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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. Not much to go on, but at least it's some news. Curious to see more.
  2. That's cute that they used both the alphanumeric designation and the craft name. Leaves no room for doubt that it's Macross
  3. Awesome. Thanks for sharing. The Babadook mostly lived up to it's reputation. While I didn't find it as effective as it's many fans, the film was very disturbing and creative with quite a few legitimate scares. It's also one of those rare films where I actually felt the jeopardy for the child, which in most movies is such a non-scare because children in most Hollywood films and TV shows are basically invincible. At least they were, until specialty cable shows like Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones came along Definitely a film I'd recommend. This is one horror film that isn't just another stupid jump-scare cash grab. Instead, it's a legitimately creep film with good characters and strong performances.
  4. I'm probably going to rewatch the series again soon. All the screen shots I've been taking for the Newbie thread is drawing me back into the series. I think it's been at least two years since I've last watched the series, possibly more, I can't exactly recall. I wonder now, how many times I've watched it? That'd be interesting to know the "times watched count" from other fans or even how often fans watch the many Macross series over time. I know some fans have told me they rewatch SDF Macross once a year, kinda like an anniversary. I'm curious now
  5. Wow, that was a well made trailer. Really good editing, sequencing and use of music dramaticly timed to the images. The way you made the trailer feels very professional, very marketable. Well done on that.
  6. As the IP owners, only Big West could have it done, subcontracted or otherwise, in any case. No one was interpreting my post as you're attempting because that's not what my post was about (which is about aspect ratios and HD transfers), until you tried hijacking it into this other, now-locked topic. If that topic is locked, do what any other member does; post your own topic rather than trying to drag my unrelated post through the mud for your own purposes.
  7. Zinjwitter I'm using 720p because it saves space, so maybe the 1080 has finer detail. It's Episode 2, but sadly I don't have a time stamp anymore. It's during the sequence when Roy is returning from battle, so it's at least a third of the way into the episode. Primus1X Just go with Variable Vehicle. I think you're putting more thought into it than the original writers, so there's no need to worry about getting the name right because they weren't worried I think you'll find that many of the "designations" they use in the official Macross trivia are specifically vague because they are needed to describe a large number of different vehicles. Often terms like "Variable Vehicle" or "Mobile Weapon" are used to describe any vehicle that isn't easily categorized with a conventional designation. When terms like "Fighter", "Tank", "Shuttle" and the like don't accurately describe what the vehicle is, they use "Variable Whatever" or "Mobile Weapon" to describe it. If you want to be specific, the next update to my website has a list of the variable types I've managed to note. I'll post it here for your reference:
  8. Since we have no way of ever knowing which production studio Big West would choose were it to engage in this highly improbable and non-existent extended/re-animation of the SDF Macross series, my original post stands just fine as is. Leave the posts another topic in the other topic where they belong, instead of co-opting mine as if they were wrong, thank you.
  9. I've been asked to post under the assumption this isn't a troll. So I'll give it a one-time attempt, but I'm out it becomes an argument. Paladinrja, I think the problem is that you've put together a theory of the Zentradi and Meltrandi without access to - or knowledge of - the same official Macross trivia used by everyone else. Since you're unaware of that trivia, it feels like a debate about "factoids", but what you are being told is not frivolous nor irrelevant. This literally IS the official trivia for Macross, as told in both the animated productions and published works. Some of your theory will be invalid because we already have an official answer for what you've speculated about. Also, your topic wasn't presented as "fan speculation" but as a cogent theory. So naturally, the knowledgable folks were put off. Perhaps take this opportunity to learn more of Macross rather than dismissing what's being posted because this thread has become an "internet argument".
  10. "Variable" (Fighter/Attacker/Bomber/Vehicle/Glaug) is the only consistent designation I've read for transformable vehicles as written in the trivia. They do use the term "transform/tranforming" in the official literature, but I don't think in any official capacity as a designated technology, only to describe the process of converting form one mode to another.
  11. Oh, if that's what you actually meant about the aspect ratio, than that's fine. That wasn't what was coming across in your posts To add to JB0's reply, SDF Macross was drawn/created in a 4:3 aspect ratio and not for any other format. The animation process is such that there is no extra painting or animated material (at least, not in any significant form) outside that 4:3 frame from which to build a widescreen version. This is not a case like live action film, where widescreen cameras were used to shoot a particular production and then edited for 4:3 after the fact. The best example of that would be HBO's series The Wire, which was a 4:3 show as per the creator's wishes, but was expanded to widescreen for the HD release using footage that was previously cut. In the case of SDF Macross, Big West would have to draw/animate additional material that doesn't currently exist outside of the 4:3 frame in order to fill a 16:9 frame for a widescreen release. Like JB0 has said, that's is not going to happen. We'd see a completely new animated rebuild of all of SDF Macross animation before we'd see something like that.
  12. Yes, the production was constrained by the mass market media of the era, for both broadcast and home video. Yet it was still made on 35mm/16mm film nonetheless, not Betamax tape (and thank gawd for that!). The state of technology at the time is irrelevant, particualrly now that those constraints no longer exist and thankfully the original was made on film. And again, the 4:3 aspect ratio makes no difference in digital resolution between SD and HD. It's just an aspect ratio, not resolution nor PPI. Like I said, that's the individual's decision to make about the objective differences between an SD product vs. an HD product. If it were another production, I might even agree with you. But this is Macross and I'm as much an enthusiast about it as one can be. Even though Macross is a very low-budget anime from the 80s, I want the BEST VERSION of that low-budget anime from the 80s. If Big West allowed it - and I could afford it - I'd purchase a complete 16mm copy of the entire series for myself and project it in my home theatre. So I could always watch the series exactly as it was made, without settling for a VHS, or a laser disk, or a DVD, or a blu-ray...not even settling for a 4k version. But the original - never better and never worse - as it was and will always be. The tragedy is not that the blu-ray isn't "worth it", it's that most of us will never see the original Macross series in it's full 16mm glory. THAT'S why there are those of us who want the best version possible and keep hoping technology will get so good that eventually we'll have the opportunity to see a truly faithful reproduction. It is a dream that I have
  13. Like I said, it all depends upon the individual's perspective. I know it's unpopular to most, but the fact of the matter is that unless you've seen SDF Macross presented in it's original 35mm/16mm, you've been watching a sub-optimal version going all the way back to the first home video format of SDFM in the 1980s. Yes, even blu-ray is a compromised format that doesn't have the resolution necessary to reproduce digitally the true PPI of the original film itself. And we won't have that for many years yet to come, even with 4k on the horizon. The original analog film for much of the entertainment we watch has an "equivalent" resolution far beyond even the digital displays we will be capable of building for the next few decades. That's why folks like me get really excited when our favorite films are released in the next greatest digital format, because each time we get to see a little more of what is originally on that developed film Now, SDF Macross on its 16mm, low budget animated film was never meant to look anywhere near something like, say Ridley Scott's Alien shot just 3 years prior. But for now - for right now - the best digital format is still lagging behind to produce a true version of our beloved anime.
  14. There is. Egan Loo's brilliant Macross Compendium covers a lot of this material. It's where 99% of us get our Macross information. WIthout it, most English-speaking Macross fans would be lost. I'm always adding to the Macrosspedia on my own website (including a massive revision/corrections update coming soon), but it's mostly mechanical/production focused to suit the content of my website. Given that Macross sites/fansites have always been in damned short supply, perhaps an motivated Macross fan could build something to fill in any gaps?
  15. There is an objective and verifiable difference in resolution between DVD and HD, aspect ratio is irrelevant. DVD is 480 lines of resolution, HD is 1080 lines. No upscaling of any DVD release is going to look as good as a genuine HD release from a new HD scan of the original film materials. An aspect ratio can be 5:3, 4:3, 2.40:1, 16:9, 16:10...it doesn't matter and has zero effect on the actual physical lines of resolution in standard definition versus high definition (or even 4 K for that matter). Now...whether or not an individual Macross fan subjectively feels HD offers enough to justify purchasing the Blu-Ray set is their own personal value judgement. Some may feel a show as old and low-tech as SDF Macross doesn't benefit "enough" from an HD release the same way far more visually accomplished entertainment from the 1980s can. Fair enough.
  16. My very first anime film. Still love Nausicaa to this day
  17. DarrinG An unexpected choice for sure. I'm not the biggest fan of the Hygog, but I love the sequence featuring this mobile suit in the Gundam 0080 OVA. I like how they animated the movement of the mecha, especially it's long arms. Dimis I can see the similarities in some ways. Amored Core has a fairly distinct style, but I can remember how many of the early armored core designs were remniscent of the YF-19 Battroid. JB0 LOL! Such a hilarious episode
  18. Wow, Jordan has come a long way since Wallace in The Wire. The guy is a beast in this film. Yep, this film is still looking good. Ryan Coogler and Michael B. Jordan together again seems like a good time at the movies.
  19. While all of us have to be aware that nostalgia can blindly carry otherwise mediocre films, I'd absolutely defend the original Robocop as a film worth critical appreciation far beyond any rose-colored love for 80's popular culture. There is a lot going on in that film and it does it all right. Not only was the character story done very effectively (sometimes, a little too graphically, lol) but it also was a great comment on the pervasive effect of technology in our lives. Verhoven in particular had an amazing talent for social and political satire, which was realized brilliantly in the original film both on a script level and visually through the news broadcasts and commercials. The film also was very acutely aware of the effect of big business on both public services and the lives of the average citizen. The urban decay of Detroit was a particularly poignant visual and storytelling parallel for the moral decay of the characters, particularly those of OCP. I'm not saying Robocop exhaustively explored these ideas, but it did more than just use them as window dressing. This kind of commentary was woven into the structure of the film and it's character stories in satisfying, substantive ways. I've done away with a lot of the popular culture from my youth because it was shallow entertainment, but Robocop is a film that despite being a product of it's era has transcended that era to be a cultural touchstone of its time. It's one of the few films from my childhood that has translated intelligently well into my adulthood. I feel films like Robocop are definitely rare exceptions to be cherished beyond just a nostalgia trip. The new Robocop (2014) film...yeah, that hasn't aged well even into this year
  20. Ignacio Ocamica Well worry not. The next update to my website includes a profile for the Junchoon, including, the Last Junchoon ODK. I had redrawn art commissioned for it and as I type this I am about about 1/3 through coloring it. Trust me, it is going to be one of the crown jewels of my website once it's done and the site updated. Check out my WIP http://www.macross2.net/m3/misc/fss-junchoon-lastodk.gif spanner76 I like that his list is diverse, with stuff from all over. I like a broad appreciation for many different types of mecha. DarrinG You should read The Majestic Stand from Vol. 12 of FSS. I heard Nagano has bascially remade the L-Gaim story in that FSS volume, but to his own liking since he was particularly unimpressed with Tomino's handling of the original I love that you included Patlabor so high in your list. The AV-98 Ingram is one of my favorite mecha of all time as well. A lot of the Patlabor stuff is really good, like the Type Zero, the Helldiver, and others. I've got those two added for the next update to my site. I see a lot of Gundam from the Zeta/CC era. I'm curious what your thoughts are on the other Gundam mecha, Federation or Zeon or why they didn't make your list. I like quite a lot of the mecha from Gundam, even right up to Gundam 00. But a lot of my favorites follow no ryhme or reason, just whatever I think looks good from whatever series. Always thought the AGX-04 Gerbera Tetra was a very underated MSG design. I'd also be curious what you think about vehicles and ships. Some of my favorite anime mechanical designs are not robots, but the vehicles and ships, even sometimes from anime you would never think as being notable for mechanical design. Vifam7 I don't care much for super robots, but I rather like Gunbuster. I've purchased a Gunbuster art book and have plans to include it as my one super robot profile for the site
  21. Interesting list, some surprising final ten rankings. I too love the Sazabi (which is why i had to include it on my website), though the rank would be too high for me. Surprised a Macross mecha didn't crack the top five I don't think I could equate my favorite mecha to the toys themselves. I feel the art itself would be my ultimate benchmark. It's certainly an ecclectic list of mecha. Though I weep for the lack of Five Star Stories and Evangelion
  22. No problem. I needed a short break from coloring (just finished up the newly revised art for the Gol Boddole Zer Class Mobile Fortress...so purty ) so a little Macross was fun. I really got into the series again. Might be time for an entire rewatch. It's been a few years The blu-rays are awesome. It's definitely the best SDF Macross can ever look.
  23. I rewatched the whole episode looking for any other shots, because I wasn't sure if the screen shot I provided was the one you were talking about. No other VF-1A CF shots showing any skull markings (or markings of any kind) were seen in the episode.
  24. Nice details. I like the horizontal vent-like sections on either side of the front hull, just before each port/starborad top gun turret. Model is pretty good.
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