more and more seasons, Benioff and Weiss seem to be having a real difficult time turning their abbreviated version of the books into a tight story. The first few seasons seemed to benefit from a structure that made good use of the characters and each of the stories had interesting narratives at an enjoyable pace. But much like Martin's own later books in the series, the showrunners seem to have problems properly utilizing the concurrent stories in a way that doesn't make them feel like we're treading water. In spite of having the option to exclude a lot of the extraneous material the some say plague the later books, the show is being run as if there's too much time available in the ten episodes and they are having trouble filling it. I mean, so much of this season could have been excluded or not even written, allowing time for other more pertinent storylines. For example, I feel Arya's story line this season has been one of the reasons 5th season has been weaker than others. Perhaps books readers are getting more out of this story than a viewer like myself (I've only read the first two books), but from a TV series viewpoint this story is far too listless and way to obfuscated to make it compelling. The finale in the house of the many-faced god was great, but most of this season was a struggle to be at all interested in what was happening because far too little of it made any sense. That mystery is clearly intentional, but our lack of any context for what's happening there makes for poor viewing. I also felt the entire Dorne storyline was a rather serious waste of time. It was a lot of watertreading and setup for what was again a great finale moment, but also too much of nothing happening for most of the season. In spite of some great performances, I never felt compelled by anything that was happening in Dorne. It was especially disappointing because Prince Oberyn in season 4 was an amazing ambassador for Dorne. His introduction felt like the tip of a much greater iceberg. But sadly, Oberyn has been by far the most interesting thing about Dorne and he's been dead for an entire season now I guess this comes across as complaining, but I've only the high quality of the first 4 seasons to blame for being critical of what comes next. Even at it's worst, this show is still one of the most compelling series I've ever watched and it doesn't show any signs of stopping, maybe only slowing down a little
  9. Yeah, his work has been phenomenal. I love his Aliens score and the Trek scores, but he had a lot of some great compositions, even for bad movies or little known films. His score for "Krull" is incredible in spite of the film. And the score for "In The Name of The Rose" is also a notable and haunting piece. I actually just rewatched the old Jack Ryan films and while both the films themselves and the scores are a bit dated, I can't deny I like the music. I've also been enjoying his more recent work as well, including Apocalypto. It's sad to hear he's gone. A fond farewell to a life-long talent.
  10. Well, this is a game initially designed for the PS3 that was then re-developed for the PS4. So the legacy look of some of the visuals is probably unavoidable. I think a game designed by Ueda and Co. might actually benefit from a graphical engine that is a little dated. Both of their first two games were overly ambitious for the platform upon which they were released and suffered some performance issues as a result. If the graphics are toned down a little, the gameplay will probably benefit. But like I said, "for me" I think this is the killer app that entices me to purchase the PS4.
  11. Yeah, this will definitely be the killer app that makes me purchase a PlayStation 4.
  12. A VERY interesting read. I hope their desire to sell to western audiences is more than just placating an enthusiast western interviewer.
  13. Yes, that's the one I was talking about. It's the only extended ammunition I've ever seen for the Destroid Defender. Don't know what the VF-1 with separated leg/engines and Super/FAST boosters is supposed to be, but that's also Macross Perfect Memory.
  14. I don't believe the large capacity ammunition drums were ever animated, so that would make them "scribble" only The line art for the large drums comes from the book Macross Perfect Memory, which was published over a year before DYRL? was released, so this was definitely a SDF Macross-era creation.
  15. I could have swore we had a topic for The Last Guardian (aka Hitokui no ÅŒwashi Trico, "Trico, the man-eating eagle"), but I can't find it. So, E3 this year has been something special - at least for me - because it felt as if The Last Guardian was long dead and I had let it go. For those who don't know, Guardian is the follow from the creative team that made Ico and it's semi-successor Shadow of the Colossus. The Last Guardian was originally intended for the PlayStation 3 but was dormant or believed to be a dead project after many years of not hearing any news. But now big news has been released at E3 and the game has been set for the PlayStation 4. http://www.polygon.com/2015/6/18/8801679/the-last-guardian-ps4-development-history-shuhei-yoshida I am so happy to hear this news. I thought this was long sicne vapourware, but this news is not only goo, it manages to instill enthusiasm into the fans once again. I watch this video and all the right heart strings are being pulled. Everything that made the other Team Ico games great is all here. The technology looks amazing and as always, the unique visual style of the game evokes that same sense of wonder. It's good to see this game again.
  16. Great actor that delivered a lot of memorable performances. One helluva interesting life he lead. Sad to see him go
  17. Yeah, those are some great pieces.
  18. Just to note, my coloring of the VF-22S Sturmvogel II Milia posted in this thread above may not accurately reflect the true color of the craft. Still trying to get HD screen captures of the Macross 7 series to update some of the mecha. The Macross Chronicle does color this version much lighter than the red I currently have. Yeah, it is kinda like the pastel David doesn't like, I'm sorry to say. But even if I have to change it, I can always post this one on my site in the fan section for those that really like it. I'm cool with that.
  19. THis may be the first piece of good news I've ever read about the live action adaptation. Still not excited for this, but it is a rather interesting train wreck of a pre-production film. Makes for fun reading
  20. It's an interesting choice. He's been good in Wolf of Wall Street and Walking Dead. It's certainly a different kind of look for Castle than we've seen in previous casting. I'm more concerned about how they are going to write Punisher, as that's pretty much always been the problem for the character in virtually all live action adaptations to date.
  21. Don't believe so. It's kinda ridiculous. But in defense of the scene, I think that sequence was meant more to show how "overwhelmed" the UN Spacy forces were by the sheer number of Meltrandi. It wasn't meant as a show case for the incredible anti-ship firepower of the Q-Rau. It should be noted that the Zentradi weapons always were heavier firepower than the UN Spacy equivalents, especially when it comes to beam weapons. Pit enough of them against a ship and they are gonna be lethal. Also, the UN Spacy ships are not a 1,200 meter long SDF-1 Macross or a 4,000 meter long Zentradi Fleet Command Ship. The Guantanamo Carrier and Northampton Frigate are small craft, 352 meters and 252 meters respectively.
  22. Au contraire, I actually defend the FF film series. But only for what the series is. As I've written before, the Fast and Furious films are some of the best of their ilk; the big, fun, stupid, disposable summer action flick. And they epitomize standard Hollywood action filmmaking. No risks, standard action set pieces, easily digestable, giving you exactly what you want without any art. I couldn't ask for a better fit for Robotech. At least with Wan at the helm, the Robotech film might be a dumb fun distraction like the FF films. But it won't be anything memorable and - if they really must make this film - that's what I'd want for Robotech
  23. Choo, choo! Seems like a similar release date to the last series. Maybe we might get an advance episode in December
  24. Perfect. Wan is great at directing disposable, melodramatic box office fluff that is forgotten a month after it's released. I couldn't have hoped for a more ideal marriage of IP and director. Please hire Damon Lindelof to write Robotech. Let that come to pass
  25. Now that looks really good. Like the colors and details. MOAR BEER!
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