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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. oohhhh....i had forgotten about the Stealth one...heck yea...sign me up for that one as well as the low vis grey one! AND a UN Headquarters Guard
  2. i would by a 1:60 Ghost x-9 from Mac Plus in a heartbeat.
  3. Im focused on 1:60. No interest from me for any more 1:48. Only have one anyway and thinking about getting rid of it.
  4. I'd go for a cannon fodder 1A in low vis i guess.
  5. LOL at Graham, I am about to the middle of Season 3 on Blu-Ray, and even though I watched the entire series after it came out on DVD, there is just no comparison, I had forgotten how truly great addicting and great this show is/was. Frack yeh!
  6. I'll throw my .2 in here,,,,I hold Casino Royal as my favorite Bond film of all time. I am 36, so I grew up with Roger Moore as Bond, my mom still thinks Sean Connery is the best..and I do like the old Connery Bonds for what they were. The early Moore Bonds were ok, and I still think Goldeneye was pretty darn good as well. I loved Brosnan as Bond, just not the ridiculous story lines they gave him in the subsequent movies after Goldeneye. Craig was something fresh and new in Casino Royal and I enjoyed the film immensely. Only watched COS once,,,,and I remember thinking what a HUGE letdown it was...maybe I need to give it another shot. I will definitely try to go see the new one in the theater.
  7. wow. finally. where's my Glaug????? LOOOL?
  8. That is SERIOUSLY awesome!!!!!!!! Great Job!!!!
  9. Sentimental value---1:60 Ver.2 Roy TV, Max TV, and Hikaru TV with armor and VF-1D. But the Elint Seeker is pretty high on the cool scale as well....Favorite toy design/engineering -- 1:60 VF-19 Kai.
  10. Thanks for the compliments guys! The stand is a "flightpose" stand. There is a discussion thread over in the "Toys" section about the tips taking of paint on Yamato Valks, but I have never had a problem. They are great for displaying models also. They come in 3 different stand lengths, so buy a lot because to get really cool poses---you will need different length legs on one stand. flightpose.com
  11. QFT! amen!
  12. when WAVE releases some Inbit/Invid ENEMY mecha models I will snap these up to go along with them. But not before. I'll be happy looking at my Robocrap Masterpiece Alphas. Which, I have to say, I finally transformed the red and the green ones the other day for the very first time out of fighter mode after like 2 yrs...(VERY carefully)....but to my suprise, they didn't explode into a thousand pieces!! I am considering tracking down the red and green Beta's just to have them. I found one already for like $75 somewhere online. That's pretty good for still new in the box i think.
  13. Sorry Yamato....gotta take a pass on this one...not one of my favs...
  14. This is truly the coolest thing I've seen EVER! haha. Congrats to all who got it and have a place big enough to display it!
  15. Thanks Reivaj!
  16. and on that note...picked up these at Star Wars Fan Days that I was working at yesterday, guy was selling em half off..got all 4 for $60. Should keep me busy for a good while.
  17. Finemolds 1:144 Falcon complete. Learned a LOT on this model...didn't use any decals, all colored panels were masked off and painted, also used photoetch parts for the exhaust grills...devils in the details..photos really don't do it justice. Overall, I am happy with how it turned out. I would do some things differently however if I built another one..
  18. nice tie! thanks for reminding me I need to finish my stupid 1:144 Falcon...
  19. I like the OVA best myself....saw it first, then the movie like a year later. Movie felt kinda rushed
  20. +1 I might pick one of these up later....I have a large unbuilt pile that needs building first
  21. Mine was on my porch when I got home! LOVE Amazon! The artwork is awesome in the booklet part. I love the look of it. Something DIFFERENT than the same old black with silver look. Bout to throw it in the player!
  22. that's the coolest thing i have ever seen.
  23. I'd like to add here that I only recentley started using primers on models.. I started with Tamiya Fine Surface Primer and that was GREAT. Now it is literally IMPOSSIBLE to find. I switched to the generic $3 ish a can stuff at Home Depot and have NOT been impressed at all. It makes the model rough to the touch and now I am thinking of just not using anything anymore.
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