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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. NO DOUBT!! Mad props to 505thAirborne's post without which I would have totally missed it! Ran in and hit record on the DVR with ONE minute to spare!
  2. As a life long SW fan, I'm gonna go with PASS on the 3-D stuff. I'm just not into it. I think it's a passing fad. Maybe I'm wrong.
  3. The new SDF-1 to be released by Yamato so I actually HAVE it for x-mas! (not Valentines Day ok Yamato?)
  4. what the hell do you like??? LOL!
  5. The SDF-1 OF COURSE!!!! TV or DYRL model...doesnt matter. The idea of a giant alien ship that humans get a hold of and put a city inside of AND it has devastating weaponry and aircraft carries attached to it is just epic. Ever since childhood I've wanted to be crusin the galaxy in the SDF-1! *edit*---I only have the old Matchbox version, but it is in good condition and on display with all my newer Yamato stuff, and I can STILL remember the day I first saw it at Toys R Us back in 85-86, and HAD to have it for x-mas that year! (And Santa HOOKED it UP! thanks mom and dad!!! ) 25 years later, I am anxiously awaiting the Yamato DYRL 1:3000 version this x-mas!
  6. awesome pics....I would KILL for that Garfish Alpha/Beta setup......and I can't wait to see some of your guys builds of the Glaug kit..
  7. The vehicle is lookin great!!!
  8. Merry X-Mas to me!! Just pre-ordered from AmiAmi! Takin a chance on a first run Yamato product! Be afraid! Be VERY afraid!! They SO better have their sh*t together for this one!
  9. I'm gonna say i guess my other top two are the YF-21 and my VF-IJ with the GBP armor i guess. I really don't know...I kinda love em all! As for the Elint over the VF-11....I'm gonna go with Elint....
  10. One has to wonder if they are gonna be nice enough to give us 2 stands????----one for crusier mode and one for robot mode...Or will they wait and make us buy those seperately or something stupid and Yamato like
  11. Kinda have to agree with all the above....as much as I want this....might be wise to show restraint until some reviews are out.....don't wanna get Yamatoed for x-mas!
  12. This is looking freakin GREAT!!!! Dare I say Toynami is making me (and my wallet) happier than Yamato right now????? :blink:
  13. I gotta be honest....I really do want one of these....however...my display cabinet isn't tall enough to hold one in the full standing up position...so there ya go....guess I'm not getting one! And how hard would it be to paint one of these??? Never done a resin kit before.....
  14. OMG!!!! I almost missed this thread!!!!! I WANT TWO Sets of Saddle Bags!!!!!!
  15. HOTTTTNESSS!!!!!!!
  16. I agree with that. It is absolutely gorgeous. I think I would rather have the SDF-1 though. Can't do TWO $400+ toys this year so close to X-Mas....
  17. you KNOW I want one of the two seater things!!! I'm good on side covers! LOL!
  18. GET the ElintSeeker. Trust me--It's pricy, but worth it. I never get tired of looking at it...Prob one of my top 3 favorite 1:60 ver.2 Valks. And IMHO, one of, if not the best, of the 1:60 ver.2 Line from Yamato.
  19. Cool. I'm in for $400. That's not bad really...
  20. I always thought the new BSG Cylon ships were VERY cool...the little fighters and the big giant whatever they were called----the giant tripple spoke lookin things!
  21. LMAO! Classic.
  22. BAH! I don't care what anybody says--I WANT a Yamato 1:48 (or 1:60) HoverTank!!!
  23. AGREED! anybody got any idea of the release date?
  24. Well, this was my birthday present to myself---my first "real" model kit in over 12 yrs. The FineMolds 1:48 Scale X-Wing. I recently completed the Yamato 1:60 Fan Racer as a warm-up practice run, so now it's time for a real model. Last time I was building there wasn't this cool thing called the internet for help! I will try to post updates as I go, wanna take my time on this one as the weathering will make or break this kit....
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