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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. same here, just watched the first two on blu-ray...wow...awesome, can't wait for #3!!!
  2. Best line in last nights episode was from Sawyer regarding Claire...."that's before she started drinkin Locke's Kool-Aid"....LMFAO.......
  3. Wanna give up a fan racer???? ...pm me if ya do!
  4. uuuhhhhggg. THIS is what drives me CRAZY about Yamato. Why can't they just give us a painted Fan Racer with landing gear and a figure bundled with the Angelbird. Not a huge fan of the valk, but would bite if they did that package deal for like $150.00 or something. Arrggghhh............
  5. R.I.P. Carl, thanks for the memories. I lived for Robotech when I was a kid. Life long fan of that show and it lead me to Macross and everything sense.
  6. WOW!!!! AWESOME build! and damn! fast too! I GOTTA get back into modeling.....
  7. I'll pick up the TV Roy without FP's for sure.
  8. Give us some cool extras or a figure or two and some nice box art and I would be in.......maybe some little "repair arms" that attach to the main arm somehow for the VF-1D repair scene???? OR a battle damaged version of when he gets nailed right before he kicks the bucket...that would be sweet....
  9. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Lindeloff and whoever back in a season 1 interview say flat out that the island is NOT pergatory?????? And now they are saying it is?? I don't have a problem with it really, it just always stuck in my head that I heard or saw that somewhere....
  10. All I know is----they have a LOT to wrap up and explain in only 6 hrs of TV that's left. It's either gonna be epic or an epic FAIL......at which point I, along with a whole lot of other people will take up arms and go into the streets I suspect....
  11. It's on my to-do list...prob in the next few weekends.....
  12. that looks cool! I gotta do mine soon!
  13. LMAO! None of us WANT to get Yamatoed!
  14. My 'Double Nuts" is tight and 100% goodness.
  15. I agree. Give us a BETTER ENGINEERED/LIGHTER weight Alpha, and I'm totally fine with the bar being a swap out piece on the Beta, however, one thing they could improve on is to make something where the Alpha/Beta could "land" on the gear when combined. (without the need of a stand) Not sure if there is any lineart to support this or not...but I would like to see it be a possibility.
  16. Just pure unadulterated AWESOMENESS!!!!!!! :lol:
  17. nice job! Just pre-ordered the re-release in May from AmiAmi, now the waiting begins..... let's hope it's a new batch with new pins at least if not the new crotch system as well.....
  18. Just picked up the "Clone Wars" movie and Season 1 on Blu-ray from Amazon for dirt cheap...figured why not.....movie wasn't all that, but it had some cool saber fights, and I missed some of the episodes of season 1 back when they aired....gotta break in my new 65" somehow..LOL! that season finale trailer is GOOOD!
  19. Those stands are cool---do you have the make and model???
  20. That's good to hear! WE WANT MORE ENEMY MECHA!!! Invid/Inbit, Glaugs and whatever else!!!!
  21. OK......after watching that video...DAMN...that thing is HUGE!!!!! If it came painted, weathered and whatever else, I would drop the $$$ on it. Sorry....that thing is pretty darn EPIC. Under a nice acrylic case on top of a desk or table that would be a centerpiece of any collection!
  22. If only they would make a "hybrid" beta of the two...Toynami everything, add shoulder missiles, and make the cockpit like the CMs, and include that crazy big gun, THEN we would have a bad-a** Beta! not that I'm complaining mind you, I NEVER thought we would see any kind of Beta actually.....
  23. just got around to watching the final episode last night! Great cliff hangers all the way around! Can't wait for new episodes!!!
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