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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. @Tking22 I honestly tried a few years back to watch the remastered TOS on Netflix just so I could say I've watched "ALL" Trek up to Discovery, but I just couldn't make it past the first few episodes, it's not the plots or the acting that kills me, it's those insane music and sound effects that are just so JARRING anytime anything happens! I will say the video quality and redone VFX shots were very very well done by the folks in charge. TOS and TNG definitely got ALL the love and money thrown at them and left DS-9 and poor Voyager hung out to dry in the land of standard def 480i forever! Which is truly a crime IMHO especially in the case of DS9!
  2. .....and her ummm top lady parts look a little small from those pics...
  3. Ohhh man, my brother in law would absolutely LOVE this!
  4. A lot of these newer shows shot in 4K Dolby Vision pretty much require you to watch them in a completely dark room. I keep my Dolby Vision setting on "Bright" for everything on Disney + and don't attempt watching them until after dark with one LED lamp on in the corner of the room dimmed to like 10%. The directors and people in charge seem to have forgotten that just because they watch everything in darkened editing suites or screening rooms, that somewhere out in the REAL world, people might actually have these things called WINDOWS in their living rooms!
  5. Ok, I'll just come out and say it. never had any love for Bayformer designs or the movies really apart from the 1st one kinda, but that Devastator is amazing! The paint apps are incredible! MS Ratchet looks reeeally goood! Might have to be my 1st MS purchase!
  6. 100% agree with this especially after hearing some reviews of it slamming if for "The Message".... Critical Drinker fans will get it.
  7. Season 2 of TNG -- Uhhggg...The Pulaski year (s) -- LOL - It did have a few bright spots though as others have mentioned. "Where Silence Has Lease" the one with Negellum (sp?) was and still is one of my favs. Also, the one with the old hotel from the corny novel on the alien planet made for the dead NASA astronaut and the one that I think ended Season 2 with the frozen humans from the 20th Century and the re-introduction of the Romulans was pretty good.
  8. I cannot begin to imagine the time and work that went into that!!! Amazing work!
  9. Man, I just caught up and I'm all ready for Volume 2! Best season since 1????....
  10. @Tking22 - Yeh.....also do yourself a favor and look up the "Episodes of DS-9 that you NEED to watch" and go off that. Save yourself A LOT of wasted time! Great series but you can skip quite a bit. My wife really got into DS-9 and she's not a trekkie or sci-fi person.
  11. I decided the upper decks needed more LED's, so this morning I used my spare power wires and made it happen utilizing a combination of two kinds of LED strips I had lying around. Lighting is now as complete as it's gonna get!
  12. Anyone around here used Mr. Hobby Metal Primer for PE parts before? Wondering if I need to thin it to airbrush it or if I just dump it straight in and spray it???....I know the SMS Etching Primer you can AB straight out of the bottle...
  13. I guess I need to see Get Out and Us cause Nope looks really fun!!!
  14. THAT LOOOKS GOOOOOD!!!! Great job!!! @Lolicon
  15. I SERIOUSLY hope they do something about that SAAAGGGGGG in fighter mode or I'm gonna bail out on the order. The promo pics didn't show that as an issue at all!! 😠
  16. My comprehensive review of Top Gun Mavrick... FREAKIN AWESOMENESS!!!! That is all...
  17. 😍***OPERATION CLEAN AND CLEAR WORKBENCH EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU LEAVE THE ROOM******😍 will need to be implemented immediately!
  18. Got my ticket for 9:40AM tomorrow (Sunday) morning! Love the early bird movie times!
  19. Guess that question of whether or not American retailers are getting stock AT THE SAME TIME has been put to bed....***SIIIIGGHHH**** Oh well...BBTS will ship when they get them I guess.
  20. Great clean build there!
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