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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. BALLER STATUS of @MechTech in high school ----- LEGENDARY! 🤣 @electric indigo - That looks like a REAL ship! Don't know what it's from but I love it.
  2. Saw that on my Twitter feed this morning! Blown away!
  3. There's a wide spread idea that Titanic's smokestacks were light or faded orange.. This is incorrect however...They were painted in a color called "StarLine Buff".. No one knows exactly what the color was precisely however, I give you my custom 3 color mix and not to toot my own horn, but I think I pretty much NAILED it after a lot of research and trail and error! It's a hair lighter than it appears in the picture...
  4. @arbit - I firmly believe now that Mr. Color Leveling Thinner is the "magic bullet". It's not cheap, but it works on everything. That being said, I don't waste it on Tamiya Acrylics. I use Tamiya Acrylic Thinner for those. Everything else from here on out on my bench, regardless of brand, is getting thinned with Mr. Color Leveling Thinner.
  5. The weather today is quite literally PERFECT 👌. So! to the spray booth we go to try out for the 1st time Tamiya Enamel through the airbrush. Mixed about 50/50 (maybe a bit more thinner) with Mr. Color Leveling Thinner and I gotta say... It's niiiiiice. Not incredibly stinky like the lacquer stuff. Not bad at all. Lays down very well. Nothing beats a good old enamel paint! Also cutting more light holes in decks and by the end of the day today we shall have fully painted smokestacks hopefully!
  6. I will be happy to wait patiently good sir!!! 😁
  7. That's a gorgeous build! Love the paint job. Ship totally looks like something out of the Southern Cross series.
  8. Two new Black series bad guys off an Amazon Lighting Sale the other day that I happened upon!
  9. I did think about that... As far as this model is concerned I will not be doing any diffusion in the port holes, at this scale that would be another whoooole level of pain and agony and I'm not willing to take the time to do it. I DO have a pile of other kits that I am going to be over a year behind on because of this build that I got myself into. As the LED strip is in the bottom of the hull shining up there really isn't any hot spots you can see from outside the ship like you can with the Bandai Star Destroyer, so I think it'll be fine.
  10. Got off work a little early today and BEHOLD! There's a lot more holes in this unsinkable ship now! Never used a hot knife before.... $12 off Amazon... Works pretty good! Now the LEDs in the hull will shine up through at least a couple of the decks..... I hope... I'm following Ben from the Midwest Model Shop YouTubes channel build off his 1/200 scale Titanic. He did the same thing... Granted his holes look a lot more even than mine.. LOL
  11. I pre-ordered Space Homer for release this summer. I'll see how the QC is for these before I pony up for other characters.
  12. I can't imagine all the countless hours of work that went into this one! GREAT JOB CAP!!!
  13. DUDE!!! They RE-DID/UPDATED DUEL OF THE FATES???!!! OMGGGGGGG...!!!! Goonna blow my speakers out when that plays on the show!!!!
  14. I've always thought the DYRL version was supposed to be larger than the TV version, but then again, it's Macross...LOL
  15. Is it just me or can anyone else just NOT help seeing the head shrinking scene in Beetlejuice when you look at this???.....
  16. I dunno...honestly I think that's pretty effin cool looking myself.
  17. @geck Really great paint job on that! Can't wait to see more builds!
  18. Absolutely GORGEOUS!
  19. @Goodman Models YES YES YES PLEASE!!! This is GREAT news!!! I'd like two sets please so I have a backup!!! Thank you SO MUCH! PM me payment arrangements!
  20. LOVE IT! Great job!!!
  21. Hasagawa Regult has landed. Taking a look at the parts trees this morning....word of the day???.. BACKGATES PEOPLE! EVERY single part that needs to be, is. Very nice touch. I approve. This should be a fun build eventually and not hard at all. Maybe not Bandai level easy, but light-years ahead of the old kits. If Hasagawa do more enemy mech, I'll bite for sure!
  22. derex3592

    Hi-Metal R

    Double This.
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