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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. I would be in for BOTH of those!
  3. Do we KNOW the actual PRICE on this yet????? Christmas is right around the corner---need to start budgeting...
  4. I gotta say, that's one PRETTY Valk!!!!
  5. Any updates on these and the 1:60 VF-1D parts Exo?
  6. a HUNDRED bucks??? WHAT??? uhhh nooooo----PASS. that's insane.
  7. Yamato is smokin crack if they think I'm payin more than about 250-ish for this thing....sorry....not that cool!
  8. Thanks guys....yes I did paint the pilot myself, but he doesn't look as good in person. Figure painting has NEVER been my favorite thing to do. I'm not very good...hopefully with the canopy on, you won't see much of him... btw--I WANT that Mobius Galactica model! I was already thinking that might be my next project!
  9. Assembly complete (finally)...stupid work!...on my first Fine Molds kit. Preliminary painting done. Not to shabby for my first airbrush job in over 15 yrs. Gotta say, this kit isn't cheap, but the way it goes together is really awesome. Screw's were hard to get all the way screwed down, but in the end it looks awesome! Now, on to detail painting, weathering, decals etc...
  10. wow.....guess I'm glad i'm watching my season 2 blu-ray's and haven't remembered to catch any of the new season.....
  11. WOOOOOW!!!!!!!!! Amazing work there! All those models are just beautiful! :o
  12. I wish somebody would make the "Fanlighter" or whatever the Minmay one was called...that would be sweet---I don't remember what happened with my fan racer canopy, i just remember I had to cut some little pegs off or down for it fit right or something...it's closed permanently, but meh...whatever..still love it! ohh--and SWEET setup Miriya!!!
  13. dammit I wish I had ordered one of these!!!!
  14. Lots of tempting weathered editions there....especially that YF-19.....BUT....with the SDF-1 already pre-ordered and the Basara Valk coming...gotta take a pass this year...
  15. I'm voting for the YF-21. Two guns is ALWAYS better!
  16. I just made it through episode 28 tonight...New Sound Weapon...I was really getting into episode 26--Death Match at Planet Lux, when my burned disc started screwing up ,so I kinda missed the last half...can anybody fill me in on what happened right after homeboy got into the Armored VF-11C?? (which was awesome looking btw!!) up till the end of that episode? And I gotta say, I was really into the whole thing until the whole giant brown dumb ass looking protodevilyn came along...I mean really???? couldn't think up anything scarier or cooler than that? Looked like a big turd with teeth....
  17. ok fellas---since I assume all my Macrossworld guys around here are the "smartest" when it comes to Transformers as well as Macross---I have over 50 Transformers from when I was a kid--used--(some more than others!)--I got from my parents house not long ago. They are all from Generation one I guess u call it...Prime, Megatron, Soundwave, etc...the FIRST ones....on up to some around the time of the animated movie and some after that...All 80's though...I don't have any idea how much-if anything- they are worth, and would basically just like to find someone who would give them a good home. Just can't bring myself to throw them out or give them to goodwill. Maybe somebody around here wants like the whole lot for like a bulk price? I also have all MOST--not all-- all the accessories, guns, info cards, booklets, etc,.. Can u guys help me out? Or point me in the right direction at least? thanks! mods--move this if need be to "For Sale or Trade"..just wanted to start here.
  18. YES!! Thanks! order about to be placed! I was just beginning to wonder about this poor little guy!!! Bring on Mr. Officer Pod!!!
  19. thanks Graham!! not having any more money for x-mas now seems totally worth it judging from that background eye candy!
  20. DYING for an update over here!!!!!
  21. here's a couple of mine....these were some of my early attmepts...
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