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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. @Kurt Oh wow, man that look amazing. LOVE the mud and weathering all over!
  2. I'm in for a Fire Valk HM-R! I'm not in the M7 haters group. It's silly fun.
  3. Can't wait to see this finished up!!!
  4. Never met anyone, younger than me (48) or even older than me, (my dad LOVED the 89 Batman, RIP), that didn't like that movie. It's just one of the all time greats no matter your age. Yes, I do love the first two Nolan movies as well, but 89 Batman is just more "fun".
  5. Academy 1/72 Superhornet UPDATE.. Finally! .... Aftermarket resin pilots are painted, decaled up with some leftover micro decals from other kits for helmet markings and in the plane with no trimming required!. First Flory's grime wash is down and drying.... Stay tuned!
  6. DAMN, those two look GOOD! Wish I had the room..
  7. @TangledThorns - Absolutley JAWDROPPING!!! I've always LOOOVED that Jag! Yours in amazing! Congrats!
  8. Great pics!!! Looks amazing!
  9. Thank you @wm cheng. It's just little scrap pieces of foam from my work. Extra "plucking foam" from Pelican cases. We have quite a bit of it lying around.
  10. Primary painting done on the Superhornet. It's hard to tell in the pics but the blotchy under pattern juuuust shows through. Took my time to try to get it juuuust right. The resin after market pilots literally dropped in like they were made for the model! No chopping of feet, legs or butts! 😁 I got them painted up pretty good for 1/72. Pretty happy with this build so far.... BUT.... the now DREADED Academy decals are coming up.... Uhhhgggg..... Which is sad because decaling is usually really fun for me. We shall see...
  11. @Kurt - That's looking really good!!! @MechTech - IMPRESSIVE.......Most impressive...
  12. This one...1000% goes into the category of "IF I HAD TONS OF EXTRA MONEY TO BLOW, YEH I'D BE ALLLL IN" That looks REEEALLLY effin cool!!!
  13. The TomyTec model Valks WERE and STILL ARE some of the best things I've EVER put together! They weren't cheap, but MAN were they extremely well done!!! I wished they had made a million more mecha from SDF all the way through Delta even!
  14. LOVING this so far!!! One of my ALL time favorite mecha designs!
  15. derex3592 <<<<---- THIS GUY! LOL! Yehhhhh...Good luck @Urashiman. I've still got it sitting on my desk at work as a paper weight. The next "better" small boxy version failed after only a few uses. It's ALL utter CRAP from China
  16. @505thAirborne That Black Widow looks GREAT!!! 😁 Over here today I'm adding in some brown before I try thin coats of some greys for base color... Stay tuned.
  17. Absolutley gorgeous!
  19. @Urashiman - They were a Christmas gift, so I don't know off hand, but take a look at this website, these might be far better and flexible, not to mention probably cheaper! https://www.greenstuffworld.com/en/280-airbrush-stencils AK Interactive maybe? Maybe @Rock can chime in here....
  20. My wife is gonna GO NUTZ for this!
  21. @wm cheng - Thanks, will check that out! @Rock - Ahh, good points! I'll try those tips on the Tomcat!
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