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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. Anyone else think this is a big middle finger to Bandai for not EVER giving us the last two Destroids in HM-R??? Because from where I'm sitting, I'm all in for the missing two in 1/100 scale to finally have all of them in more or less the same scale!
  2. I wish I had Macross to watch on Disney +! And I wish I'd kept my Yamato 11B/C! 😞
  3. GREAT SAVE @wm cheng!!!!
  4. R.I.P, sir. Loved him in Coming To America. Also made a pretty good bad guy, put Bruce Willis in his place in Die Hard 2 a couple of times.
  5. As I begin the long, bittersweet process of starting to box up my Macross and other collections over the past 20 years or so in order to move forward to the next chapter of my life in a new home later next year, it becomes apparent to me just how RIGHT Yamato nailed the VF-1 with the 1/60V2 and subsequent releases from Arcadia. As I transform and box up the Bandai DX VF-1s and the Hi Metal Rs, yeh those have their place, but they all seem a bit.. I don't know... To fiddley for lack of a better term. The DX is just to big honestly. The HM-Rs are fantastic, don't get me wrong, but they have there down sides with the small size, all the part swapping and accessories. So let's just take a moment and remember the golden years of Yamato with just a few samples of never transformed VF-1 greatness that was for a time, and still might be, in my opinion anyway, the pinnacle of the Macross Valkyrie transformable toy collecting. And for those wondering, yes, the tan one is the holy grail VF-1J CF Commander's Ride with rainbow canopy in perfect condition. 😊
  6. @wm chengI've had good luck with this as of late... Amazon.com: Alclad II Lacquers Gloss Klear Kote, 1oz, ALC310 : Arts, Crafts & Sewing
  7. Ok, I convinced myself I was 99% out of the toy game, but man, I'm going to have to reconsider jumping back in on a re-release of the Legioss and Tread! I have all the Toynami's from back in the day, but man, this looks amazing!
  8. Hahahaaha! Man, you gotta love Basara. He was a douche, but he could hold his own in a fight, kick ass when needed, put the girls in their place, and fly the hell out of the FireValk like nobody's business!
  9. Ohh man, this one just hits different. I just re-watched the Big Bang Theory episode last week where Sheldon and him hang out all day. "I like Star Wars too!" "Your friend Leonard sounds like a weenie!" Classic JEJ. You will be missed sir. R.I.P to the GOAT! 😢
  10. New "easy and quick" project... LOL.. 2018 Academy 1/72 A-10. Well..... Apparently 2018 Academy ain't modern Academy... Wow... What an absolutely horrible fitting kit just on basic build up.. The cockpit tub and main bottom wheel well/fuselage part were just terrible. I tried every trick I know and this was the best I got. yesterday after like an hour of trying. Sooo.. Yeh... Lots of sanding and putty and seam work in my future unfortunately.. Uhhggg... So much for quick and easy... 🤔 🙄 😂
  11. Hi guys, reporting in with the Academy 1/72 FA-18F finally done. Nice kit, no pilots included, these are PJ Productions resin pilots. My first time scraping and polishing the center canopy seam, but it turned out great. Also closed up the gear for an in flight look. Kit did not offer that option. Wanted this one to look like a carrier based very used and abused aircraft. Long time finishing up this one due to life struggles but I'm proud of myself for finishing it up and on my 49th BDay today. Now on to the Bradley, SR-71, and other unfinished kits. Slowly but surely. One day at a time. 🙂 Hope you enjoy the pics.
  12. Flory's ALL the way for panel liners. The Tamiya stuff is just too risky to paint jobs for my liking. It has it's uses but only in very small areas and I've had more failures than successes with it. It cost me an entire Bandai AT-AT kit years back and that was heartbreaking.
  13. Hello guys, After what has been the absolute worst 6 months of my entire life personally, I won't go into details here, I am slowly starting to pick up the pieces of my life one at a time and I realized I have to start living my life again and doing something for me that I enjoyed in order to heal and move forward. So, this morning, for the first time in what seems like an eternity, I felt like I was ready, and I pulled out my F-18 kit and got back into the decal application for about an hour before I went to church. If praying is in your life, please pray for me for what I'm going through, I need all the help I can get. I'm going to try to finish up the F-18 and then get back to the Bradley, the SR-71, the Cat's Eye and eventually the USS Texas and everything else in the stash in the closet. One day at a time. Thank you, Wes (derex3592)
  14. I agree. I just watched it this afternoon. It's really pretty darn good. Kevin Bacon was awesome!
  15. For a 1st build, that came out GREAT! I built one years ago and it was a struggle!
  16. Amazing work! Love it! Great job!
  17. Definitely not. Zent mecha would be really beaten up.
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