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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. so upon further inspection, the PE SDF-1 parts are attached to a kind of yellow backing paper and they are sticky on the back side. Good for me..don't have to deal with super glue on my SDF-1 plastic. So, I'm gonna paint some and stick a few on this weekend hopefully.
  2. WOW! good read! I'm SOOOOOOooooo there! No more PINK Vader sabers!!!
  3. Those Vipers are gorgeous!!
  4. I decided after 20 some odd years of an old hand me down single action airbrush and an old and VERY loud Montgomery Wards $99 air compressor, that for my birthday I would treat myself to something new...so hear we go. Then I decided to start adding all kinds of little decals from Yamato's SDF-1 model kit that a fellow MW guy sold to me to my existing SDF-1. (along with the glow in the dark ones--haven't done any of those yet). I also have included a pic of the photo etch parts sheet, which I am working up the nerve to try sometime soon...
  5. I spray all my models with Testors rattlecan Dullcote....just to seal it and protect the decals..however...i have had it have a "wrinkling' effect on some decals if I used decal set solution..this was simple to remedy by running over them with a q-tip, but did cause me to almost have a heart attack..
  6. that last pic is epic...great lighting!
  7. I thought it was a stand to prop up the guy once you glued all his stuff on...
  8. Trying to convince myself to go though the process of building this as I already have the Yamato 1:60...LOL...wish they would make a 1:48 of it!!!
  9. DISREGARD!! I figured out the head is on the two little stick things! sorry! all good!
  10. OK....I'm missing "the HEAD" LOL! that's what was throwing me off. Can you send me one with the next batch?
  11. I got my set in the mail. They are cool, however...I have a question....can you describle what parts attach to what or post a couple of pics...Im confused!
  12. in my opinion, I would try some decal set solution. I have used it on some things and had it work fantastically well, others not so much. Can't hurt to try. Water slides are ALWAYS preferable to stickers for me anyway. As for the best way to panel line...some people say Gundam markers, some say Micron Pens..(i have used these--good but very dark black lines) OR you could try weathering wash. Carefully paint over/fill in the lines and then wipe away the extra. PRACTICE first however on an old toy or model that you don't care about!
  13. good advice so far...keep it coming! thanks!
  14. Hello Everyone, I am going to start what I hope will be an informative thread around here. As we have SO many talented people around here, I'm hoping some of them can help me (and anyone else) out who has questions, be they simple getting started questions, or more advanced stuff. I will start this off...Just purchased the Photo Etch Parts for the 1/3000 SDF-1 from a fellow Macrossworlder. I have NEVER done PE etched parts before, but want to learn (as I also have the ones for my Finemolds 1:144 Mil. Falcon kit). Those I kinda get how to to do as they came with instructions in English. The Yamato ones....not so much. Do you remove them from the "backing sheet" somehow and then paint?? Paint first?? carefully snip parts out, do you have to "fold" some of them??, and then how in the world do you get the ones to stick on that hang out in midair???? HELP!! apparently my thread name was to long...It was supposed to read the "Everything I always wanted to ask about modeling, but were afraid to ask" thread---maybe a mod can shorten this for me..
  15. Awesome job! Looks great!! gotta build this bird at some point....
  16. I have a problem getting the beam canon to "lock" into place in bike mode on Rands and I'm stumped...it kind of barely sits there and looks right, but I know when I got it it was actually secure....any help?????
  17. I don't care if i have to use 3 tubs of putty and sand for a year...want Want WANTTTT!!!!
  18. Yamato would charge $2k for an HDP kit of that. But how cool would that be???
  19. If you don't want it...mind forwarding me the info on it??? I just recently picked up the 1:72 Spartan and Regult re-issues. Gonna start on them soon.
  20. That's PENGUIN mode man...jeez get it right!
  21. I grew up watching Robotech...and have since moved on to DYRL Mac Plus, Mac 7 and so on...however...THAT poster is just plain WRONG.....LOL
  22. wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow.....cool piX!!!
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