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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. THAT green looks HELLA better than the promo pics!
  2. Beautiful build! Wish I could have gotten one when they were available!
  3. Yeh, got mine as well. Uhhggg..shipping is more than the damn kit. SIIGGGGHHH. I miss pre-Covid days shipping prices.
  4. @Thom .....aaaare you are listening Bandai????.....
  5. WOW! Those are amazing!!!
  6. @Goodman Models Is there a chance I could possibly get in on that new canopy action when it happens???
  7. Wife, who is a huge fan of the original, and myself, who is a casual fan of both older movies, watched this over the weekend. She didn't really care for it at all, She said it was too kid centric. I give it a B-. I like most of the kids in it, Phoebe and Podcast were great. The scene in Wal Mart with Paul Rudd was the best 5 minutes of the movie. Decent nostalgia trip for $6 on a Sat night.
  8. Someone needs to tell them to just STOP. Seriously.
  9. Damn. RIP good sir! Thanks for the laughs! I just watched Stripes again the other day!
  10. @pengbuzz - Dude - if you need parts, I'll ship you mine if you wanna pay for shipping. It was perfectly fine until the arm literally fell off in the display cabinet. It's just sitting in the closet, in the original box I might add. PM me.
  11. Looks GREAT! Gotta watch out for those giant space creature attacks! SHIELDS UP! RED ALERT!
  12. @sh9000 Do you have a link to those???!!! I SO need that Jeep for my 1:48 Airwolf!!! And I LOVED The Fall Guy!
  13. YES!!! Homeboy did the FIREVALK proper justice with the 1:48 YF-19 kit!!! That's AWESOME!!!
  14. 1000% And no.....I won't miss all that puttying and sanding, not one damn bit. I understand their may be a bit on some of the seams due to the design, but I'm fine with that.
  15. @sh9000 - So are the Black Series Archive's any different from the normal Black Series that are already out? Such as sciff guard Lando? I was just about to buy the current figure off Amazon this week for under $20, should I wait for the newer version linked above? Are the faces better on the "new" archive figs?
  16. I kinda like it actually!!! Don't want it though if it has the QC issues of the current release.
  17. @electric indigo That looks fantastic. You sir have TALENT. Using an external mix single action airbrush and getting the results you do, boils down to raw talent coupled with 25 years of experience! Period. Looking forward to your next build!
  18. We can't talk anymore...I'm sorry. LISTEN TO MY SOOOOONG!!!!!
  19. Frontier and 7 had the BEST music.....come at me!
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