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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. I live in Fort Worth and saw one of the 17's just the other day flying over. Incredibly sad tragedy. I saw the accident video on Twitter. Horrifying. Prayers to all the families.
  2. So this happened.... LOL. Add em to the "stash"!
  4. Thanks guys! Good to know! I'll keep an eye out - Nothing yet in the inbox
  5. Ok, that BattleCat/Cringer is pretty darn epic! I wonder if they'll do Skeletor's purple cat?
  6. @nightmareB4macross Ok good! I'm not the only one that thought that immediately! LOOL!
  7. I'm honestly ok with it either way.
  8. Anyone heard ANYTHING from Kappa Hobby on this at this point? I'm beginning to wonder if I dreamed I pre-ordered from them....
  9. @Thom It's 1:72. @SpacePirateNeko Congrats!!! I'm surprised you found one, you don't see those much anymore! I built it years ago, It's still one of my favs. It's still a GREAT kit. Everything fits perfectly. Yes, the Bandai 1/72 is slightly better detailed, but I maintain the FineMolds folks got the shape of the cockpit way more accurate! Also, on the Finemolds one you build up the parts on the ship one at a time, it's a very satisfying build and not as insanely expensive as the Bandai offering. Have fun!
  10. @MKT - I agree! Very underappreciated design and toy!
  12. Titanic Updates! ALL photoetch railings on ship. ALL photoetch staircases on ship. ALL lifeboats and lifeboat davits (hangers) painted. Today's fun however... E Z line on the smokestacks.... Run line through the 6 holes on each side, pull through the top. Secure with UV superglue to the underside of the interior part of the stack, rinse and repeat. I secured the other loose ends with Tamiya tape to prevent pulling them back through.... I get to do this 48 times....... YAY!
  13. Congrats @Lolicon! It's a great one. I've had it since it was originally released...so long ago now....I don't think I've ever transformed it come to think of it!
  14. COOL! Onllllly....This company is NEVER going to release anything!!! Space Homer got pushed to Jan 2023. They keep showing alllllll this cool stuff but they can't get out what they showed promo pics of like a year ago?!! Cooome on!
  15. I really DO wanna support Arcadia and get this as it is something different, but that paint scheme....🤮
  16. @Goodman Models, that's ok man! We're a patient bunch around here! Thanks for all the hard work on these! I've still gotta finish stripping down my Cat's Eye at some point soon and then repaint it so I'm in no big hurry!
  17. I think it looks freakin AWESOME!
  18. This is SO true now. On the one hand you get up or stay up in the middle of the freakin night in a fleeting attempt to maybe just maybe snag something at a "normal" price in the .02 seconds it shows up on Japan sites, but then pay out the a** to have it shipped OR you wait for 6 months to get the damn toy from an American site and pay a hefty markup. I'm sorry, for this old timer, neither option really floats my boat anymore. I'm pretty much done collecting Macross nowadays. It just plain SUCKS. There I said it. Wake me up when Yamato rises from the ashes and comes back with a 1/60 VER3 for less than $100 each.
  19. Railings......sooo many railings....
  20. Started Andor this weekend, three in and two to go tonight. This is the best show they've done. Hands down. For all the reasons already mentioned. I'm shocked and amazed they could do this so well for a character I never gave a flip about in Rogue One. Very well done show so far. Eagerly looking forward to 4 and 5 tonight. Whoever said it's Star Wars for adults was 100% accurate.
  21. Yeeeeeeh.....that just reeeeks of desperation honestly... Moriarty and Lore? Seriously?
  22. This. I've NEVER been a fan of 3D, but seeing Gravity in 3D IMAX upon it's original release was life altering!
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