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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. I COMPLETELY agree THAT Aston WAS gorgeous when it came out... but it's a TIRED old body style now that I have seen WAY to many renditions of. It's like they can't come up with anything new. Cadillac DID!
  2. That is SUH-WEET.
  3. I think the CTS-V coupe is the best looking sport coupe in the world at this point in time.
  4. I was lucky enough to pick up a fellow MW members set who had purchased the kit and built it, but didn't want to mess with the PE parts....he sold me those, the glow in the dark stickers and the left over decals he didn't use. I hope you track down a set, I would LOVE to see yours--- ---- because my patience and sanity is at AN END. LOL..calling it DONE and it's going back in the case.
  5. Lazy Sunday Afternoon---so I finally attempted my first ever outing with PE parts on my SDF-1. This was NOT the kit, but the toy released first. Airbrushed all the parts first, then attempted to "fold" the small pointy ones and superglue them on. NOT really a fun experience.....some turned out better than others...but hey...gotta at least try!
  6. Lazy Sunday Afternoon---so I finally attempted the PE parts on my SDF-1. This was NOT the kit, but the toy released first. Airbrushed all the parts first, then attempted to "fold" the small pointy ones and superglue them on. NOT really a fun experience.....some turned out better than others...but hey...gotta at least try!
  7. LOVE that 4 seater Prowler! and I always thought the Crusader was the ugliest plane ever built, but the weathering and panel lining on yours looks absolutely great!
  8. that is so freakin epically awesome! BOMMMBBBAA!!
  9. hahahahahaahaha! that clips hilarious.
  10. Progress on the Falcon......cockpit done and in, drilled out fans and added resin parts, and pre-shaded for the first time! with my new airbrush..(which I am in LOVE with) tomorrow is painting base coat and I will also be painting my SDF-1 PE parts! I then decided to add some extra unpainted SDF-1 PE parts on the Falcon as some areas were blank and boring....I think it will help
  11. UP close pics of the Max Green Zentradi costume PLLEEAASE! Never did get any really good pics of that anywhere i don't think! Gerwalk mode???
  12. +1 here. My Definitve Coleection LaserDisc's just look horrible on a new widescreen TV. Never bought the DVD's, so I'll get the Blu-Ray's. I guess.
  13. YOU are AWESOME my friend!!! Thanks so much!!!
  14. Hey guys...I have a request. Anyone living in the lower 48 who has the Yamato 1:3000 SDF-1 KIT, I need photocopies mailed to me of the pages (24 and 25 I think) of the instructions that show the placement of the Photo Etch parts. (or scanned and emailed if the capability is there). I will gladly PayPal anyone the postage. Thanks!
  15. KEEP HER! Ive got a 1:32 scales F-16 that's been in my closet for like 10 yrs unbuilt..I can't imagine how BIG that F-14 is gonna be!
  16. Next up--Finemolds 1:144 Falcon...I won't bore you all with the details (not to mention the sheer amount of bottles of cleaners, polishes, and waxes) of the almost 8 hrs that went into the taking the scratches off the main canopy, and getting the 3 clear plastic pieces ready... :wacko: However, I must say the canopy masks I bought from the Starship Modeler Website were worth their weight in GOLD! Highly recommended!
  17. I cleaned mine up in about an hour with a new #11 xacto blade, and mine are ready for paint. I will be more than happy to post painted pics when they are done. I think they are great little additions.. Jeez...
  18. WHERE did you find ANY of these for "CHEAP"???? I can be of help with your resin and airbrush questions..PM me.
  19. I think you should try that poll again!
  20. Weeeell, could you simply photocopy them and mail them to me???? That would be GREAT!
  21. How many BOMMMBA songs does it play? :lol:
  22. I was lucky enough to score them off of a fellow MW world member here who bought the kit and just applied a few of the water slide decals, he sold me the rest of the decals, the glow in the dark stickers and the PE parts. I saw you posting in the same thread..I was worried you were gonna beat me to them! sorry buddy! LOL! As I said above, I've never done PE parts so this may be a bit of a train wreck. I think I'm gonna try airbrushing a few on the tree and THEN putting them on the SDF-1. The most frustrating thing about this is there is NOTHING to show where Yamato intended for you to place any of the parts...so as Harrison Ford says..."I don't know....I'm making this up as I go along"..
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