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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. @Urashiman Sure - I'll do that later on today after work. Did you ever build the old Testors 1:48 T-38 Talon? I remember I built that as a teenager with no skills and it was a horrible kit!
  2. Good tips! In other news... @Urashiman inspired me to do this! Less than $13 shipped! Never built a Hobby Boss kit, but this will be a fun, quick (hopefully) after Titanic build before the Raptor.
  3. ALWAYS loved the 30 second interaction between Q and Guinan in "Q-Who". REALLY wished they would have given us more on THAT little footnote somewhere in a later season of TNG. Kind of wonder why they never did honestly, would have made a great one or two part episode. Perhaps leading up to the Borg destroying Guinan's planet...perhaps Q was in some way responsible?
  4. I've had my tickets for W.O.K. for months now. Taking wife who has never seen it along with father in law and brother in law who are big Trekkers..
  5. whatever happened to the one where the little guys mouth dropped like 6 inches down on the screen because he was so shocked? That one was my old favorite.
  6. PRO TIP that I wish I had known about an hour ago......When hand brushing Mr. Metal Primer onto a PE fret, DO NOT lay the fret on a piece of anything that you don't want the PE fret to be ATTACHED to! The damn primer dries quick and basically before I knew it had almost glued it to the damn cardboard sheet that came in the package with the PE. I managed to get it off but ruined some of the PE parts in the process...mind you this is the 2nd set of $20+ PE railings I have paid for...NEXT TIME I will definitely spend a little more $$$ and get the spray can of the Metal Primer and go that route....
  7. @Slave IV In bot mode I think they are just about darn near perfect, alt mode is mehh, but at this scale, I'm ok with that. I will mostly have these in robot mode anyway. Don't overpay for them, but quality wise they are great little figs!
  8. All great points, and to this day "Where Silence Has Lease" is still one of my top 3 or so from Season 2. It was just....creepy good. Always wondered if a "Q" ever tangled with Negellum???!!!
  9. Well.... I'd been wondering why they were having so many sales lately... Guess that answers my question. I just recently picked up what I guess will be my last EM ship, from Discovery, a Klingon??? 🤔 ship. Ok. Whatever. The Star Trek Online Klingon ships ARE cool however. Now I couldn't care less about Disco, haven't even ever watched past Season 1,(uhhggg) and would never pay full price for anything from the show, but some of the ships are cool IMHO. Not for Star Trek, but just as "cool space ships". This one for example has something Macrossy about it to my eye... Maybe like along Zentradi lines or something. Whatever, I got it for $18 shipped.
  10. First TF'ers in two years... Newage Cyclonus and Galvatron! I gotta say these both look great in robot mode. They feel excellent in hand. Galvatron comes with two extra faces and a little Matrix Of Leadership. I do like them, but at the prices these are now, I can't justify the price anymore, so these will prob be my last two. These are cool for about $50 a piece which is what the originals were give or take... Now for these two it was creeping up on $200. Luckily shipping was free.
  11. This. Cause I know I would buy some VF-1 / VF-19 / VF-0s / SV-51 cannon fodder grey/blues and a bunch of other "real world" looking repaints as many others here would as well!
  12. @jeniusGuld Goa Bowman used them for YF-21 target practice!!!
  13. derex3592

    Hi-Metal R

    You know......I'm to the point of I reeeeaaallly don't care if the last two Destroids are pink with purple polkadots...JUST FREAKIN MAKE THEM BANDAI!!!
  14. @Thom - "HMS Titanic to USS Stingray, all we've seen out here is a Klingon Bird Of Prey hovering over a fishing boat and some pesky little icebergs, nothing to worry about!"
  15. @Big s - Agreed. The length was trying at times for those of us with hectic schedules. I'd prefer more roughly one hour episodes and then split the finale in half if you have to.
  16. @Urashiman - Your digital Valk is looking good! @Thom -Red Alert! Shields Up! Looking good! Over here this morning I tackled the forward and aft cargo area cleanup that's needed to happen for months now. Got that mostly sorted with skinny sanding sticks and a little good old fashioned hand painting with Tamiya acrylics believe it or not! I also got my forward and aft cargo covers finished and test fitted! Ever so slightly crinkled kitchen foil painted off white...looks like a canvas cover! With any luck we are going to get the bow and stern covers ON the ship tomorrow AM. Stay tuned!
  17. I LOVE that aircraft design so much, one of my all time favs! Looking forward to your progress!
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