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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. Yeh, my wife started watching that this weekend, I immediately had time freed up to work on other projects waaay far away in the other end of the house!
  2. So yesterday was a HUGE milestone day! The Runabout -- IS TOGETHER! More importantly, nothing broke, my windows haven't fogged as I used Tamiya cement, not superglue, and all the LED's still work! I'm calling it a win! Many clamps were used! It's not perfect, lots more puttying, sanding and repainting to do now that it's together. The upper hull sides were warped out of the box, so I ended up using brass bars/rod in the nose and half way back to pry it open enough to (more or less) match up to the pegs and mate to bottom half. Some pics below...one last look at the innards! The last one is the back end all sealed up with lights on! More pics later when I get a chance.
  3. absolutely amazing weathering on that!
  4. Ok, that is just plain awesome!
  5. I'm SO IN on all of these!!! Exciting times!
  6. NICE!
  7. Ok, seriously, do some of you guys not have jobs/wives/parents/kids??? HOW do y'all have so much time to work on models?! I'm lucky to get in a few hours on the weekends if I'm lucky!
  8. @pengbuzz - Never trust a guy with a clean Tomcat.....dirtier the better!
  9. Milestone moment this morning! New windows made and glued in place and all wires connected with all lights working! Also brush painted a final layer of Future over all the LCARS displays to give them a shiny glass look. Moving on!
  10. A new challenge... for another day.... waaaay down the road somewhere...
  11. @peter - Glad the mess up didn't cook the 1J totally! I've said it before many times, I'll say it again, Tamiya Panel Liner is nasty stuff. I don't trust it much at all. I go Flory's now 95% of the time. You just never know what that stuff will eat through/damage when you go back in with lacquer thinner to clean it even after sealing the snot out of the plastic! I've had good results with it a couple of times, but way more bad results. Not worth it IMHO.
  12. I LOVE those paint schemes @505thAirborne!!! That blue-grey is GORG!!! . I want something like that for the Cat's Eye. Over here, the Runabout got one last MATCHING base color, so now I can at least start with a cleaner slate. I've got some tricky soldering to do and then I just need to remake the windows and it's time to attempt mating the top and bottom together! Speaking of the Kittie Eyeball, I AM making slow but noticable progress on the stripping of the Cat's Eye back down to the resin!
  13. I dunno......I might give Season 2 a go with Q in it...I mean...how bad could it be?
  14. Looks great @tekering. I personally would love an HD redo of Southern Cross and Mospeada. The best video quality I have of both shows is the old Robotech Remastered DVD's. Which honestly isn't bad video quality wise, better than the Southern Cross and Mospeada DVD's. What they did to the original sound effects of the two series for a surround sound mix is just atrocious and obnoxious however!
  15. I think it's absolutely hilarious that everyone talks SO much sh*t about this show and is all "IT WON'T LAST 2 SEASONS!", "THE PRODUCTION IS IN TERRIBLE TROUBLE!!!" Yeh, well, how's that working out for all you keyboard warriors? LOL! I personally can't stand the show, but obviously it isn't going anywhere, so it's making someone money somehow.
  16. ...yes @tekering, but your Moscato crabs have joints...mine don't move! I want some crabs to play with! Wait.....
  17. Can't say I'm in love with the sculpt honestly, I like @captain america's take better, but I'll probably pick up two or three if the price is reasonable. The troopers vary so much in the anime that you could totally argue either interpretation looks good on any given day. I'm just super happy to finally get Invids!!!!
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