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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. I am the guy who ALWAYS stickers up and dirty's up and panel lines his Valks....but I just couldn't do it to this one. Goin with the anime look as is straight outta the box.
  2. sad, sad, sad....we were so close to having all 4 bikes...
  3. THIS!!!!! I would be ALL OVER 1:60 stuff!
  4. Had a chance to airbrush my "pickle", as my GF has lovingly named it...Top only, gotta hunt down the color I want to use for the bottom this week hopefully. I think it turned out pretty good. The dark dirt wash i plan to use will darken the green up a shade or two... I'm using this pic as a color guide sort of...
  5. In my opinion this WAS the best release from Yamato for the 1:60 Ver.2 Hands down the coolest one. It's perfect. I'm at work, otherwise I'd post pix!
  6. Never give up, never surrender!! Well, it's all glued together now, the break was clean so I decided to proceed and try to finish this up. Too $$$ not to try...if anyone can see the seams of the cracks later, we'll just call it ummm battle damage!! yeah, that'll work! now the putty and the sanding begins!
  7. They were contacting plastic on the VF-22 for sure. As for the Alpha's I can't say for sure, they are in fighter mode, (never transformed for obvious reasons)...Also on my 1:60 ver. 2 ElintSeeker, it is sitting in fighter mode on the 3 points of the stand, wings and underside of nose. The X-Wing I coated with Testors Dullcote. The SDF-1 is in cruiser mode and it is resting on the bottom of the upper legs and the middle front part of the underside. I can provide pix later if you guys want.
  8. OK----I gotta say this. I spot checked my toys/models that are on flight pose stands. I HAVE ZERO DAMAGE on ANYTHING. Robotech Masterpiece Alphas included. FineMolds X-wing Model kit, Yamato SDF-1, Yamato 1:60 ver, 2's and 1:60 Gamlin VF-22. I don't know if it's because they are all in curio cabinets or what, but everything is fine on mine. All mine have the clear tips. Some toys have been on them for well over 6-8 months without being moved. I will say NO direct sunlight ever hits the cabinets and they are kept at 70-76 degrees year around. Just my .02.
  9. I just successfully SNAPPED the nose part OFF my Zentradi Flagship Resin model while trying to get the 2 halves to glue together properly. Outstanding. I KNEW I wasn't going to do well on this resin kit stuff. :angry:
  10. Where does one get THOSE FIRE BOMBER FIGURES!!!???? :o
  11. This thread makes me depressed that now I'm gonna have to go through and check all my mecha that are on flexi stands...including my SDF-1...uhhggg...there goes half my saturday this weekend...
  12. Not a newer style Mustang fan AT ALL..but that's hot! If I were gonna have one, that would be the one! Good Job...
  13. AMEN to that. (says the guy in the middle of nowhere TX)
  14. LOL. yeah, i almost had a heart attack myself, but in the long run, I think it's worth it. anywhoo....back on topic!
  15. This is the one i choose for the Macross cabinet. it is airtight, so no dusting required! http://homegallerystores.com/shop/pulaski/hallway_entry_1/curio_cabinets/101422_curio_chocolate_cherry.html
  16. Few shots of Mr. Nekki Basara's ride in his new home with his friends...sorry for the reflections...hard to get pics in cabinet..
  17. I would LOVE to see a "mini" replica of this. Something about 10 inches or so tall. Put it on a little stand right next to the Fire Valk.
  18. Agreed. I totally had missed the step where the legs swivel out and up going to Battroid mode I think.
  19. First transformation complete! NOTHING broken. Went by the book, and all is well. I was CAREFUL and took my time, (so as not to be labeled a 300 lbs gorilla by Graham) ....as many have said this thing is tight. The engineering is amazing. Yamato hit a home run with this one.
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