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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. Those look GREAT!
  2. I'm all in! Just let me know payment details!
  3. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Love that Low-Vis grey! Great job!!!
  5. @Thom @arbit - you know.....I have the Bandai 1/500 in the closet...I need to tackle that sucker after the current project! @MechTech I vote painted and weathered to match the plane!
  6. PRE-ORDERED from Kappa Hobby. $225 Free shipping and no tax to TX. Can't beat that! LOVING WWM Macross releases so far!
  7. The fruits of my labor yesterday....Most complete mockup pics to date...A better man might light each single deck, but at this scale...I don't have the skill to do it. 1/200 would be another story. Each of the upper decks will get SOME light now though, and in the end I think it will be fine. Still a million things to do, but starting to feel slightly better about this whole endeavor! (saying that quietly, don't want to jinx myself)....
  8. I NEVER put that together!!! But in my defense, Boy Meets World was a little past my time.
  9. Noooo......I NEVER did that with the Best OR Service Merchandise OR Toys R Us OR OR OR.... bunch of OLD farts around here I swear..oh wait..
  10. @pengbuzzThe old Enterprise and Rickaru are look GREAT! SDF-1 never gets old that BIG! Great mods to that! Titanic UPDATE - Actual REAL progress today - Step 1 - Mark lines for additional spaces to cut for lighting to shine up. Step 2 - Drill guide holes using micro drill - Step 3 - Carefully cut out new holes using hot knife. BAM! Lots of new spaces for LED lights in hull to shine up through. Tomorrow... final small upper deck light blocking and more coloring of planks..UHHHGGGG. SOooo sick of doing that! ONWARD!
  11. Plug in gear like HMR's would be fine IMHO.
  12. no MAN is/was perfectly acceptable grammar in this instance.
  13. I was just about to ask that very question! Thanks @blackconvoy_D01
  14. YEEEEHHHH sooooo I'm gonna need this IN MY HOUSE!!!! That's soooo freakin cool!!!!
  16. Ohh man! Ghost and The Darkness diorama anyone???!!! Loved that movie!
  17. @Mog Sooooo much better!!!
  18. @MechTech - Loving all the brass work! In Titanic land over here, small progress has been made over the weekend...and I do mean small. The forward hatch cover original kit part wasn't accurate whatsoever, so I scratch built one out of styrene. It's supposed to be slightly convex, so I bent the styrene part over a paint brush handle then puttied up the holes on each end once I glued it in place. Then added tiny port holes and hatch covers. I included a digital rendering from a guy on FB who if you have any interest in Titanic, you should check it out, he does amazing work. Also got a job I had been dreading done, masking and painting the framework of the two grand staircase dome skylights. They came out pretty much perfect! Phew! And speaking of grand staircase domes, I hit the 1st one with a few coats of Flory's Dark Dirt wash and carefully wiped away once dry. you can just see the details on it now. In the end hopefully a little light will shine up through it from the LED's in the hull. Pressing on!
  19. I REALLY want to love the EXO-6 Star Trek stuff, but the faces, the eyes on most of them just aren't quite...."there" yet. I mean, they're close! But not close enough.
  20. @Lolicon - Do you disassemble and paint or just mask off everything and airbrush the gear white? Do you primer it first and do you use acrylic, enamel or lacquer white paint? Cauuuuse whatever you are doing...it makes a world of difference!!!
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