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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. @wm cheng Your Phantome looks AMAZING sir!!! WOW! Always a pleasure to see the master at work! In answer to your question, the line I'm using is called E-Z Line. Model Railroad guys use it for lots of things apparently (those guys know A LOT!) It is stretchy to I believe almost twice its length without breaking, it's really pretty cool stuff. Lots of forgiveness for noobs like me who have never done rigging before!
  2. All good ideas, I use a paper clip at bent a 90 degree angle snipped off to whatever length I desire in a pin vise for CA glue applications of small parts. Actually, this morning I updated my method even more, now only using Tamiya tape cut down to the exact perfect size in order to make the line lay down flat across the hole. Also switched to my Ultraviolet CA glue. This stuff is AWESOME! If you haven't tried it, do so! No chance of getting the line IN the hole, that just wasn't ever going to be an option because of the 70's design of the kit and how I had to build it to light it. Anywhoooo...3 of 4 funnels now completely done, only half of one funnel remaining for the lines to the deck! WHOO HOO!
  3. Yesterday's lesson in ship rigging lines ..... I tried yesterday to attach EZ Line to the deck from the smokestacks with just superglue and tweezers. That didn't go well and I was frustrated with myself and ended up with tiny ugly mounds of CA glue which I have now attempted to paint over. From the side view or at arms length you can't see them. Whatever. This morning I decided to build a better mousetrap!!! Tamiya tape and bluetack putty for the win. 🤣
  4. Yeh it is.
  5. I gotta say that 1/72 Roy looks damn good. Just wonder how the kit quality is out of the box?....
  6. I mean it's a Typhoon sooo.... Sure! Why not?!! 🤣
  7. I'm ALL in for a matt finish 27 redo!!! The green one and the other one!
  8. Shhhhhh.... Don't tell the Father In Law... I'm CHEATING on the Titanic today.... 🤣 OMMGGG...It's sooooo nice..parts that just....fit!!! AMAZING! I'd forgotten what's that like!
  9. @danth - LMAO - I ranted about this a few pages back... No, I don't think they ever actually do. I've got Cobra Commander on order and Space Homer and I don't expect either one anytime before I retire in about 15 years
  10. I couldn't care less about the plot or the characters, HOWEVER, as a movie fan, I have a feeling this will be one you WANT to see in the biggest, loudest 3Dest theater you can, Kind of like Top Gun Maverick, it just looses something at home no matter how good your setup is.
  11. BUT Panthor ISNT FUZZY!!!!!! 😭😭 He's supposed to be velvety and fuzzy!!!! Come on! That's my childhood you're messing with!
  12. This was one episode I found (and still do find) fascinating. The idea behind the Dyson sphere is just so cool to me. I only wish they had a way larger budget and current CGI to show it more than it was shown in the show. If you think about the sheer size of it, ALL of the blackness of space should have always been filled in full screen with grey surface detail anytime the Ent D was on screen! Like one huge wall of grey that never stopped. Good episode. The scene with Scotty and Picard in the holodeck on the Ent A bridge drinking the whiskey is one of my favs.
  13. @sh9000 Ohh man, if they didn't include some battle damage parts for when he's getting BLASTED TO DEATH in the shuttle scene, I'd return him!!! Such a brutal death scene for poor Ironhide! 🤣
  14. EITHER one of those colors looks miles more accurate to the anime I remember than Yamato 1/60 or the new DX honestly!
  15. @electric indigo The airplane nerd in me wants to build an F-18 and do the Top Gun Maverick blue and black paint job on it!
  16. Yeeeeeh, sorry Bandai, NO SALE. Those above pics just prove that Yamato's fighter mode was damn near perfect. As far as battroid, whatever, wasn't ever a fan of it anyway.
  17. @nightmareB4macross Thanks! Oh yes, there will be 1/350 pre-painted PE peoples added ... well ...ATTEMPTED to be add anway!
  18. @Rock Tomcats looking GREAT! TITANIC update! - PE smokestack ladders folded, painted and installed yesterday. First rigging lines attached to the deck too! Life boats all going on hopefully later on today! Last weekend consisted of making custom canvas looking covers for ALL of them using newspaper. Came out good though! Moving on!
  19. Man, how cool would that have been to see AND HEAR in person! Awesome stuff!
  20. I'll believe this one when I see the PRE-ORDER button and click it..oh wait, it'll be gone in .0000003 seconds, so nevermind.
  21. Dammit Bandai
  22. Just showed up outta nowhere this afternoon! Never did get a confirmation email of the order, no shipping notice or anything! Oh well! It's here so Kappa delivered! Great packaging! 😁 Can't wait to try her out this weekend!
  23. I think the little scouts look great. I'll prob pick up two later on down the road. I agree with @RavenHawk, finally getting decent quality toys after 40 years is kinda awesome! I still have my Matchbox Invids so I've suffered long enough!
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