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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. This image for Macross Zero appeared in Newtype Magazine, but I don't know the issue number or the date. Anyone know the issue number and date?
  2. Nice! Good to see it coming so soon.
  3. There are some official schematics that do show the bottom of the VF-2SS Valkyrie II in fighter mode (with the SAP attached).
  4. Yay! Preorder made. Thank you abbadon!
  5. I think its well within the realm of possibility (and more importantly, "capability") that the head cannons on the VF-1 valkyrie are telescoping or retractable/extendable. They wouldn't even need to go that far; a retraction of less than 1/2 a meter is all that would be required for clearance. logan_4600 As EXO mentioned, that figure in the top right hand corner of the first image in my post is the base of the top-rear vertical stabilizers, when folding for transformation or storage.
  6. Awesome picture. Never seen that one before.
  7. I don't recall seeing much reference for that particular part of the VF-1. The attached images are pretty much all I have.
  8. I'd listen carefully to grigolosi, he's on the right track. Though this transformation guide from the VFMF book has some good stuff, it does have some things wrong, most specifically scale. The landing gear are way too large, especially accounting for the official Shoji Kawamori schematics. I've attached an image that shows the VF-1 Schematic FRONT TIRES and they are much smaller, as grigolosi has said. As stated, that forward gear bay is taking up a more space than it would. spanner76 The VFMF books are lots of fun and they do contain trivia about aspects of the Macross valkyries that have never been detailed in the official trivia. But we do have to be careful when accepting information within their pages since the disclaimer in each book specifically states they are not official continuity. As long as the individual pieces of trivia within the VFMF books don't contradict anything official, they do serve as a good guide for the Macross universe. I'd say this transformation guide does suffer some problems and it's problems with scale do preclude the diagram from being official, but I will agree it does show a lot we don't see and makes a lot of sense of the transformation mechanisms despite a few exaggerations. Aurel Tristen The Variable FIghter Master File books are indeed legitimate official Macross products. I think you may be able to find them cheaper than the link you've posted. They are filled with a lot of great images, cross-sections and schematics. Now, the "accuracy" of those images my be debatable (espeically amoung the more artistically skilled fan artists we have on the forums) but they are well worth investing to give you ideas and reference.
  9. Great news about the price (proportionally speaking in context for these types of toys, of course). A truly welcome relief. Doubt I'll be able to swing the exclusive to grab a second GU-11 Gun Pod, but maybe I might get lucky.
  10. Amazing trailer. Just like Daredevil, I feel every time they release new adverts this show looks better and better. I think Krysten Ritter has charisma to burn. She's one of those actors that has the amazing x-factor the just draws you in. You're not quite sure whats going on in there, but you want to. I think this is perfect casting for Jessica Jones.
  11. This transformation diagram is from the Variable Fighter Master File VF-1 Valkyrie Vol. 2 Space Wings, but remember, these Master File books are not necessarily official continuity. They have the disclaimer. I've scanned a better version, attached here.
  12. Looking damned sexy!
  13. To be fair. there were a lot of folks that recognized the Star Wars-ish character and story similarities with Trek (2009) ever since that film was released. But I don't think SOME folks realized/recognized the VISUAL similarities between Star Wars and Trek (2009) until they started watching Abrams do ACTUAL Star Wars movies.
  14. If I understand the chronology (bear with me)... It's because when JJ Abrams made the first Star Trek (2009) there was talk that his version of Warp Speed was kinda Star Wars-ish (with some Zoic Studio's style documentary camera shake thrown in) Now, two Trek films in and another on the way, the Abrams Warp has become the established Warp effect, the established modern "Trek" Abrams is now able to make Star Wars like he always wanted, hence folks have retroactively noticed how Star Wars-ish he made Trek (2009) Hence, folks complain now that the new Star Wars hyperspace travel is "too Trek" Basically, people have a very short memory
  15. Solid trailer. Lots of good stuff to speculate about. I'm really happy to see some attention to detail with the ship combat. I'm still hoping for some more insight into the character stories but I guess a lot of that would entail spoilers.
  16. "Just like beggars Canyon back home"
  17. I've often thought that given the incredible fan love and popularity for the original VF-1 Valkyrie that similar designed VFs would be the obvious choices once the major stuff had been exhausted. Because the VF-1 is the major economic draw, anything like it would likely sell better? I would think stuff like the VF-3000 Crusader or the VF-2SS Valkyrie II would be the safest choices given how VF-1-like they are.
  18. Some of us are fans of the Battroid mode too. The VF-4 is beloved
  19. Oh wow, really nice matching colors. That looks great!
  20. Ah yes, the VF-4 uses a hand held beam gun pod, not a GU-11 gun pod. My mistake. But it wasn't VF-X, it was Eternal Love Song. neoexcaliber Well, I guess that solves that But still, it looks like one can easily arm it with the Arcadia VF-1 plastic gun given the scale.
  21. On the subject of durability, how is this VF-2SS toy being perceived? We've already read the criticisms about how it looks or fits together, but does this look like it will be a solid product? I think it might. Plenty of the old toys might have looked a bit clunky, but they fit together rather well. Some of my old Yammies from way back looked similar to the VF-2SS and they stayed together really well in their various modes. This might surprise in the durability and fit departments. no3ljm Oh yeah, that's been the prevailing opinion for sure. I just watched a VF-4G video again and the thing just stands so strong in all modes. Looks tight in most of the joints. I'm definitely pre-ordering. ArchieNov Ah, I think the words might be the issue. I own an Arcadia VF-1S Valkyrie and it's by far the benchmark for what I consider the "high quality/high end collectible transformable", but I still don't consider it a "play toy". Some may categorize the different Yamato, Bandai and Arcadia toys as such, but I don't think of them that way. So for me, the VF-4G sounded like a truly solid, durable transforming toy, for what is a high quality/high end collectible aimed at an adult market. And don't worry, one reservation won't turn me off this baby. I've almost positive when i buy it it will be one of my favorites.
  22. I recall the reviews and videos I watched about the Yamato release as many stating it was one of the more solid and durable of the Macross transformables. If you're saying that's not the case, that is disappointing. But I'll take the chance.
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