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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. Looking good @Thom!!! Can't wait to build my 1/500 eventually! Speaking of ships.... the Prominade Deck side walls ARE ON THE SHIP!!!
  2. Ok, I haven't done the whole MP thing since MP-36 Megs, but this one will bring me out of retirement! I alllwwaays wanted a proper Skyfire toy as a kid, and yes I had the VF Jetfire, and I missed out on the Fan Toys offerings a few years back, so at this price, I'm all in and no I'm NOT just buying it for the mini figs!!! (I think....) LOL
  3. can't wait for this big bag of fail to hit my porch
  4. Yeh, I realize the heavy missile will be next, I just reallllyy hope the do the recon scout after that. We've NEVER had but one mass produced kit of that one to my knowledge!
  5. I will absolutely love watching the great @tekering put his skills to this project!
  6. Always amazing to see the master at work!
  8. So my 3rd PE staircase came out pretty darn good! I came up with a better method. However, I have GOT to get some metal primer, the enamel and even Tamiya lacquers just flake right off the brass. I guess that would help??? I primed the PE with normal Tamiya white fine surface primer but same result. Here's my 3rd PE staircase VS the 70's kit supplied staircase...
  9. I seriously need a clean version of that box art so I can have it as my cell phone wallpaper lock screen! Just AWESOME!!!
  10. @505thAirborne -uuhhhgg...I'll check it out tomorrow...I HATE being old and tired at 10:30PM even when the wife is out of town and I'm off work tomorrow..LOL
  11. @505thAirborne F***CK!! It's OUT already??!! Some reason I thought I saw like Sept!
  12. @sh9000 - Ohh man! I need that Alfa 8C and that green Volvo 850 Estate for my Top Gear Hot Wheels collection! 😄
  13. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, ever since 2020, ANYTHING as complex and needing to be made to the exacting standards as these high-end toys have to be made to, being made overseas, is going to be a total crapshoot as to whether or not they are assembled in a "good" factory and assembled "correctly". It wouldn't really surprise me if we don't start seeing quality across the board go back up until at least 2025. I hope I'm wrong, but so far the 31AX tells me I'm not. And yes, I have this and the Max 29 pre-ordered, so I'm in the fingers crossed crowd around here as well!
  14. The Titanic and I HAVEN'T gone down with the ship!! LOL..May has been just the very definition of insane with work and home life. Anywhooo...I have some cool WINS to report...1st off.. the 1st warped POS deck is DOWN and almost completely flat (only it's really slightly curved as the ship is actually curved from bow to stern) I weighted each section down as I went with some of granddads old 22 ammo boxes and just worked my way along the length of the ship with CA glue. It's on so whatever, few spots to putty up but not tooo bad all things considered! Today I got the 1st side wall of the prominade deck on and used big fat rubber bands and did the same method of working my way down the ship length wise. I also had my 1st encounter with a photoetch stair case! FUN! ... or not in 1/350 scale, however you wanna look at it. Bending the rails, no problem, easy with my PE bending tool, bending the steps at this scale???...yeeeeh...Whatever, the 1st two are painted and installed. Tomorrow I'm going for the other prominade side wall! Stay tuned!
  15. NOPE!!! Sorry Bandai. No sale at that price. Already have the Arcadia. Wanna support the HM-R line but Mac Zero is one of my least favorites, so can't justify that price.
  17. I'll echo @Sildani's sentiment, I had a blast. Ours was a smaller theater probably about 50-person capacity, and I'd say it was about half full. My wife had never seen this movie, my brother in law is a huge Trek fan and he had never seen it on the big screen, nor had I or my father in law. The 10 minute intro with the SFX team about the models was great! As an avid modeler, I really enjoyed that! This movie isn't for everyone, and I understand the dislike for it, not one phaser firing!!! Haha! That being said, I never really liked it or disliked it, it was basically a Star Trek movie that you saw on cable on Sunday afternoon as a teenager and thought, yeh ok, I'll watch that one again. Now that I'm older, it really IS a love letter from the SFX model builders to Star Trek. My GOD the models in this were just breathtaking on the big screen. I know they did use CGI in this new version intermixed with the original all be it cleaned up SFX shots, but the entire experience is still quite moving on a large format screen. The sound and picture at our theater was perfect. Surround was on, subs were ON, musical soundtrack and dialog were well balanced and not overbearing. The picture was amazing. Looked like a brand new movie apart from some of the bridge shots especially in the wormhole sequence, but it is what it is. 10/10 for quality and the restoration of the original. New shots of the VGER ship were brief, but welcome! Already got our tickets for KAHN in September!!! Load photon torpedoes!
  18. Outstanding news!
  19. @arbit I think the glasses and everything else about Max looks BADA**!
  20. RIP Fred! Thanks for the laughs!
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