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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. Scale be damned ...it's Macross anyway..LOL, if the price is right, I'm goin with KC for the 2 missing from the HM-R line up.
  2. And now, if you guys/mods will permit me, I wanted to share just a few quick pics of my wife's and my trip down to Galveston / Houston last weekend! The point is that since I'm "ship building" now, this kinda goes along with the theme. We sailed on the 1877 Tall Ship "Elissa"! 6 hours trip. One of only 3 tall ships left in the world that sails! It was pretty darn cool! Also on the way back we stopped by NASA! I'll keep my comments to myself about how NOT efficiently run this place is (boooo big government run stuff) and just share the pics since I'm going to be building a 1/144 model of the Saturn 5 someday soon! There was a 3D printed Saturn 5 that stood about 6 feet tall, but NOTHING compares to the REAL THING!! WOW! I figured all of us space guys around here would like these!
  3. Also, I finally got an old friend back up on a new stand! The old Flightpose stand finally stress cracked and she was listing lazily the left...LOL. Family Guy Star Wars joke there... New stand from Caliber Wings is much more sturdy! Now I know the Bandai Falcon 1/72 Perfect Grade Falcon is better, but 6 months of hard work, sweat and tears went into my Finemolds one years ago and I still love it! I especially love I didn't pay that Bandai price tag! $$$
  4. UPDATES on things! Titanic is coming along...slowly...trying to deal with all the tiny fiddly bits and get every single part sanded, puttied, painted and ready to put on the ship eventually. That in itself is a true mission just keeping up with all of it! Sooo many tiny parts. Cranes are DONE though! Stretchy E-Z Line for the WIN! Here's just a few pics....
  5. AGREED! If those Action Toys mini figures look good and are reasonably priced, I'll pick up both to play wi --- eerrr display on my desk at work!
  6. Had to sell all my 25's and 29's off years ago to pay down debt. These new WWM releases are 200% BOUGHT for me! Bring it on!
  7. I'm all in for one or two of these! Very cool!
  8. Odd choice Arcadia.......will see what the price is. Still have my old Yamato one.
  9. HELLLL NO!!! I'm goin to the BIGGEST LOUDEST theater I can find for this one! Hope it doesn't suck!
  10. I'd like - LOVE - a VF-0A grey re-release with a weathered PF option and the leg issues fixed.
  11. @Shawn I'm back in and on with a changed password, so I'm good to go! Thank you for all the hard work!
  12. Very exciting!
  13. I agree 100% I LOVE the look of these. Price is high though. OOOooof.....DAMMIT ... now I'm gonna HAVE to get 2 troopers and Storm Shadow!
  14. While I appreciate LEKs talent which I think we can all agree is incredible, I just don't think the Mospeada planes lend themselves well to his skillset. Macross Valks and especially TF'ers seem to my eye to look the best. That being said....I wonder what the old 1/10 Toynami/Beagle Cyclones would look like if he did a pair of those???
  15. OMG....and this is a bad thing HOW exactly??? The PF 0D is one of if not the best looking Valks ever produced by Yamato or Arcadia. If you don't already have one...I say KEEP IT!
  16. In other news, I learned why you do not buy the cheapest $15 airbrush cleaning pot on Amazon...it lasted barely a month and the threads don't screw down anymore. I found out this inconvenient fact when it literally came off and the ICK inside splashed all over me and my clean work area. Fast forward and I now spent $25 on the Iwata version and it rocks! Much better design. Also, after watching Barbitos Rex break out an old school single action Paacshe model and paint with it, it occurred to me that I should invest in a quick disconnect for my Iwata and buy 2 adaptors for my old Paacshe's so I can use them again! My dad brought me the old wooden handle model H from his works graphics dept back in about 1988 so I could start using it on models. The double action I bought in about 2010. Gonna bring them out of retirement next weekend and try them out!
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