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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. Having sold all my 29's a few years back to pay off some CC and wedding bills, I miss them so I am tooootally down for this!!!
  2. WOW!!! Amazing work! I have the Scale Solutions kit and I love it! BRAVO on the open main gun firing one, that is just SICK!!!
  3. derex3592

    Hi-Metal R

    Wow! All great news if it all comes out eventually!!! 😁
  4. It's really Thor in a former life or timeline. He's un-killable. DUH.
  5. Yeh, me neither, sales might have ended I guess. Maybe they'll run more around Xmas
  6. @Chronocidal Try this link - Star Trek Collectibles & Memorabilia | Eaglemoss Hero Collector
  7. ALL so freakin cool @arbit!!! Little black dress is workin for me!!!
  8. This morning I proved to myself that I CAN do microscopic Titanic photo etch window frames....and these are some of the smaller ones... Took about an hour to do these 12... But I like the result! Painted brown on the PE tree before installing. Onwards!
  9. @wm cheng OHH MY!!!! That Eagle looks amazing!!! GREAT job! @Rock Your 51 looks great! I can't even imagine painting and decaling that kit!
  10. uhhggg...wanted those figs SO bad!
  11. ....not sure we reaaalllly wanna know about @arbit's little black dress.....
  12. Well, I watched this last night at home. Yeh, I know, I know, should have seen it in a theater, whatever. Work's crazy and wife was gone last night so I went in. 1080P 65" TV with a good surround system. Holy crap! Turn the sub WAAAY down for this one..good grief! Now I'm 46 and a sci-fi nerd, but somehow missed the original movie and the mini-series back in the day, so I went in cold. The thing that stood out to me the most here...was Hans Zimmer's MUSIC! Wow! that made the movie IMHO. As someone said above, I think it nearly perches on the precipice of boredom at times, but going in I knew that there was going to be lots of world/universe building and it was the first of more movies. Hell the Title even says Dune Part One when the movie opens. I enjoyed it for the most part, I want to see more. The visuals were stunning, can only imagine it in 4K! Momoa did seem out of place, but I like the guy so whatever and Bautista didn't have much to do like at all! The other characters and plot lines were good enough to hold my attention for 2.5 hours. In the mean time, I am going to go back and watch the original at some point soon.
  13. @CrossAir GREAT repaint on that 25!!!
  14. @sqidd - OK dude! Now I OFFICIALLY hate you! That's AWESOME! Where did it come from?!
  15. Small Titanic update: Decking coloring continues slowly and painstakingly. This morning I attached the first four rigging lines to the main deck utilizing my E-Z Line before I attempt to permanently put it in the hull. Also began some small deck assemblies. This model is true old school. There are no sub-assemblies, no snap tight Bandai goodness, tabs that DON'T line parts up right and have to be snipped and sanded then glue the parts together. And for me, before I go to far, I have to look 3 steps ahead because of the lighting. It's kind of like driving an old muscle car, without power steering or brakes or any modern comforts... it's looks good, but you have to DRIVE it. No modern BS to help you out!
  16. @Chronocidal - Yeh, I hear you on the odd paint job on the 3 of the 4 ships. The "Stealth Ship" is just all black, which works, but beside the others with the pattern, looks kind of basic. Honestly I wasn't sure whether I was going to like the paint jobs or not. Once in hand though, it is pretty cool. Kind of like some sort of space age carbon fiber hull or something. I haven't watched the show so I have no clue as to whether it looks like that one screen or not. The effect in normal room lighting is much less than with the flash obviously. It's almost hard to see unless you are really looking hard at the ships. The 4 nacelle version is the most prominent, but still, in person I like it. YMMV. The drone ship in my mind is something straight out the The X Files/Area 51/UFO lore, it's jut wicked cool looking, has a very faint grid pattern all over it that's hard to see, but it's there, and that sucker is heavy!
  17. Can't do subtitles on an english movie, too distracting when I'm trying to get into the story, low dialog?..crank up my center channel to +10, which is honestly more or less where I keep it now with wifey pooh watching TV and movies with me because the subwoofer and surround sound is "too loud honey...turn it down"....🤷‍♂️😑
  18. I was gonna watch it tonight on HBOMAX....but then I found Natural Born Killers and Backdraft....LOL. GOD the 90's had some epic movies! I'll get to DUNE later this weekend.
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