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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. OK! Here ya go fellas! The Green and Blue "Alphas" had MANY flight hours on them.... I have no idea which was my first.....I've also got a Jetfire somewhere that might have been first...can't remember....
  2. Some quick pics...sorry their not the best, still learning my camera!
  3. Interesting......I'm gonna have to find somewhere in my lame a** town to buy the Gundam Markers...
  4. Fresh outta the box and ready for the front lines!!!! Just a few quick pics. The feet, and intake covers are dark brown, not the usual greys....kinda strange to get used to...I'm gonna call it the chocolate lovers Valk! :-)
  5. The more I have and look at my "scott", I like it over the "stick" sculpt. But the "rand" is gonna take some getting use to...I just went with MPC cause it's a little cheaper and I am a sucker for their very nice packaging. I'm flirting with the idea of trying to weather my "rand" and keep my "scott" pristine......must work up courage.......
  6. yeah, do tell!
  7. ARRGGGHHH!!! My order is sitting in the (now closed) Post Office around the corner from my house...DOH!
  8. I tried the whole mechanical pencil route and it just looks to "shiny" for my liking on the 1:60's. A little time and patience with a small brush and some dark weathering wash will look a LOT better guys......
  9. Got my Rand MPC today! Looks great! Can't wait to take it out of the box when I get a minute. Then reality clicked in-----these two will be the only two I will EVER have... :unsure: This is just soooo wrong in SO many ways Beagle.........
  10. ohhh man, this thread is gonna make me have to dive DEEP into the back of the closet and pull out the goodies from the parents attic I found a few months back......more to come ...with pics...
  11. Just use the link provided above.....Overdrive has everything you need, as long as your wallet is fat.... I don't think anybody even sells the ver 1 anymore really. But, all the ver 2's have a flip open box lid, the old ones don't.
  12. Go for the Yamato 1:60 ver.2. You will not be disappointed. I think you will have to buy the Super/Strike parts separate, can't remember if their is a bundle deal on that one or not.
  13. Man, that is SO gonna be the COOLEST thing I've ever seen! Way to GO!
  14. Got my shipping notice from OD today!.....CF-1A (and my Kaki TV) finally in route! Yippee!!
  15. nevermind, think I figured it out. thanks!
  16. well uhhhh that's great and all, but I don't read/speak Japenese........any way to get it on the American Amazon site?
  17. Where did u guys find it on Amazon??????? Can't find anything.
  18. That would be the SH*T. Of course we would see great hero mecha come out in droves, but enemies????
  19. Yeah, I need the green and red alpha's too....I just hate the thought of forking over the cash for what are basically crappy toys...but I like the color better than the newer releases....maybe I'll just leave them in fighter moder forever........
  20. I've ordered three high ticket items from them over the years and never had a problem. Shipping was always fast and confirmation emails were timely. No problems.
  21. what he said......and the Ghost from Macross Plus!!!!! come on! that would be easy Yamato!!!!
  22. I have 1, considering picking up more....but I am tyring to keep the faith that Yamato will not let us down and do enemy mecha in 1:60.........
  23. As a semi-good model builder, I kind of like applying all the stickers IF they are "good quality". I would prefer water slide myself and wouldn't consider it a pain to apply them. I think its fun. HOWEVER, that being said, nothing beats the look and durabilty of the Tampo stuff. So I say Tampo it up!! Sure makes panel lining a whole lot easier.
  24. Yeah it IS!!! Where can one get bent over and acquire this new wonderful book online????
  25. Well, times being what they are, I picked up a Rand Masterpiece today from EvilBay, for $175.00 shipped. I guess poor Rook and Lancer will NEVER get to join the party....so sad....... <_< Oh well, at least I got 2 out of 4.
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