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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. I want those little Green Guys!!!!!
  2. +1 but ONLY if it sung the kick-ass Reba West versions!!!!! bahahahahahaha!!!!
  3. LMAO at this thread.....but seriously, I'm gonna go home and transform my 11 C and SEE if the leg falls off!!!!!
  4. Ok guys---here it is......finally!!!!. all set up and ready. Not the most dynamic poses I know, but that can come later! sorry for the quality, not good with my camera and glass/mirrors/and window light.
  5. Lookin GREAT!!! Will PM you about that last set.
  6. + 1. GREAT WORK!!!!
  7. AWESOME!!! I can still see the patches over the holes in the wall that i punched through in my old room at my parents house when my models/teenage anger got the better of me!!!
  8. I've had my 11C for about 2 weeks now. Got decals on, but have yet to transform it...seems solid enough...hope I don't find the new "amputated leg" Yamato disease......
  9. I'm gonna get at least 1 of each from here on....I think they are cool. Not 1:60, but cool.
  10. I'm gonna wait and bite on the 1:60 re-issue in May with the GBP and hope and pray it has fixed shoulders.
  11. I can tell you guys who are wondering that my 21's guns click in perfectly in fighter mode without the fast packs. Everything else about my 21 was perfect too. Amazing toy. In regards to the YF-19, I recently got the blue and white "Double Nuts" version and it is very tight in all the right areas. Gun pod fits straight in fighter mode as well. I would venture to say you couldn't go wrong with either re-release. It does suck that they are not including the stand or fast packs with the 21. That's lame. I actually love the clear stand they packaged with the first 21. I use it for all modes.
  12. Cool. Let us know when you get yours what's up on the "pin" front....
  13. 2nded. Rear gear is a b*tch.
  14. I wouldn't mind spending the extra cash and getting the bundled set with another 1J, does anybody know--- if we wait long enough, will the next batch or two be free of the "shoulder pin' problem?
  15. where are you guys finding Beta's for 80 bucks?? Hell, I might get another one!
  16. I'll wait for the Blu-Ray rental................
  17. They are just the new Toynami 1/100 Battlepods...cheap, but not bad at all.
  18. LOL!!!! Here's a shot before the mass "un-boxing" happened. The Star Wars stuff is just gonna have to wait...Macross FIRST! LOL!
  19. I am about to attempt once again to transform my 2 Beagles this weekend, (this will only be my 2nd attempt) after having them in storage for awhile....patience young padawan...patience.... :huh:
  20. Good use of my pool table until my display cabinets show up next week. SO much fun finally having all my stuff OUT of storage!
  21. it would have to be a "snap on" kind of heat sheild, but for THAT Valk, I wouldn't mind making that little concession at all....
  22. Feeling VERY lucky today. FINALLY got moved into my new place and got a chance to start unpacking all my Valks. I checked my VF-1S and VF-1J FIRST! Happy to report NO broken hinges or stress cracks on either after being in storage for quite some time. :lol: Now if my display cabinets would just show up.........
  23. Got my 3 Friday. Was moving all weekend, haven't had time to take them out of the box yet, but I think they look awesome!!! Come on Toynami--give us an Officer Pod and the Gnerl next!!!! Screw Yamato!! go for it!!!!
  24. Still waiting on UPS......
  25. My 3 shipped from BBTS today!
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