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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. I think we talked about the Sky Angels stuff, but the VF-2SS engine power output is news to me. Nonetheless, thanks for letting me know. I've added this trivia (along with the citation for the sources) to the VF-2SS profiles. It will be in the next update for the M3. Wish more official power ratings were given for the valkyries. I'd be curious to know how much power the newest engines generate.
  2. As far as official numbers, the only power rating ever given to a variable fighter was for the VF-1 Valkyrie (being 650 MW per engine). Sadly, none of the other valkyrie engines have featured a power generation figure, including the MII mecha. At best, fans might try to extrapolate the engine power rating by comparing any VF with a known engine "thrust" rating to the VF-1 engines and adjusting "proportionally". But that's making a lot of assumptions not the least of which is that there is a perfectly identical proportional relationship between power generation and thrust for all VF engines. At the very least, you could strongly argue that the VF engines in each successive generation all producte more power than the VF-1 Valkyrie engines
  3. Fair enough. I trust a lot of the blogs and site I go to because I frequent them and know well their likes and dislikes. They have similar tastes and they are typically honest with themselves. Sometimes they can be overly critical, but I'd rather err on that side of the equation than give IGN the time of day. I think timing is everything when it comes to most popular entertainment. One reason why Mad Max may be suffering more unjustified criticism beyond other contemporaries could simply be timing. if it had been released a year ago, it might not have seemed as tired and familiar to the up-to-date game reviewers as it does today. One thing folks like you and I have to always take into consideration is our lack of exposure compared to most game reviewers, who play something different virtually every week. This is the same problem i have explaining my tastes in film to the average person. It's not being a "hipster" to claim you were familiar with a trend before it got absorbed into a mainstream Michael Bay film; you simply are a vicitim of exposure, forcibly more familiar with the lastest and most exciting trends because you watch way more movies than the average person. A occupational hazard, if you will I think the game is worth giving a shot, but I admit I'm a little worried and saddened by the response so far. i'll find out this weekend for sure when i hang out with my buddy; we're supposed to play some. I hope it's better than the word of mouth to this point.
  4. I'm sorry, I'm just not on this anti-critic bandwagon that is so popular these days. It was fine in the 1995-2005 era when the internet HAD to establish it's own legitimacy. But now every angry internet geek posts "review" videos or blogs simply to force consensus. Consensus champions mediocrity. There is no shortage of games out there for that. They're not for me. From what I'm seeing and reading so far, Mad Max is nowhere near what Shadows of Mordor is, that's why the reviews are criticising it. Mordor did distinguish itself, with it's core game mechanic and the Nemesis system. It deserved the praise it received. To me, it sounds like Mad Max gives the consumer EXACTLY what they want...which some will say is all we can ask. What that really means is Mad Max does nothing you don't expect. Like Call of Duty. Or Battlefield. Or Terminator Genesis. Or Jurassic World. Mad Max Fury Road did almost nothing the way I expected it and gave me so much I didn't even know I wanted until I saw it! I'm sure Mad Max is a competent game if all I wanted was a compent video game. Even the negative reviews acknowledge that it is not terrible, just not enough. I need more. I expect more. I DEMAND more for the money these games cost. And thankfully if Mad Max won't offer more, there's other games out there that are more fun. I'm hoping as more is revealed about the game in more reviews I trust and as I play more of of the actual game itself, it'll be revealed as better than what's been said so far. But all the right folks are advising caution and an 8.5 IGN review is equivalent to 1 out of 5 in my book. So I'm being cautious.
  5. Now this is some serious hardcore love. Keep em coming! :wub:
  6. Incredible work. And an interesting design too. I may have to check out some of the art books for Yamato 2199.
  7. Tking22 There’s been plenty said about the game from multiple sources including Giant Bomb and even Gamespot (believe it or not). And when a shill site actually lambasts a game, I get worried. Yes, the Polygon review is the worst, but it's not fair to be that reductive of everything that was said despite the fact the reviewer clearly disliked it so much he began picking apart the little things (which we all do when we REALLY don't like something). The common criticisms from other sites hold Mad Max as very much a template video game, copied from Shadows of Mordor and Batman Arkham Knight. It’s also said it lacks enough original in its design to distinguish it. They say the Mad Max-elements of it are not enough to fill in a now very familiar video game. Mechanics are decent, just nothing special or memorable. I’m going to wait for more reviews and try some gameplay over at a friend’s place before deciding. But so far the impression is mediocre.
  8. Oh yeah, for sure. It's actually strange because I'm curious if see Kurzel's raw, hard edge for violence will translate into a mainstream, big box office property like Assassin's Creed. Or perhaps they chose Kurzel precisely for that very reason, because they wanted the film to have that edge. Either way, I'm hopinh for the sake of both films this adaptation of Macbeth turns out to be really good.
  9. Maybe. Some of the reviews have been really brutal. Gameplay videos look good, but not really "inspired". Looks like it could be a competent game, but I think it's a shame the game doesn't appear even half as exciting as the Fury Road movie. Going to wait for a bit to read and watch some more, but I'm leaning toward the disappointed side for right now.
  10. EXO and Phobos I think this is exactly the kind of film that demands to be seen in a theatre. Not just because of it's origins as a stage production or even the grand, epic scope of the drama fitting a grand screen, but because this particular film looks like a visual banquet in the best way. Nearly every frame shown in the trailer could be a painting, it's so exquisitely shot and framed. It's shot by Adam Arkapaw, who shot True Detective Season 1 and the excellent Australian crime drama Animal Kingdom. renegadeleader1 I've not seen that adaptation, but Patrick Stewart knows his Shakespeare for sure Gubaba I know the modern Hollywood abuse of re-writes lends large screenwriting teams a foul reputation, but they aren't inherently worrisome especially if the team was planned from the beginning. A Shakespeare adaptation like this could very well benefit from one person concentrating upon dialog with another staging and choreography and an editor for cohesion/structure. Something that looks this meticulous could justify it.
  11. I really have to give Mr Robot a shot. So many of my friends have been telling me it's worth checking out.
  12. Not exactly sci-fi or anime, but I figured since Macross was originally to be titled after this play of Shakespeare's, it might be worth mentioning. Also, because it looks so brutally frakking awesome HAIL MACBETH! HAIL MACBETH! I've actually seen "Snowtown", which was a truly harrowing film. Kurzel's adaptation of Macbeth seems like ripe material for a similar sensibility. In which case, we're in for a ride.
  13. I'm really surprised I found no mention of this game on MW before I posted the thread. This is like tailor-made for nostalgia fans of 1980's mecha anime and classic video games. Plus the game looks like it's doing enough new, different and innovative to justify it's existence amoung all the other retro-style games. I hope it's good because so far it looks and sounds great.
  14. Has anyone else taken a look at this new video game called Galak-Z The Dimensional? It's like a shooter but far more, with elements of Far Cry 3, Halo and a fair dose of emergent gameplay. GIant Bomb released a very good Quick Look both last year and this year. It's got a lot of great Macross-isms in the game. The visual style is also a clear callback to 1970's and 1980s sci-fi anime. They even use old visual cues from the VCR era of technology to sell the nostalgia appeal. Apparently on the PS4, but also a Steam port is coming soon according to this video. Worth taking a look for all us old-school anime fans
  15. "I'd say the resemblance is rather striking. Wouldn't you agree, Number One?"
  16. That may be one of the best explanations for the layman I've ever read about fusion. Carl Sagan and Neil DeGrasse Tyson would be proud of you JB0.
  17. Looking seriously awesome. I like the dirt and grime you'ved added to the model. Really makes it feel more real. And that leather wrinkle in the leather of the seat is killer. Well done!
  18. A rather crazy and absurd podcast in many ways, but also very interesting, insightful and funny. It was very strange to listen to these guys talk about toy collecting and what they do to collect their toys to such an extreme degree as though it was like having a cup of coffee. I suppose when you're into a hobby that far for that long, that's just second nature. It seemed just bizarre to an outsider from extreme collecting, but at the same time fascinating to learn about this world and what happens at the end of the journey. I didn't relate all that much to the collectors because I don't have any collection of anything that even approaches the level of what these guys have or had. I can fit most of the collection of stuff I own into one big box (might take two), like the one guy said at the end of the episode. What I did relate to was the guy that spoke about SHARING stuff with the fans of the world and the social aspect of the hobby, the making of friends. One of the reasons I created my fan site was to share all the beautiful art of our fandom with those that would never see all of that now rare and prohibitively expensive art. Like the one guy said, there's so much exclusivity in these fandoms it's "tragic" the vast majority of fans might never know or enjoy these parts of the fandom for the rest of their natural lives. Our fandoms began because creators/artists/businessmen wanted to share their creative entertainment for a living and then pass that torch along to the next generation. Very important message.
  19. Was wondering if someone was going to post about this news Very excitied to say the least.
  20. The VF-1 Valkyrie in the foreground may not necessarily be an "S" type variant. Remember, they are "Kakizaki type" and "Max type" VF-1A's, which are almost entirely white on the top side of the fighter mode. Don't have any information about brown squadron. HD screen captures don't show much, but seem to support the assumption that they are all "A" variants of the VF-1. Pics attached.
  21. Wow, that looks amazing. The marker style really brings it back to the old paintings the original artist did in the Macross art books.
  22. I love that sequence "Don't patronize me, sir. I invented physics. The day that apple fell on my head, was the most momentus day in the history of science." "That story is generally considered to be apocryphal." "What? How dare you!" LOL
  23. Thanks for the precise Time Index! That made it a lot easier to find. Here is an HD screen capture. i think most of them are recognizable as established Zentradi ship classes. Maybe the drawing is a little rough, but I think it mostly works.
  24. I wasn't implying that any one person was unduly criticizing Macross, just saying we should be wary of doing so when Macross is actually one of the better IPs in that creative realm. But I understand what you mean. IMO, "dated/retro" does not explain HMI/HOTAS efficiency/inefficiency in BSG. Maybe a mitigating factor to help suspend disbelief, but for me it was way too far a stretch. I'm well aware of the in-universe nature of the Galactica's un-networked computer technology, but that doesn't sufficiently explain the cockpit HMI. And a networked computer would not be needed for the space fighter craft anyway. The reason the newer Vipers were vulnerable was not their computer system, it was the software "backdoor" the Cylons installed via Number Six's industrial espionage for the past several years. Even by analog standards, those Viper cockpits were archaic, especially for a "future" space superiority fighter. Best thing I can think of is the older directors/produces of the show wanted a visual call back to that era of both the original BSG series and real world fighters of the 1970s. Understandable, but that makes it no less absurd. Many of the Macross cockpits actually feel a little too conventional despite all the fancy screens and glowing bits, but the UN Spayc has the advantage of being "near-future" instead of far-future and are clearly part of a fictional universe in which the humans are learning-along-the-way with respect to understanding OverTechnology. So it figures that you'll see a lot of 20th-21st century human understanding haphazardly applied to far-future technology from an alien race I think the sound design is something that hasn't really been emphasized enough in the newer productions like Macross Zero and Macross Frontier. That signature "buzz saw" sound of the Gun Pods from the original Macross is almost as precious to me as the lightsaber from Star Wars. But then again, one doesn't have to concentrate on sound as much in newer anime because so much more effort can be place into the visuals because of the advances in technology. Still, i miss the imagination the sound of the old Macross show instilled within me.
  25. Most of them appear to be Picket Class ships, and a few Thurvel Salans. Some appear to be those classes, yet have extra/slightly different features, probably just the typical artistic flourishes animators often place into an animated series. Trust me, when you draw the same thing over and over enough times, you welcome a little variety If you've got an episode number, I can grab you an HD screen capture, if you like.
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