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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. uhhhh, thanks, but yeah, I am thinking I'm gonna hold off a little while till somebody gets a "double nuts" in their hands and posts a review.......
  2. As I don't yet have a 19, let me ask you guys who do....I really kinda like the "Double Nuts" color scheme, but I like the idea of having the original color from the anime to go with my blue 21. I've heard some scary stuff about the first brown 19's. The new ones are, according to Yamato, supposed to be better.....what do you guys think?
  3. Try Angolz or Overdrive. They usually come within 10 bucks of eachother. Or HLJ.
  4. Man all I know is they BETTER ship my Kaki and my CF-1A before they go on vacation! Had them ordered since freakin May!
  5. My current list: 1:60 ver.2 VF-1S VF-1J (tv) VF-1A (Max tv) VF-1D VF-11B YF-21 VF-1A Kaki TV/VF1A CF TV----(both on order) Destriod Tomahawk and Defender 1:48 VF-1S Super/Strike Parts GBP Armor Parts
  6. TRUST me when I tell you to get the YF-21 next. PERIOD. It rules over all IMHO. But it ain't cheap......stay away from the 19's at this point. Wait for the next release or two. VF-1S re-release is a solid toy.
  7. Few more, playing with camera settings......
  8. Ok guys........first attempt at showing off flexi-stands, any kind of descent photos, but mostly of my weathering/panel lines I have been slaving over,.....be gentle....first attempt at ANY of these!!! More to come!! oops, Max isnt on a stand...doh!!
  9. ...still, this silly thing cant even hold a candle to the new version!! i GOT TO get me one!!!! Wow...uhh yeah....the ver. 2 PWNS all over that thing........
  10. Sweeeeeeet!!!!!! Can't wait to get mine and weather the ever lovin snot out of it!!!!
  11. Well that news puts me in a pissy mood. I bought a Toynami Scott and LOVE it! I was going to buy a Rand sooner or later, but yeah, I would have been first in line for the Rook/Lancer bikes, they should have staggered the releases, idiot marketing guys. Don't put 2 that are so alike one after the other.....This SUCKS. Booooooooooo...........
  12. I'm with u Agent! Bring that BAD BOY ON!!!! SOLD!!!!
  13. Thanks for the replies guys, I sat down with the VF-11B last night and gave it another "chance" as I was panel lining the wings, I guess if the legs are supposed to come off, that is not a concern. I guess I had the little flaps reversed? As they both popped off again, I put them back on and now they seem to sit almost perfectly flush. I pulled the feet all the way out for the "nose in the dirt" look of Gewalk mode, which is pretty cool, but find mine works better if you push them back in a notch for Battroid mode. It's still just a tiny bit back heavy with the Fast Pack Boosters on, but as my first shipment of Flex-stands is due any day now, standing on its own really is not going to be an issue......on another note, with a little practice, that heatshield is workin great! All in all, IMHO, this one is NOT worth the insane price tag unless you just love the design...I could have put the funds toward my vacation.....oh well!
  14. Well, I finally caved and after watching Macross Plus for the first time and reading all the glowing review and reports on this, picked up a VF-11B. And so I guess it was just a matter of time before I got...well...."Yamatoed".... All my other 1:60 Ver 2 VF-1's have been PERFECT! I was SO in love with the look and feel of this Valk I couldn't wait to get it. Straight outta the package, it just seemed awesome. Then I tried to transform it. I don't know if it's just mine or what, but the legs/feet are really floppy and it's hard to get it to stand upright on it's own. The silly cockpit module is a pain also, kinda loose, and hard to get to look right. Wish they would have just made it not removable....Also one of the little gray tabs that folds over popped off, and now when it's back in fighter mode, won't go all the way down. Not a huge deal as it's mostly covered by the Fastpack Booster, but still....Also a leg came off mid-transformation, it goes back on, but I don't think they are supposed to come off, are they? Just thought I would share this as I felt kinda ripped off after shelling out almost $200 for this thing. It will most likely stay in fighter mode I guess.....By the way, does anybody remember that old Clint Eastwood movie "FireFox"??? Damn the VF-11B looks almost just like that plane! kinda cool! HOWEVER....My YF-21 came the very next day and can I just say OMG! That is an INCREDIBLE piece of engineering! My new favorite! Everthing is tight as a drum and it is 150% AWESOME. WAY ahead of anything Yamato has ever produced up to and including the VF-11B IMHO.
  15. cool, thanks! Went with the assortment of 3! Pics coming within a week!
  16. awesome pics guys, I'm about to place my first flex stand order, any thoughts on what "size" to get? I have all 1:60's ver2's Valks....Any help from u guys who have some is greatly appreciated!!
  17. One can only hope!!!
  18. I got the Toynami Beta awhile back and couldn't love it more. And honestly, when you pick it up, you feel like you got your money's worth!! The alpha's---meh hit and miss, I was lucky and got a pretty good blue one back when they first came out...but mostly...yeah they suck.
  19. Nothin but HOTNESS goin on there!!!!
  20. lol! I was like Damn! how did he get his already??!! Yeah the IA needs to be wayyyy darker. It looks to be back in the earlier pics in this thread.
  21. Yeah, it looks a little green...it was kind of a blue green/teal in the show....hopefully they color it a little closer to the anime on the production model. AND ALL THAT TAMPO better be there too!!!!
  22. Massive landing gear malfunction???? LOL!
  23. If we're gonna GAY it up with RoboWreck Shadow Chronicles pilots, then why not some Scott Bernard love too????? Man can fly an Alpha, but kicks more ass in a Beta! Who knew! LOL!
  24. oh MAN! Look at the sheer amount of tampo GOODNESS on this thing! I'm stoked!
  25. Well, as I am a little late to the "party" and JUST watched Macross Plus for the first time over the weekend, (yeah I know)...but it was AWESOME. Point being, debt be damned!! I immediatly jumped online with my CC in hand and ordered the YF-21 and the new VF-11B...I am pretty sure once I have them both in hand, one will quickly become my new favorite! As for my favorite right now.....my first Valk ever was the 1:48 Roy, but i dunno, I'm SO over 1:48......I love all my 1:60 v.2 equally, so its hard to choose...I think my Hiki, VF-1J though...its just so classic!
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