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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. Not that I can tell. Some similar sequences have funny gags or references, but doesn't seem to be the case with this one.
  2. I love the worn label on the side. Very nice work!
  3. Macross With Attitude!
  4. stray Mostly all the writing around the Galactic Parallel Thought Network Plan. The anime itself seemed to eschew any development of these story elements for "infer from how the plot plays out". It's just not present in any significant way in the series to lend dramatic gravitas to either Grace or the Macross Galaxy. Watching the series I felt far more confused than tense, unable to generate a sense of dread because the palyers, the reasons and the motives behind all these machinations seemed so ill-defined. I never understood Grace at all until reading the Chronicle trivia.
  5. I feel if they are going to do that - or feature any kind of plot that entails political/military subterfuge - it would have to be showcased far more in the episode scripts and demand a more significant portion of the story development. What was told of the Macross Galaxy, the leaders, the cyborgs and all that was almost completely absent from the Macross Frontier series itself. I know I didn't make much sense of it all until the Macross Chronicle began documenting everything. It has to be on-screen, not implied or inferred, especially if they want such a plot thread to have any dramatic weight. Otherwise, it feels like an underwritten annoyance to the viewer or at worst, a gaping plot hole.
  6. I must admit Beltane70, that's such a small one it's hard to notice. But it does acknowledge the rather absurd nature of the Macross bridge designs Here's a slightly better scan
  7. Damn, this is bad news. All the in-depth talk about the film so far seems to confirm that director Trank and the Studio were not on the same page for this film. If it can't reach that sweet spot between the creative skills of the director and the mainstream needs of the studio, it was doomed (chortle) to failure. This is so sad, because the talent in this film both in front of and behind the camera is astounding. This should have been a great film. What a shame
  8. Wow, I've been gung ho for this film for a long time, but that trailer was kinda underwhelming. It really showcased a lot of the more base, crude and unimaginative humor while ditching all the cleverly crass and witty humor that's been really selling the character so far. And that dick-in-mouth joke...do they really think that's considered funny today? I don't know, the test reel and the teaser were funny and entertaining, but this trailer makes the movie look like a raunchy superhero sex comedy with dated, 50-year old writing. Starting to get concerned here
  9. Very nice work!
  10. If I recall correctly, that line art is from This Is Animation Series #11: Macross Do You Remember Love?. Always good for a laugh
  11. LOL! This just keeps looking better and better. I really hope this is the smash hit that I want it to be. Both as someone who loves movies and thinks it's high time Reynolds was given his due.
  12. I'm with Mommar on this. We've been down this road more times than I can count; the product that's WIP and will come out way better than we're all lead to beleive, only it almost never does. Although I will diagree somewhat and say that I beleive it is the "fans" who are painting this situation as an ultimatum, not the company releasing the product. I think the fan passion is good intentioned, but I don't subscribe to that pitch. As I said, I would much rather donate for a version 2.0 rather than purchase something I don't want, but that's not legal Which kinda is at the heart of the matter. In a vacuum and at another time, this VF-2SS toy would have been great. But they have to compete in the current market, with everything that's been released in the last decade in this industry. It's not easy, it's not fair sometimes to a small company, but that's the reality of the market. Maybe, I could buy one and then sell it on auction. That way the primary market is served, the secondary market gets one into the hands of a consumer that wasn't going to buy at retail anyway and it kinda works like a donation
  13. I love the costume, but the cowl is definitely something the could be improved. i'm also hoping that piece recieves a redesign for second season. it would actually be a welcome change if they went "simpler" with the mask rather than more complex. His makeshift costume, while not practical, did have a certain potent aesthetic. Something like it, but a little more formal, functional and designed could be really cool, even if it is a visual departure from the comic book.
  14. Yeah, it's definitely been talked about. But I believe the forward swept wing was something many governments were experimenting with at the time. The X-29 is pictured specifically in the book This Is Animation The Select Macross Plus Movie Edition (1995), so I think that was the most direct influence on the YF-19.
  15. More recognition for Macross is always a good thing, within the industry or about the world at large. Great news.
  16. Good to see new pictures. Still really pricy for what it is. Too bad I couldn't just donate some money to ET so that they'd produce version 2.0.
  17. Saw this on Slashfilm and figured it was worth sharing http://www.slashfilm.com/monster-hunt-trailer/
  18. Kinda like that. But that's very Yoko Kanno-centric. Remembering the thread it was broad, more general in scope for all anime and genres of music. And it wasn't just excessively critical, more like music that ranged from "some shared motifs" to directly "inspired by" to "outright theft" kinda thing. There was a bit of Macross in there (yes, some of Kanno's stuff was mentioned), but it was all over. I've searched but I can't seem to find the thread. But I found this page, which covers some of the same things. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/SuspiciouslySimilarSong/Anime Kinda cool.
  19. Very nice work. I like that you even illuminated the forward lights on the lower thighs
  20. If you love and listen to a lot of music, you may recognize quite a bit of "music mining" in Japanese pop music. I remember a long time ago there was a thread on another anime board (maybe ANN?) that collected a bunch of lifted melodies or borrowed arrangements from songs outside of Japan that found their way into anime scores and soundtracks. It was amazing to hear the two, often compared with YouTube videos. Some may have been just happenstance, but others were wholesale copying, especially given the time frames and styles evoked by the music in their respective era. The list was eclectic, from Journey and Pet Shop Boys to the likes of Blink 182 and the even the soundtrack for Stanley Kubrick's Barry Lyndon! I remember specifically two tracks in the Cowboy Bebop soundtracks were lifted entirely from Lunatic Calm and Pink Floyd
  21. Oh, I read this whole thread. I contributed to the Indiegogo campaign. I wasn't aware you could still contribute to the kickstarter anyway, because it appears it's done..
  22. Guess I missed this the first time around, but I'm game for it. Contribution made. Thanks for the heads up!
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