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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. I'm a fan of similar shows and for me, Gundam 0080 War in the Pocket (a 6-episode OVA) was what made me fall in love with Gundam. Just be warned it's more drama than mecha action (much like Macross Plus), but it's an absolutely amazing Gundam production. It's also short enough that it's not much of a burden. If you'd like something a little more modern, I loved the first season of Gundam 00. The second season not so much, but the first season comes to a satisfying finale, so you don't have to go on if you don't want to. I've rewatched it and enjoyed it standalone. Lots of mecha action, fun characters, great mechanical design, excellent animation and entertaining music. All around great time. I'd also recommend Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team. A solid 12 episodes filled with some great entertainment and honestly, some of THE best mecha action I've ever seen in any anime.
  2. Hopefully it'll get a little more noteriety after the monster marketing for the Triple A's die down.
  3. I figured folks would love to see these shots. As soon as I saw these sequences in HD I knew they were worth posting.
  4. Love the Destroid Tomahawk. You did great work! Glad to see the destroids getting some love. Some of the best and most underrated designs of Macross.
  5. On sale for 20% off. Not a huge sale, but just enough to convince me to buy it. Yeah, I too am very shocked this game isn't a HUGE buzz around here. It's Macross, it's 80's video gaming, it's got the style and animation this crowd raves about, and the gameplay looks tight. Hell, i don't know why Transformers Devastation isn't just making everyone around here go nuts. THat's a game tailored for the DNA of most MW members.
  6. The proportions of the VF-1D variant appear identical to the other VF-1 Valkyries, only difference is the "collar" area in Battroid mode, which seems to imply a slightly longer cockpit in the mid-section of the frame. However, the head unit seems situated at the same height as the other head units despite the "collar" being mounted slightly higher. It does appear as if the VF-1D head unit has less of a "neck" that the VF-1S or VF-1J, so that may account for why the "D" has the same height despite the elevated "collar".
  7. Wow, that's really striking. It's a very interesting take on the VF-4.
  8. Mr March

    VF-1S Head

    Amazing level of detail. Very excited to see more.
  9. I think that despite whatever reservations I have about Roddenberry's ideology (and the toxic fanbase at that time) I value Trek as a very creative and interesting construct for a sci-fi universe. I still like some aspects of it to this day. But I think the topical nature of the stories and the debates about morality, law and culture told via the individual episodes of shows like Star Trek The Next Generation are gripping narratives that can still work now. Plus, not EVERY episode of Next Generation was a heady intellectual exercise; some of the best episodes were also fun popcorn action every bit as much (or more so) than the TOS and TNG films. I actually enjoyed Star Trek (2009) very much and am not one of those who dimisses it's value because of some loyalty to "what is Trek". No offense, but that sounds like the fan fanatacism of old to me, and I'm thankful that has long since vanished from the collective conversation of popular culture. IMO, that first new 2009 film is definitely one of the better Trek films. But for whatever it's worth, I understand it is more character story, humor and action than an exploration of the humanities, saying so without judgement of it's merit. I truly believe a cerebral Trek series can absolutely work (for me) again, but not as a broadcast show. I'd love to see Trek let loose by a specialty cable company to try all those Next Generation scripts that were rejected by Paramount/CBS because they were too edgey, too controversial or too risque for the antiquated censorship of broadcast television 25 years ago. ALso, a Trek TV series done with modern special effects and modern budgets is VERY appealing
  10. "No, you obtuse piece of flotsam!" I'd certainly hope whoever makes the new Trek would recognize Q as one of the better elements of the show that he was
  11. Yeah Roddenberry's intentions for Star Trek, despite not always being perfectly delivered to screen, was always clearly a post-modern utopian society (or at least, Roddenberry's idea of utopia). This very fact was brought up by the writers who had to work on Star Trek, especially Next Generation where Roddenberry had much greater creative control. In fact, it was something the writers complained about vehemently as many a writer felt such a lack of internal conflict robbed the writers of the ability to create tension and drama in Star Trek (at least, certain KINDS of drama). Both Robert Hewitt Wolfe and Ronald D. Moore have gone on record as talking about these writing problems in Trek multiple times, which (later as showrunners) they discuss and address through both of their own subsequent sci-fi TV series. Having said all that, I don't really think Trek's ideology and utopian society is a problem for any potential new TV series. Next Generation was certainly compelling drama and science fiction to me for years, despite the eventual ideological objections I had with it..and particularly, it's religious fanaticist fan base. I just think Trek cannot maintain it's fictional construct in exactly the same way today because a significant portion of the universe they built in the Next Generation-era TV shows is either not relevant, no longer dramatically compelling or outright offensive. It will take a clever creative team to recognize those tenents of the old Star Trek shows that still endure today and marry these tenents to the type of television drama that is the most compelling and relevant to today. That is no small task.
  12. I'd definitely say I think there is sufficient visual contrast between the VF-17 Nightmare and the VF-171 Nightmare Plus that I enjoy them as separate fighters despite the common lineage, but I don't agree that the contrast is as different or more so than the gap between the VF-1 Valkyire and the VF-11 Thunderbolt. Both Nightmare valkyries have essentially the same transformation system and similar "component" proportions/positions for most of the fighter mode and battroid mode. In contrast, the VF-11 Thunderbolt is an entirely different transformation system from the VF-1 Valkyrie and has much different component proportions/positions. I would never mistake the VF-11 Thunderbolt Battroid for a VF-1 Valkyrie battroid, however I do acknowledge that perhaps my girlfriend couldn't The original VF-17 Nightmare is based off the F-117 and as such is a very distinct, snub-nosed style of fighter. The VF-17's silhouette almost doesn't look like it has a separate nose at all but is more one uni-body. The VF-171 Plus looks like a much more "derived" design that I've always felt looks like one of the MOST science-fiction-like of nearly all the Kawamori valkyries. At least as a FIGHTER, in my opinion the VF-171 Plus is not all that far removed from something one might expect to see in such sci-fi fare as Battlestar Galactica (reimagined), Firefly/Serenity, or Guardians of the Galaxy. The VF-171 Plus certainly does not embrace the snub-nosed aesthetic of the real world F-117 or the VF-17 upon which it's based. Given the nearly identical lengths of both fighter modes, this was perhaps a design consideration once the artists tried to convert the VF-17 into a 3D model, but it could just be stylistic too. Going back to it, I think it's possible we will not be seing another delta-wing fighter in Macross Delta for the role of the main NUNS valkyrie. It just doesn't make sense given that the two protagonist/antagonist valkyries we have seen so far are delta wing vehicles. I think either the main NUNS figther will be something different than what has been seen to date, we won't see a main line NUNS VF at all or if we do see the VF-171 Nightmare Plus, it will be introduced so late in the story that no one will be worried about confusion because we'll all be long since familiar with the delta valks.
  13. I'm very curious how this goes, especially given that it's Duncan Jones directing. His 2009 film "Moon" was an excellent small budget sci-fi thriller. If they can make Warcraft work on the big screen, I'll be all for it. The world building in Warcraft was always one of the more fun aspects of the original RTS games and the MMO that later used the same Azeroth setting. Plus the design aesthetic for the art and environments from the video games is striking and unique, which I must say they did a very good job reproducing and maintianing for this movie, based on what we've been shown so far. It feels like Chris Metzen had at least some influence into the production design, or at the very least they did a great job of mimicing his design sensibilities. A few days ago they released some great character stills that show they are least have the visual look of the movie locked on a good direction for the source material. I know odds are lousy that this film will be any good, but if it does turn out to be quality, that would be a real treat for an old fan like me. I hope it succeeds.
  14. I know some might object, but I do kinda like the idea of CG-modelling the old drawn valkyries like what was done with the VF-17 Nightmare to make the VF-171 Nightmare Plus. There are quite a few really great valkyries like the VF-3000 Crusader, the VF-5000 Star Mirage, or the VF-14 Vampire that could be made into modern CG craft, all distinctly different from any of the hero mecha in Macross Delta. I would also say that a modernized CG model of the VF-11 Thunderbolt might be a really great CF design, but it might look too much like the delta-winged craft in the new series.
  15. Great to hear your impressions, frothymug. I picked up on a lot of that stuff watching the game play trailers and the interview they did on GIant Bomb (I think that's where it was). I personally love the little visual animations and flourishes they have created that really show the level of care and love they have for this style of art and animation.
  16. This past week I was gathering reference images to assist in building new revised colored art for the Guantánamo Class Stealth Carrier, the Northampton Class Stealth Frigate, and the Uraga Class Escort Battle Carrier. I took a bunch of screenshots from the HD version of Macross Plus, particularly the UN Spacy fleets around Earth. I decided to combine multiple screenshots together to produce a version that somewhat accounts for the vertical/horizontal scrolling of the establishing shots in the anime. The images aren't perfect, but they are interesting to look at, especially in high definition. Most often when we see the UN Spacy in a Macross animation they are depicted as terribly outnumbered, whether it's against the Meltrandi/Zentradi, the Mardook, the Varauta/Protodevlin or the Vajra. While proportionally the UN Spacy always has been a smaller military force in the Macross universe, it's easy to forget that the Spacy is very large by any conventional standard, only appearing small in comparison to the dramatically numerous enemies they must face. I've posted the images on FB and figured I'd also collect them here for any interested fans. Full sized images over 1,200 pixels can be found at the following three links: http://www.macross2.net/m3/misc/ep04-fleet1.jpg http://www.macross2.net/m3/misc/ep04-fleet2.jpg http://www.macross2.net/m3/misc/ep04-attacksatellite2.jpg Enjoy!
  17. Just read the news. I want to be excited for this, but I have to be honest and say I'm very concerned about a new Star Trek TV series (but not for the usual "internet" reasons). I know some have criticized me for this, but I just haven't been able to muster any kind of enthusiasm for a broadcast television show for over a decade now. Comedy shows like "Brooklyn 99" and "Community" are the only broadcast shows I can watch. Everything else, it's all specialty cable. HBO, AMC, FX, Netflix, Showtime, etc. I just can't watch safe, lowest common denominator dramas on broadcast anymore. I think I've been spoiled If this is going to grab me, they are really going to have to push the boundaries of Trek. Like Next Generation if it was married to that girl your parents warned you about
  18. Given that Kawamori has wanted that Fold Quartz connection between Macross Zero and Macross Frontier, I wouldn't put it past him to make yet another such connection with Macross Delta by having this blue-haired fella waering such a pendant.
  19. Yeah, it doesn't feel like Macross Zero was that long ago, but it has been. A scary thought
  20. THank you for confirming. Much appreciated. Yes, I have that particular scan, but appreciate the help. I'll look into obtaining the magazine. Thanks again everyone!
  21. I'm really liking the designs for both the VF-31 Seigfried and the SV-262 Draken III. The color scheme for the VF-31 is very good, different and yet feels very Macross (using atypical color, yet slightly muted). I also really like that the Draken III is colored quite strangely. It really makes the SV-262 more distinctive. I'm not typically a fan of the back-mounted wings in the Battroid modes, but for some reason, the back-mounted wings on the YF-30 Chronos have always looked good to me and the same for the VF-31 Seigfried. Maybe it's that they are mounted higher on the body (shoulder height or higher), more typically like other mythical humanoid creatures with wings. Not sure if I'm thrilled yet with the arm-mounted cannons, but I will be much happier if they are eventually revealed as beam weaponry. As beam guns it would be a great way to give more attention to beam weapons which is something that get's ignored so often in the animation. Which has always seemed bizarre to me given that the creators keep including such weapons in every valkyrie, yet we almost never see them utilized. The Frontier valkyries largely featured the most beam weaponry of the valkyries since the Macross Plus era, yet we barely saw them. I don't want to see the Gun Pod phased out or absent, but if we get more than a few YF-21-styled forearm gun action sequences, that would be a VERY welcome trend in Macross combat. Give those beam weapons at least some love. So far I like the character designs, though they are very different from anything I've seen in Macross so far. The costumes and art design though do seem a little strange to me. There is a strange feeling to the clothing, almost as if it's been more formalized in some regards and yet in other the clothing is more casual yet outrageous. I'm going to assume for now that this is part of the setting, weaving into the way things are on this colony planet. It does feel somewhat odd to see castles in Macross, in anything other than a dream sequence, lol. I'm curious how these production elements integrate into the story.
  22. That was definitely a different sort of vibe than other Macross shows. There are some similarities to Macross Frontier on the production side, but most of the rest feels stylistically different. There are some elements that feel kinda like Escaflowne or Code Geass. The visuals and written description via ANN make it sound like Sound Force elements will appear in the form of these Walkure units. The SV-262 Draken III looks less and less like a single engine valkyrie the more I see of it. Likely just two VF-17-style feet that "laterally" clamp together. Confirmed that the VF-31 is a YF-30 style valkyrie. That seems to track. I REALLY like what I see of it so far. Strange to see Zentradi mecha depicted so prominently. Certainly plenty upon which to speculate
  23. Got a fella saying it's Newtype January 2004. Are we able to confirm which issue it ios for certain?
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