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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. Yes, I'm aware of the pricing situation, I'd just rather try to pick up one from Japan after release and pay a nominal shipping rate with good delivery options and also have the toy 2 to 3 months ahead of US retailers getting them!
  2. Well I TOTALLY missed this pre-order because of being out of town for work last week, which sucks because I really want this one! Oh well, I'll try to snag one from Anime Export upon release. I'm NOT paying that crazy US markup.
  3. I've done a LOOOOT of waterslide decals over the years, and if I screw up it's usually on me, but I'm not taking the blame for this one!
  4. @Big s - YES! That's exactly what kind of happened on those two big ones, it seems like a few spots on the middle clear part of the film actually partially DESOLVED after I put it down and put Micro Sol on it! I was like WTF?!
  5. Thanks @sh9000! I picked up Duke/Snake Eyes/Destro and a B.A.T. shipped for like $86!!! NICE!!! LOVE these figures!
  6. I didn't listen to the little voice inside my head that TOLD me to chop up the large trapezoid shaped decals for each wing. As in cut the 4 separate little black lines off and avoid aaallll the giant blank space of nothing in the middle. Now the reason I did this is because after watching every build on YouTube of this kit, no one seemed to have any problems, and believing the hype that these were great decals, I blazed ahead. Well...yeh, I did have problems. Nothing that can't be cleaned up with a little fine airbrushing, just really annoying. Either A: these don't really react well to Micro- Sol OR B: my clearcoat (Tamiya rattle can) wasn't good in some areas OR C - the EVER TERRIBLE Tamiya Panel line accent color left something on the surface I couldn't see before the decals went down.
  7. NOT impressed AT ALL with Cardograph water slide decals on the Academy B1. Didn't expect to be tripped up by decals....Uhhgg.....🤬
  8. Another master class in resin kit building. Absolutely incredible @tekering 😍
  9. DHL dropped Max on my doorstep at 7:35PM tonight. Pretty damn impressive seeing as I got the shipping notification from them Wednesday morning at 7:00AM. Didn't expect to see it till next week with Thanksgiving going on. No damage to box. DHL is ALWAYS perfect for me. LOVE the text notification and the digital sign for no signature delivery with them! 100000% better than USPS.🤮
  10. One has to wonder....after this thing is released and out in the wild for a while...will the old Yamato version continue to go up in price or will it sink down eventually? I know this much, I'm not giving mine up anytime soon, whether I get the new Chunky Monkey DX or not....
  11. Ohhh I'm ALLLLL IN for one of these bad boys!!! You had me at Ghost Bandai! Dammit.
  12. @ThomI'm sorry, we can't ever speak again. Goodbye.
  13. Yamato ONCE AGAIN wins the day over Bandai, OVER ten years ago....
  14. Yup! I swallowed that bait the 1st time through, hook, line and sinker!
  15. Well, that's pretty much the absolute best one of those I've ever had the privilege of laying eyes upon! Absolutely incredible build!
  16. OUCH. That hurts.
  17. Today the B1 got Mr Surfacer 1500 White and I tried out AKs Real Colors Gunship Gray. Layes down nicely. Used my GSI Creos .03 for both.
  18. This is gonna be SO EFFIN COOL!!!!
  19. derex3592

    Macross figures

    That's sick!
  20. Massive bench updates : 1/72 Academy Blackbird got Mr Surfacer 1500 Black today, looks fantastic. 1/144 Academy B1B Lancer is built and ready for priming, Construction continues on the 1/35 Tamiya M2A2 Bradley. Endless sanding of seams and priming engineering section of 1/1000 TOS Enterprise continues. Last but not least.... I would like to announce a "resurrection" of sorts... 4 years ago my Captain America Cat's Eye got put on permanent hold due to a massive painting blunder. Over the years I have worked slowly with one q-tip at a time scrubbing away the gloppy hardened mess to get back down to the bare resin. Today I threw some Mr Surfacer 1500 Black on some of the totally clean sections and it looks good! I think eventually I can save this awesome kit! 😁
  21. GREAT job @tekering! Turned out perfect! Just out of curiosity, what paints did you use?
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