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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. @pengbuzz I agree! Back to the Cat! @electric indigo PFFT....that's not a lot of parts! Fine Molds 1/72 Falcon / Current 1/350 Titanic build -- Now THOSE are a sh*t ton of parts! Can't wait to see you paint it up! (If you are painting it) I FINALLY have Tamiya enamel paints coming from Poland! Also have more Mr. Color and more Tamiya lacquers coming! Very excited!
  2. 3 episodes in and I agree that something just feels "off" about this show. I'll keep watching, but it definitely pales in comparison to The Mandalorian thus far. Things I like so far, Boba's interaction with the sand people, the new rancor and Danny T, Fennic, and the Hutt twins. That's about it. Not sure where this all going, but I'll keep the faith for now....
  3. @sh9000The fact they DON'T come with any Mini-14's or AK-47's just puts me totally off this. Come on!!! It's the freakin A-Team! THEY NEEDS THIER GUNS!
  4. This. Totally agree with @sqidd on this. I am veeeery leery at this point of buying anything mechanical, electric or high end toy wise for a good long while. That was my first thought when they announced the 31AX's. "Ohh dear..A Bandai Valk made during the global pandemic"...uhhhh no thanks. Hard Pass! Looks like @MacrossJunkie's is looking pretty good now with a little knife whittling on the tabs.
  5. @Bolt Love the TEETH!!!
  6. @electric indigo Harrier camo looking great! @MechTech You sir...are a madman! That pile of shavings! Ohh MY! Titanic Update! Custom magnetic stand attachments are on and she is on her stand with all wiring run through the stand supports and all LEDs working! Work proceeds slooowly on the upper decks... Sooo many bits to light block and paint.. LOL. I'm not sure I'm cut out for ship building! I miss my SciFi! Buuuut, I am becoming fairly knowledgeable about the Titanic at this point!
  7. I can't even begin to imagine the process of doing all that even IF I knew HOW to do it! Absolutely incredible!!!
  8. @anime52k8's question is legitimate -- That's been my problem with the flightpose stands as well over the years. Not supporting huge amounts of weight either, but eventually the base cracks where the rods attach and then your toy/model has a crash...
  9. Small Titanic update: Not much time over the holidays to get much done, but little by little things are starting to move along .. a LOT of small parts prep going on when I have time. My 1st actual "room" built and sealed in with LED's inside - also my first time using Enamel Coated Magnet Wire for power - pretty cool stuff.
  10. Who wouldn't be down for a Michael Ironside appearance at this point???!!!
  11. Finally have some days off and got the new spray booth out of the box and setup. ! I LOVE it! Shame I can't use it in the house, buuuut gotta pick your battles right fellas?!
  12. @neptunesurvey - WOW! That puts mine to shame! GREAT job!
  13. @M'Kyuun100% AGREE!!! Loving these!
  14. Santy Claus 🤶 was GOOD to me this year in the hobby/toy department! Not pictured YET... New LED light spray booth!!!! Hope everyone here had a great Christmas!
  15. This is my opinion on it as well. I definitely didn't hate it. WAY better than the 3rd one IMHO. I'll agree that the fight scenes were kinda the weakest part of the whole thing.
  16. @Mintox at 46 I hear that! I pretty much have to do everything with my magnifiers nowadays! 1/350 ship models are going to be the death of me!
  17. Damn, that face sculpt is amazing!
  18. Well, wife's going out to dinner with a friend tonight Sooo..HBOMAX, leftover spaghetti, new 4K TV, 6.1 sound system with sub turned ON for once, HERE I COME! I shall report in tomorrow morning!
  19. Those pilots look great! I suck at figure painting, especially faces.
  20. In case anyone missed out or didn't wanna pay an ever creeping up price over the last year or so, my personal favorite Optimus is back down in price with free shipping! Highly recommended! https://tf-direct.com/transform-element-te-01-op-p2616.html
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