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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. These will be very deserving of being plastered ALL OVER social media once they are completed!!!
  2. That would be sweet @Jasonc, as the new DX Fan Racer is so close in scale, whether it's accurate or not, LOL...these could be used for both versions!
  3. Still radio silence from AE on mine..... I waaaannaaa complain like everyone else dammit!
  4. @Return To Kit Form - Damn man, that is one absolutely gorgeous sex machine! Great weathering! I love it!
  5. AGREED. $50+ is already a lot for the figures they are producing IMHO, buuut, that being said, the new Roy is worth it I think.
  6. I'm a casual G1/86 movie TF'ers collector to say the least, but I watched a YT video review today of a new Bumblebee that I guess hasn't been released yet that transformers into his little flying saucer Cybertronian mode as seen in the 1st episode of G1 and I was like "I SO gotta have this!!!" Can any of you guys tell me if this is gonna be some stupid exclusive that's next to impossible to get or if I can just casually look for it on Amazon or Target or Wall Mart's websites at some point in the near future?
  7. Decals are down on the Runabout including my own little custom TX roundel. I think it works! Quick clear coat today and then on to some weathering tomorrow... Think I'm gonna go dig out my oil paints for this one... 🤔
  8. If I can match the red/orange..I'll be painting over the GIANT H on the Fan Racer. Bandai really went nuts on the tampo again....Not sure where they got that particular reference. Anyone know?
  9. The two on the right are straight baller!
  10. I'm all in! PLLEEEAASSEE let it come with a severed tuna head!!!
  11. derex3592

    Macross figures

    Yup! I'm all in! PLEEEASE let it come with a severed tuna head!!!
  12. @MKT - Friendly warning on the Airwolf model/toy - My electric motor died less than a year after I got it and I maybe turned it on like 10 times, also beware of the door hinges on the cockpit, they are verrrry fragile. One of mine is "sprung" and doesn't close all the way now. I also had to put a tiny drop of CA glue on the tail rotor to keep it from coming off. Just FYI.
  13. Dang, still radio silence from AE today. Darn.
  14. I agree. It's different enough to be cool with the Tron-esque paint job. It will be interesting to see how Bandai handles it. I'll have to try for one on PO night!
  15. Still nothing from AE on my end....
  16. @sqidd - I would have gone to $2!!!
  17. I'll reserve final judgment until I have it in hand and put a few hours of work into it, panel lining it and making the frakin landing gear properly WHITE. uhhgg, Really ridiculous how close they came to giving us the "best" VF-1 yet, but then stumbled at the finish line by not doing the landing gear white, not making the arms lock into place in fighter mode and I dunno about anybody else, but I could totally live without the stupid waist swivel "ohh my Valk comes in two every time I transform it" feature. Whatever. Rant mode off...for now.
  18. No plug in or recessed landing gear on the Fan Jet? LAME. No seated Minmay or combo of her and Rickaru sitting together in the Fan Jet? LAME. Bandai is SOOOO freakin cheap sometimes. Kinda really done with these 1:48's.
  19. I don't think you need more than one "good" pair for removing parts from sprues on normal kits. You definingly can't go wrong with the Micromark ones. I think they are almost identical to the Meng and Dspiae, probably all made in the same factory in China. The MicroMark ones are on Amazon. I almost went with them more than once.
  20. @wm cheng - you are most welcome sir! With your level of skill, you should definitely have top shelf tools to aid you in your craft! I've learned soooo much from just hours on hours of watching YouTube builds and comparison videos while at work during the pandemic. I can't imagine how much further along I would be with this hobby if the internet had been a thing back in the 80's/90's to teach a 12 year old kid how to use a single action airbrush and how to glue parts together properly!
  21. @pengbuzz Those old TF's look great! Brings back soooo many good childhood memoires. Thundercracker was my first ever TFer back in the day. I went through two Megatrons..haha! He was such a sad looking robot, but as a kid, I didn't know any better and loved him. I can still remember how to transform them with my eyes shut. Some things you never forget! I had a great Sunday in model land over here, Runabout detail painting DONE (or as much as I'm gonna do), clear coated and decals applied! (Pics soon!) The Titanic got some touch up painting on the hull, and the finishing of the yellow stripe. A lot of builders skip this step on this kit I've noticed, but I wanted to do it. No, it wasn't easy, but came out good! Now for the rivet counters out there, no, it isn't EXACTY accurate, but close enough as the mold of the kit is from the 70's and where the stripe should be on the bow doesn't match up to where it actually is, but whatever, inaccuracies of an old kit. Installing LED light strip soon and then it's on the getting the main deck installed. (which I test fitted and no, it doesn't fit well at all)...*sigh*....
  22. @MechTech - You are most welcome sir! And not that I'm profiting off recommending Dspaie by any means, but they do make a glass file like you talked about I think... Newtype: Dspiae MSF-13 Siren Glass File
  23. Ok, DAMMIT! I haven't gotten any Joe's since the originals in the 80s. These look cool as hell! I'm in for Cobra Commander!!! He's going on my desk at work!
  24. @peter -- It's kind of like driving a REALLY good car or firing a REALLY good gun. There's just a difference. In this case the really good nippers allow you to 99.9% flush cut off the sprue/gate with no damage to the plastic part and extremely minimal cleanup by sanding. Something I REALLY wish I'd had on my 7 Enterprise builds around the #$%$$^& saucer sections of the ships!!! I almost went for the Tamiya side cutters, but decided on these based upon reviews I watched and read. The GodHands are a benchmark, but the Godhands model I was looking at were about $65 dollars on Amazon, the 5.0 Model 120. I believe the ones you posted were for resin cutting and yes, that is a ridiculous amounty of $$$! Here's the best video review I found, you can skip around to see an assortment of higher end models, including the Tamiya, GodHands and the ones I went with. Happy nipping!
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