I can wait for the Beagle Bike line to finish later, after this recession, but sadly, we all know, it never will. My problem is this.....Toynami or HG, whomever you wanna blame, CAN NOT seriously think any of this Shadow Chronicles crap will sell well. I mean, yeah, OK, I went to SEE THE MOVIE IN THE THEATER, I BOUGHT THE DVD (watched once)..AND BOUGHT THE BLU-RAY just to see if MAYBE the CG looked better in high def..which NO, it actually looks kinda worse). ANYWAY..... I think I did my part to support their "efforts"....if you can call it that. I have all 3 Toynami Alphas, a Beta, and the 2 Beagle Bikes, (which in my opinion WERE the coolest toy last year) and the Beta was I think we can all agree totally awesome and WORTH THE WAIT....so they HAVE to know (we) will buy original Mospeada/New Generation RT stuff....WHY DO THEY CONTINUE TO SHAFT US?? Non-tranformable enemy Mecha with maybe a cockpit and pilot??? How hard can that be to develop, I bet they would sell BETTER than this new "Vinyl REGULT BattlePod" that is coming out...don't get me started on the IDIOCY behind that one. Not that I ever purchased any Toynami Masterpiece Veritechs...THANK GOD....(thanks Yamato ver.2), but to people who did, they totally just got shafted to ever have an "in-scale" Battlepod.
OK, sorry guys, just had to get that out there.....
....goes for beer to calm down......