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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. A Yamato 1:60 Regult would EASILY be in the $200 dollar range...........................
  2. a little from column A, and a little from column B.... :lol:
  3. Have to agree 100% with Taks on that point .
  4. I don't know....I kinda sorta always thought the story line of Southern Cross in Robowreck was kinda cool. Just edited and dialoged kinda poorly. Would have like to seen how it turned out if had gone all the way through the planned production length, with some better editing and animation. I always thought the mecha and uniforms were cool because they were such a departure from the Macross part of the RT equation. Maybe I'm one of very few, but it kinda worked for me in a broader sense... *ducks for cover under computer desk*
  5. Gotta say...........I'm really starting to like this show. Definitely different than BSG, but still good and getting better. You know when you start looking forward to it, when it's on your DVR, and you're like "oh cool, yeah, gotta catch up on Caprica!" REALLY liking the Adama story line, really more so than the Greystone story line, if I'm honest. And I am SURE enjoying Caprica more than the final season of LOST so far........and this is coming from a HUGE LOST fan...
  6. Just ordered 3 from BBTS. I figure with enough panel lines, weathering, and possibly some battle damage these won't look half bad on the shelf. For the $$, you can't loose. Still waiting for Yamato to do 1:60 enemies....but we all know those are gonna cost an arm and a leg if they ever do it
  7. AmiAmi for the win. Ordered VF-11C on Sat. Paid with paypal on Monday, was in my hands in Fort Worth TX on Thursday afternoon at 2pm. OUSTANDING!
  8. Yeah, as far as I can tell, no design changes in the cockpit. It is still kind of wonky, but the little slider piece on my 11C is tighter and more difficult to slide than my 11B, if that helps you any.
  9. LOL. ......but not really....I might could use a part or two, will know in a couple of weeks when I unpack all my stuff....can't remember what's broken on what Alpha.
  10. RELAX GUYS!!!!!!! Got mine in the mail today. All is well with mine! Nice and tight! NO WORRIES! Great looking bird!
  11. Looks great! love the slight weathering on it!
  12. OMG! That's horrible! Can this f*ckin company not get ANYTHING right?? That's really NOT something I needed to watch since mine is arriving today or tomorrow! CRAP....now I'm gonna have nightmares!
  13. OMFG!!! I can't WAIT!!!!! :lol:
  14. Reading this thread day in and day out, just makes me SO happy that I am going to finally be taking all my Valks out of storage in the next 2-3 weeks to put on permanent display. I just can't WAIT to find out how many exploding shoulders I might find! Awesome!! It will be such as exciting time!! Just like x-mas!!
  15. Mine shipped today from AmiAmi. Should be in my hands by the weekend!
  16. Ok, I caved, that is one sweet Valk, not a huge fan of the series, but the VF-11C is a looker! Order placed through AmiAmi for the first time....Good price...We'll see how they do on shipment times compared to Overdrive...way cheaper though....
  17. Damn I want a fan racer.....
  18. Listen to Jenius you should....
  19. Yamato DYRL ALL THE WAY. They just need to tweek the design, put some nice tampo prints on it, give us a PILOT AGAIN, and give us a TV Green version. I bet it would sell better than the red one did.
  20. I'm gonna wait......for sure. Either they can repackage with a Valk that doesn't have exploding shoulders, or sell it as a stand alone package like the 1:48 GBP.
  21. Well, looking at those pics...AT LEAST the broken back thing is fixed..sort of. Anyway, hopefully it's not just that ONE that looks better, but it wouldn't surprise me. I'm done with Toynami "Next Gen Mecha" for the foreseeable future. Exactly 0 of my dollars will go to anything they put out. I had high hopes after the Beta, but oh well....
  22. CARDBOARD REGULTS!!! That's the answer people!!!! LOW COST!
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