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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. Well....the little brass breakup pattern stencils didn't turn out quiet as easy to use as they were in my head but I guess it looks ok... Dunno.. Still undecided if I wanna keep it or strip it off and do my freehand marbling method like I did on the subs.... The problem was keeping it flat on the complex curves and angles all over the plane.
  2. I don't believe the Matchbox SDF-1's had the cutouts in the tops of the legs where the little missiles fired out of, (at least mine didn't from what I remember) I think they thought American kids would swallow them and choke https://www.collectiondx.com/toy_review/sdf1_battle_fortress
  3. I'm STILL kicking myself for letting my Yamato 22 Gamlin go years ago....😞
  4. You begin to think you might just have some modicum of talent...then @MechTech posts an update....then you crawl back under your model table and begin to re-think your life....πŸ˜‚
  5. OMMMMFFFG!!!!
  6. 1 and 2 were great. 3 was kinda mehh for me, I might go see this one in the theater. TBD on early reviews.
  7. @pengbuzz -----Next make the guy that he shoots in the d*ck!!!
  8. @Chas I thought so. Did that kit years ago, very enjoyable. Never liked the Bandai offering, they got the shape of the cockpit WRONG on both the 1/144 and the 1/72 IMHO. Finemolds did it better. Yeh, yeh Band-Aids details were slightly better and the mold was a bit crisper, but not enough to justify the cost and time of doing the builds over again if you already had both the FM's built.
  9. @Chas - Which kit is that? Finemolds? or Bandai ? 144?
  10. Falcon looking good! Over here Mr Surfacer 1500 Black went down on the Superhornet this morning....
  11. Got the Yamato V2 1/60. Easy pass for me. Never one of my favs, but good luck to all going for the DX!
  12. @505thAirborne Dude! That looks great! Love the subtle panel lines, what wash did you use?
  13. @Chronocidal - Completely 100% AGREED! Good LORD the DX just looks fugly and terrible in that top-down comparison.
  14. @505thAirborne Holy Cow! That's a LOT of decals! Should make that YF-23 beauty a treat to behold! Rant Mode ON -- WHY do companies NOT include 1/72 pilots these days? I mean sure, a "PRO" model maker always makes models with gear down, all hatches open, blah blah freakin blah! Well, guess what?! I wanna do gear up in flight badass looking jets WITH PILOTS! ARRGGH! So frustrating! (Not to mention the no gear up wheel door option, but I can kiiiind of understand that)...maybe..but a freaking tiny little pilot or two? IS that gonna break the bank of these huge companies?! And WHY does NO US COMPANY make anything worth a crap when it comes to model kit pilots?! Whatever....Rant Mode OFF. PJ Productions to the rescue once again, just have to wait for them to ship from FREAKIN SINGAPORE...uhhgg...Well this time I bought a crap ton of different pilots so I'm ready for all my upcoming builds for the foreseeable future anyway...Super Hornet ON HOLD until pilots show up and get assembled and painted. Uhhgg.
  15. I'm gonna attempt to do some very light silver chipping on some of the hard edges, but I'm not good at it. Pics I've seen on-line the Brads don't look to heavily weathered other than paint fade from the heat and being in the desert for a number of years. Nothing like WWII armor would be anyways.
  16. Phew----TOUGH room here! I grew up with the original just like most everyone else here, but I absolutely love the 2000's BSG! It's one of my all time favorite sci-fi shows. Been considering showing it to the wife. I loved the dark, gritty military feel of the thing. I felt like all the actors did a great job and of course Olmos was just epic. I fell in love with most all of the characters and enjoy a rewatch every few years or so. None I've ever showed it to, didn't like it! Maybe it's because I met Edward James Olmos and "Six" Tricia Helfer at a con once and they were two of the nicest people I've ever met (to this day I have never felt softer skin on a woman than that ladies hands were), ANYWAY! I welcome any new BSG!
  17. Having built THREE Falcons, well two kits, the FM 1/72, FM 1/144 and heavily modding and painting/weathering the giant plastic toy one that was for all intents and purposes 1/48 scale for a client some years ago, I approve of this paint job so far! I definitely became a Falcon colors expert back then! The Brad got some detail painting done today and some itty bitty tools put on while I watched some NFL playoffs!
  18. This mornings exercise was my 1st ever attempt to β€œscrapeβ€œ or remove the center seam line on an aircraft canopy. Thanks to Bob at Genesis Models YouTube channel for giving a great tutorial on how to do it and giving me confidence to take a #11 scalpel blade πŸ”ͺ to the clear plastic. Not for the faint of heart! Turned out good though. I've started paying for Eduard masks for these 1/72 kits as I love how easy it makes things masking the cockpit! F-18F is getting close to having some primer go down! 😁
  19. Anyone who's actually owned or owns an Arcadia VF-OS or D can attest to how good Arcadia CAN be when they try. Bandai impresses me less and less these days honestly. Mainly the DX stuff. HM-R stuff is/was really good when it came out.
  20. Ok,......this MIIIIIGGGGHHHHT be enough to get me back into the world of The Walking Dead. Looks pretty good.
  21. @pengbuzz man that's lookin GREAT!!! LOVING all the trash and newspapers and stuff!
  22. I was kinda thinking the same thing.... In other news.. SNOW DAY! NO work! Free model day! Wha Wha??!! Superhornet together and ready for primer other than masking the cockpit...
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