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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. That lighting makes her look the best I've seen her look! Nice job @m0n5t3r!
  2. Yamato and Trek ship are looking good! @Thom Over here today I am trying out a new LED Desk Lamp from Amazon. Pretty nice so far! The two arms swing inwards independently which is nice! The model desk mascot seems to like it anyway.... Also, I got all the PE on the Tank Room building today! Whew!
  3. I always thought that would have been a great way to go as well. It would have fit into Picard's younger character development too, as we saw in "Tapestry" when he was a hot-headed young cadet fresh out of the academy picking fights with packs of Nausicans. A wasted opportunity in my opinion. As @Seto Kaiba noted, it would have explained Picard's handling of "the Boy" so much better than "just cause"...
  4. @sh9000 - What do the two fractions mean on all the Hot Wheels???
  5. "honey, while you were out of town, I made a few small decorative changes to the house......"
  6. @wm cheng - @Big s took the words right out of my mouth! If you want to know anything and everything about metallics and candy colors, (and pretty much anything else) Barbatos Rex's channel on YouTube is the place! I've been watching some build videos and so far I found a guy who did a bright shiny silver base coat that turned out pretty nice. I swear I found another one on the 1:48 Hasagawa that used a gold base coat, not sure though, I 'll have to dig around some more. Pleennntty of time for research, Titanic is faaaaaaar from being done..😑
  7. @Dobber Agreed! That dead bodies under the sheets scene with that music score scares the crap out of me!
  8. Back when I was a pre-teenager and through high school all I built was modern day fighters, mostly all Testors as that's really all there was around here back then.. When I got back into the hobby around 2010 it has been all sci-fi all the time up until the Titanic. I have decided to return back to my roots after the Titanic as an "easy, take a break" not sci-fi project. Also it will give me practice for the 1:48 Hasagawa that still awaits me in the closet... I've never built an Academy kit before but I've heard good things about this kit. "It's an older kit sir but it checks out"... LOL. Best part??? 48% off on Amazon and I had a few bucks in points so delivered to my doorstep.. $14. 😊
  9. Seee---that's my major problem with this guy! I pre-ordred without thinking through the WHERE part. Seriously, I don't have the room, but I want him. Does anyone know if Magic Square or New Age is gonna maybe try to pull this off in a smaller scale sooner than later?
  10. WOW! Another great build!
  11. @Rock Can't wait to see the finished product! Love the Eagle!
  12. @Rock - good to know! Thanks!
  13. WOW! Outstanding work!!
  14. I told my wife when we started TNG (my edited watch list version) that the best episodes are always with Data and Picard. I still stand by that. Of course she liked the Deanna episodes...LOL...SKIP button for me, unless her mother was in them, those were fantastic!
  15. Thanks guys! More PE window frames yesterday I'm having to hollow out each hole because the frames are modernized and accurate, the holes cut for the model back in the 70's/90;s... not so much! They aren't perfect, but at this scale, I'm doin ok I think! The Mr. Hobby Metal Primer R sure does the trick! Just brush it on and then paint over the part! No more chipping!
  16. Wife is OUT OF TOWN this weekend and I'm STOKED for the 2nd half of Season 4 cranked up on the system!!! Soooo good!
  17. That DS9 episode was and still is my like 2nd all-time favorite next to "In The Pale Moonlight". @sh9000 I always was a huge fan of the "messing with time" episodes of TNG especially! "We'll Always Have Paris" was a great one!
  18. I mean I get that and all, but maaaybe stop showing off new stuff that at this rate won't get produced till 2025 until you have some stuff released that's already late! Sorry, just bitching to bitch, it's been one of those days...
  19. Are these guys EVER gonna actually RELEASE anything? Or just keep putting out renders of very cool looking stuff....
  20. Well, off work all this coming week for knee surgery recovery and hopefully some modelling time indoors as well since it's averaging 104 here every day....LOL. Here's some updates that have happened in the last few days... painfully slow progress on this build, almost every single part doesn't fit right or needs to be modified for the PE to look right, or I painted wrong 4 months ago or or or....yeh yeh I know, shut up and keep going. Small victories though...got the 2nd dome skylight cover modified with strip styrene to make a convincing checkerboard pattern so both look like they actually did on the real ship now! Also got a lot of little bits and bops glued on one of the upper roof sections. My Mr. Metal Primer should be here tomorrow hopefully so I can start messing with putting that on the PE stairs and railings, so the freaking paint stays on! Stay tuned!
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