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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. Exedore/Frodo definitely didn't skip chest/tri's and bi's and core day! 😂
  2. I really like it!!! Valks really can't be OVER weathered in my opinion!
  3. Great work @nightmareB4macross! OK! Time for a massive update on current projects, 1/72 Academy F-15 Strike Eagle 🦅 is next up! Oddly this is one of the few 1/72 aircraft I never built as a teenager, not sure why, but anywhoo, this is a fantastic kit from Academy so far. Lightyears past the A-10 kit as far as fit and finish. Even better than the Hornet I think. Modded for gear up and also with resin pilots with crazy looking VR helmets or something, had to use the two pack of pilots for a Mirage 2000. Close enough. Cockpit and pilots finished up this morning and after that main assembly was completed. Other than doing the canopy, (UHHGGG) this one's almost ready for black primer! Side project two ✌️.... Tamiya 1/72 F-16. Absolutely one of my favorite planes ever to fly! Never say die! Iron Eagle! Hahaha! This is actually my VERY FIRST ever proper Tamiya model kit, so far fit and finish is absolutely perfect. Slightly fiddley due to the size of the kit, but very very good so far.... More to come.. Finally, painting continues on the 1/500 Bandai Yamato, Going super simple with this one, NO primer, just Vallejo Model Air Medium Gunship Grey and Fire Red airbrushed right onto the colored plastic. I'll weather it some later, but this kit is SOO much fun, it's huge and just looks freakin awesome! Stay tuned!
  4. Gotta admit.....that last pic looks pretty DAMN HOT!
  5. Amazing paintwork on those @Cheese3!
  6. @electric indigo - Really great job on such an old kit! Looks like a real airplane!
  7. Jude Law has done a GREAT job of making me absolutely DESPISE his character, especially in the last episode! He needs his A$$ handed to him by someone with more Force powers than him for that sh*t!!! I remember a scene in Clone Wars where Asajj Ventress thought she was going own Master Yoda and he just straight up Force pulled her two sabers out of her hands over to him and was like "what now b*tch" - Something along THOSE lines would be great!
  8. @electric indigo - Gorgeous! I really struggled with having to improvise yellow stripes on the A-10's weapons, and I struggle with 1/72 weapons detailing period, did you mask and paint them or use water slides and somehow make them look good on a reducing radius tiny surface, because I tried that and it didn't come out great honestly...
  9. @MechTech Wow that's amazing! Love watching you in action! Nothing short of incredible! @pengbuzz Cool BOP! Can't wait to see you work your magic on it! Hope everyone has and still is having a great holiday season. Over here I finished up the Academy 1/72 Academy A-10. Only thing that didn't work out was somehow a tiny bit of overspray somehow got inside under the canopy. Grrr.. It's not noticeable from a foot away but still annoying. I'm guessing it got in somewhere from the bottom of the kit. Whatever. Still pretty pleased with how this turned out. Added a pilot and modified for in flight display.
  10. Needed a quick break from 1/72 airplanes, so I spent today on the 1/500 Yamato, man this kit is just massive! I love it. Two tiny drops of Tamiya quick setting cement so far to this point. No putty. Bandai was on their game back then!
  11. @Big s - Pretty much right away after applying it. Usually with a small slightly moist q-tip or just a moist finger.
  12. @Urashiman - Temba, his arms open --- LOL -- I see what you did there!
  13. Regarding the Vallejo Putty, I LOVE it. It's the only one I use anymore. Tried the Perfect Plastic Putty, Tamiya, others, and I like the Vallejo the best. It's not meant to fill the grand canyon or anything, but very small seams. Yes, there is a little shrinkage sometimes, but I always expect to have to add a little more to a problem area. You really don't have to sand it unless you just feel the need to. Apply, gently wipe off any excess with a moist q-tip and you're good to go. YMMV.
  14. Flory's Grime all over and panel line wash got done and decals on the A-10 were started over the weekend and went down great. Apparently 2004 Academy decals are much better to work with than much much newer Academy decals.. (The more modern F-18's were just very very difficult I think due to the much much thinner film maybe?) whatever, these go down like a dream! 😀 Pressing on!
  15. I'd like to add to the 1/72 aircraft updates finally... Academy A-10 painted up over the weekend, and all ordinance assembled and painted. Light Ghost Grey on the bottom and Dark Ghost Grey on the top more or less, layed down in light coats over the white on black mottling, the two greys are suppose to look more pronounced than they came out but mehh, whatever, all the online pics look like it's all about the same shade in the real world. Forgot what a pain 1/72 ordinance is.. Haha. Hopefully clear coat decals and detail painting this weekend! 😊
  16. Decided to pull an old friend out of mothballs early this morning..... you know... something small.. LOL. Man, let a few years go by and you totally forget about how even an 11 year old Bandai mold just snaps together perfectly, no drama at all. Amazing engineering and tooling. Not a drop of glue yet....
  17. I'm hoping they give a bundle option on the preorder, the Legioss AND TLEAD together!
  18. Hahahahahhahhaa!!!! 😂
  19. R.I.P. sir.
  20. Marbling done and base coat of Tamiya Lacquer Light Ghost Grey down yesterday.
  21. 1/72 Academy A-10 is FINALLY getting a primer coat. Terrible fitting kit. Modded for gear up.
  22. That's amazing. I wish I could see how he painted and weathered it to look like that.
  23. @pengbuzz - BROH!!! Man, that's AWESOME! Very cool! Great job! 😃
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