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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. One of my favs -- When Picard walks back onto the bridge after being on the planet, Patrick Stewart just OWWNED that scene as he talked the other ships 1st officer in their "language". Everyone on the Enterprise bridge was just like...WTF... Classic!
  2. That's quite a......package old Rook/Houquet is umm packing...WTH?!
  3. @tekering - Have you ever thought about filming your model building and doing a YouTube channel? A lot of work I know, but I know I would for sure watch that!
  4. Yes! I watched the whole series, and it was excellent! Very enjoyable. John Dykstra and all those guys back then were just exceptionally brilliant! It's kind of odd that now we've come back around full circle to certain directors and producers to WANT to do things live and not in CG. Look at the new show Andor, not shot using "The Volume". Interesting times for sure! Kind of going back and using the CG as more of a tool and not an end all be all or crutch nowadays for some things.
  5. @nightmareB4macross - No, well, haha, most of it is the 1/350 Minicraft kit designed in the 70's. It's been re-popped over the years with minor changes, this one was after the 1997 Titanic movie as best I can tell. It doesn't have the upgrades some of the later kits had unfortunately, so I've had to do quite a bit of creative scratch building of some parts to make it look halfway decent. @Urashiman I believe @Sanity is Optional was commenting on my broken Dspaie nippers. @Thom @sh9000 Thanks! @MechTech Thanks! Yes, I've found the exact same thing when using the single high end cutters. Make your initial cut a bit away from the part, then go in sloooowly with the good cutters flush up against the part 90 degrees to the way you might first thing to cut it, and it's still not absolutely perfect, but darn close. Nothing 5 seconds with a light grit sanding stick or glass file and a quick buff can't make perfect. I tried this method from Barbatos Rex (using the God Hands/glass files/nail buffer pad) yesterday just for fun on the two main halves of the Tamiya Space Shuttle and the results were very good!
  6. I just wish before Yamato went belly up, back when they were cranking out a Valk a week or so it seemed for a while, they would have done all the 1:48's schemes in 1:60V2. Man, that would have been so awesome...
  7. Upper deck --- ON!
  8. The odd ball stuff from them was always pretty good as well. The larger space stations were all very nice if caught on sale. Also at a DEEP discount, the Discovery ships were very nicely done. I have zero regrets on all those I got along with the Star Trek Online ships.
  9. Ahhh...VERY nice on the 2nd attempt! I like it! Are you printing it on decal paper on a laser jet or inkjet and then custom cutting them out to fit? Because if you are....bravo!
  10. @tekering - Google "Spaceship Surface Textures" Here's an example -- Might be useful for ideas...
  11. derex3592

    Hi-Metal R

    SAME!!! All in for one if pre-order isn't a nightmare.
  12. It stinks that the ink color shifted on you and the clear coat smugged the lines, I still like it though and think you're on the right track overall!
  13. Weeeelll SH*T that looks pretty damn good...Anyone gonna cancel the MP version pre-order and go with the NewAge to save space??? Cause I'm thinking really hard about it right now!!!
  14. Man, I'd HATE to have to do a model paint job like that!
  15. @electric indigo That's looking really nice!!! I'm EVER so pissed ---THIS is what happens at the tail end of a Sunday afternoon when you're in a rush and tired and that silly ONE last part you are trying to put on isn't fitting so you get your REALLY GOOD, "THEY ARE ONLY FOR TAKING PARTS OFF THE SPRUE AND TRIMMING NUBS" cutters out and go in to try to fix your problem on old 70's plastic... Now those were my Dispiae's, I'd had them about a year and I really liked them. Barbotos Rex talked me into them after his 20 cutters review video. First pair of single blade high end cutters. Now you reaeeeaally can't find them anywhere for what I paid about a year back, other than evilbay with shipping from Deep Dark China.com, so no.... They say a fool and his money are soon parted, well....this happened, so we'll see....
  16. Awesome job!!!
  17. Yesterday I finally tackled my first photoetch railing with multiple bends on a fairly small part without much room to tape the railing onto the part for gluing. Not perfect, but not bad for my first try. I'm sure it'll get easier...LOOOL. That one part took me over two hours to get right. Got the stern attached and the ship is actually starting to look like a ship! One more main deck to go and then the fun part can actually start! Had a great Bday in the middle of the week with my first ever actual Tamiya model kit! Can't wait to build the Space Shuttle!
  18. @tekering Well worth the effort me thinks!
  19. Well mine showed up yesterday, playing around with it this morning. All joints are good and tight. Been about 6 years since I transformed a 25... so I went by the manual to see if I could get there. I gotta say, it's still a pretty cool toy. It especially benefits from the matt finish. Fighter mode is totally my favorite on the 25, but due to space limitations I'm gonna probably have to display it in battroid.
  20. Stunning! Great work!
  21. I'm still waiting on mine. Was supposed to show up yesterday, now it says "no delivery estimate" or something like that. Good Job Fed-Ex! 😠
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