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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. Great work! These are excellent pieces and very dramatic. They really help sell the action.
  2. Oh yeah, they are top quality stuff. I love their work. Very fresh and dynamic staging.
  3. skullmilitia That price - while still expensive - isn't nearly as bad as I thought. I really hope you're right and $200 is what they will charge. My wallet would be happier than if it was at $300 no3ljm I think it's great to bring back this VF-4 as well! I really missed out on the original release. I especially lamented because the reviews stated it was a really solid product. This is great news. Seto Kaiba Do it, bro! Don't pass up another opportunity to grab this one. Trust me, I've regretted missing the original release. I know you would regret this one.
  4. This is great news! I'll definitely be buying one of these, even with the inevitable steep price. Arcadia is being nice and providing some lube while you get raped at the price they'll be charging
  5. It looks very impressive. Interesting to see it modeled in 3D. It's not a bad looking fighter like this.
  6. These promo clips are just awesome. Setting the right tone, very entertaining, makes the viewer curious, and just plain fun. I'm in.
  7. That is some nice fan art. I like the look, but the nose is a little too VF-25 looking (but I suppose as a placeholder it's understandable given the lack of reference for the delta craft).
  8. Oh yes, the Zoic Studios is a favorable comparison. They've done some of the best, most innovative special effects in the last decade. I love what you're doing thus far. Unfortunately, there's a lack of good reference for the actual transformation mechanisms of the valkyries. And some reference contradicts others. The toys wouldn't necessarily be a good point of comparison, because they use extra parts that aren't in the original line art in order to make it all work. But they might give you some ideas. Arcadia is the company producing many of the Yamato-style toy nows. And Bandai is now in on a lot of the new stuff.
  9. This is most impressive. The level of detail almost looks like what one would expect from a live action adaptation of Macross, trying to make the simple hand animated mecha look like real machines through 3D animation. It's funny, but I'm almost getting a Zoic Studios-vibe from this 3D model. Like the work they did on Firefly or Battlestar Galactica Reimagined. Well done!
  10. That is rather cool. I like the more I see from the non-combat type vessels. I really want to see how the non-combat parts of the game play, if they are any fun. If they can make them work, I feel that will be one of the best selling points of the open world.
  11. Oh nice! That's certainly a different style of art in which to see Roy. I really like it!
  12. Duke Togo I don't know if these are the ONLY two threads about the subject on reddit, but they are the two of which I've only recently become aware: https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/3mi25i/60_more_textless_movie_posters_some_of_my/ https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/3lxx84/80_hires_textless_posters_some_of_my_favorites/ JB0 I lose hours scouring DeviantArt for images and building smartphone (and desktop) wallpapers. I always recommend looking there for plenty of great stuff.
  13. You're not the first person to tell me to watch it. I am very intrigued. In the film podcast/blogosphere it has quite the reputation as the gold standard for how a home video cut can turn a film around. I've not seen it yet, but given that kind of recommendation I'll definitely watch it.
  14. Definitely a "big" way to bring back this thread A fella on reddit recently made several posts showcasing film posters with all the text removed. There are dozens of them and they look amazing. Should make for good smartphone walls.
  15. Can't say either of these ideas sound particularly thrilling, but there is the chance Prometheus 2 might get right what the first got wrong. Even though many of his films have a place in my permanent collection, like Spielberg I'm wary of Scott since it's been a very long time since he's made something I've enjoyed. I'll keep reading for now, might get good.
  16. That is some seriously amazing line art. Very impressive! Do you do commissioned art?
  17. This is some great news to hear. I don't want to jump to too many conclusions or get my hopes too far up, but this sounds like a big change in both setting and scope for a Macross TV series. Possibly mostly planet-side action and maybe even less of a war story and more of a side-story. That actually makes more sense given how close this new series is to the last space-based major war in Frontier. Obviously the closest comparison would be Macross Plus (planet-based action, valkyrie-vs-valkyrie, two different aerospace design companies, etc) but fortunately I'm not getting any sense from Kawamori that he's going back to that in any other way, so this should be something different entirely. Good reason to be optimistic. Ollie! I didn't know you were a member here! I read your article posted via Facebook. A great read, well informed and very respectful of the Macross IP! Your work is very much appreciated.
  18. Oh the weirdest thing just happened reading Sildani's post; I some how thought there might be a correlation between the 35mm caliber of the VF-27 Lucifer Heavy Beam guns in those engine wing pods and the unknown caliber of "large beam guns" on the forward engine pods of the VF-4 Lightning III. We've never been provided with a caliber for those VF-4 weapons, but they look very similar in both position and design to the VF-27's weapons. Plus both are supposed to be major beam weapons for a valkyrie, either described as "heavy" or "large" respectively. So the VF-4 guns could very well be 35mm beam weapons.
  19. Oh yeah, that looks awesome. Nice work ChaoticYeti! On another board it was remarked that the feet/engines of the red Draken-like valkyrie may be laterally placed, similar to a VF-17 Nightmare I think the two large fuselage portions on either side of the craft are likely to be the legs, in which case a dual engine design would make more sense. Course, I'm still holding out hope for a single-engine design. Macross needs to have one. Or maybe what would be even better... a TRIPLE-ENGINE design
  20. I think I might prefer that the valkyries need fold boosters. Not only do Macross-style fold boosters make FTL for fighters more limited and more distinct among all science fiction than the typical Star Wars/Star Trek space craft (and as a result, more dramatically interesting), it also allows for the creation of visually interesting fold boosters as an accessory, both in-universe/in-series and as merchandising for toys and models. I've never understood the hesitation to the idea. The YF-21 Battroid mode works just fine positioning it's main engines with the back torso and deploying retracted legs stored internally when needed. And most of the battroids have a rocket pack on the rear torso to fly around in battroid mode. IMO, single engine could work just fine doing the same. Yeah, that really looks like the top of the cockpit to me, given all those red, glowing cameras/sensors. I too think a single engine valkyrie would be great, especially in the right design like this Draken-inspired craft. Though to be honest, I would really imagine that in a Draken-like craft, it would be too tempting not to make the big side fuselage portions into the legs. Doesn't discount a single engine battroid, but each left-right section having a foot at the back would be really easy to envision and build
  21. I wonder if it's even possible that red-Draken-like craft could be single-engine. THat would certainly be different.
  22. The red Saab Draken-like craft looks like an enemy craft, not only becuase of the colors but also the lack of a transparent cockpit, which has often been associated with the antagonist craft.
  23. Well, we wanted different, those certainly look quite different. They are taking the name "Delta" quite literally That top craft almost looks like a variable fighter version of a Saab Draken
  24. I remember you, Doctor. There's still some of us old-timers left I'll defintiely take a look at your page.
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