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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. @wm cheng - I'll post a scale pic later on for you. @pengbuzz - NICE find! I've built that kit twice, and purchased the clear version TWICE. The first one I built as a kid in the late 80's. The 2nd I built in the early 00's and gave to a buddy of mine, (I don't know what he did with it), the first clear one went INTO A WALL in a rage of frustration about 10 years ago and shattered , the 2nd clear one waits for me in a dark closet with full aztec's (they GREY ones, NOT the Generations BLUE!) along with PE upgrades and lighting supplies. I don't feel like I'm there yet...LOOL! Someday maybe, however, I know I WILL sand off all the raised detail before I start this time around. I've watched a LOT of YT videos of the build which kinda helps. The only thing really holding me up is finding a 100% sure way of painting/scraping the windows for the light to come through, that's where the RAGE came from 10 years ago, by the time the primer and paint was thick enough to block the light form the outside, it was TOOOO thick to scrape off effectively.
  2. Polar Lights 1/1000 NX-01 ENTERPRISE is ready to leave spacedock! I went off high res pics of the CG model. Full Aztecs top and bottom along with kit decals. Great little kit. Nothing bad to report really. Some putty and sanding on the engineering section on the back, but nothing crazy. If I had nothing but money and time I would build two more of them, one being the refit (which it does come with the parts for) and the other as the alternate universe ISS Enterprise, just to be able to use the crazy giant yellow lighting/sword decals on the top of the saucer! Enjoy the pics! Moving on to the A Refit, Voyager and the original Enterprise now!
  3. That just keeps looking better and better!
  4. This..... is what happens when you are up at 4:45AM and think you are going to get some quite time to yourself on a Saturday morning to do some microscopic PE parts...... something had other ideas... 🤔 🙄 😂
  5. I'd say "Flight Suit Rick" was a bit heftier and then when he joined up to be a pilot, basic training stripped the baby fat off! Hahahaha
  6. NO S*IT RIGHT?! WTF happened to Bandai and the SW model line???????
  7. Deep dark China 🇨🇳 via New Jersey all the way to TX.... The USS Virginia has arrived!
  8. MEPTOYS Invid Scouts and Invid Hellcats. Now.... These were on discount on MEPTOYS website for good reason and he explains that up front when you buy them, but I went ahead and picked up a batch. Yes, you will have to put in a little time with Future or the Joint Fix stuff and tighten up the leg joints on the scouts, they are very loose, and I will of course be painting the two Cyclone riders eventually. That being said, you gotta say, they certainly LOOK the part! Paint apps are good, display stands are finicky but functional. Considering these are the ONLY toys pretty much ever made for this mecha, not counting the 80s Matchbox ones which I still have, I'm pleased. The packaging has a very premium feel to it and so do the figures minus the joint tightness issues. I NEVER in million years thought I would live to see the day where I got Invid toys from Robotech II The Sentinels. I did like the show, what we got of it, I need to dig out my DVD someday just for fun. MEPTOYS is/was on the right track here, they're manufacturing just needs a little polishing. I hope they continue to produce stuff, they definitely try hard and you can tell they care about the subject matter.
  9. DAMMIT Hot Toys - I WANT that Vader
  10. I learned recently even a slight amount of Mr. Color Levelling Thinner removes decal film if you haven't sealed your model! Ooops....LOL.
  11. Enamel Thinner basically. I'm NOT a fan of the Tamiya Panel Liner liquid however. I just don't trust it! After it literally ATE my Bandai AT-AT leg joints and turned them to mush ruining my build the first time around, I have steered away from it in favor of good ole Flory's Clay based washes.
  12. Due to the sheer SIZE of Masterpiece Skyfire I bailed on my pre-order and after watching some YT comparisons I went the newage route. NOT disappointed in any way so far!!! Great size and very premium feel to this guy! I've wanted this toy since 1985!!!! 😁
  13. My MEP scouts are on the way too! This showed up yesterday, I've wanted this toy since 1985!!! Newage Firefox AKA Skyfire! Great looking figure! 😁
  14. That's the Toynami version for sure. It's literally sitting behind me in a cabinet as I type this, and yeh, I got the all three Beta's on sale back in the day for I believe about $80 each! Crazy!
  15. Ok, I'm all in for date night with the wife as well!
  17. I also finished up all the aztecs on the NX-01 yesterday. Highly recommend them. Yes, they were as much as the model but they went down perfect and add so much. Not a single issue with any of them. Now on to the kit decals!
  18. Gorgeous paint job as always @electric indigo!
  19. @jenius - LOVE the new review and updated production values! Watched it on my 4K TV - veeery nice! Looking forward to more!
  20. Since my 1/72 Falcon build many moons ago, I try to use my airbrushes for 99.9% of everything I paint unless absolutely necessary, I despise brush painting or doing anything with actual liquid paint on my builds. No offense to those that do, my hats off to you! There are guys out there that ONLY brush paint, and make it look amazing! Blows my mind. Old pieces of sponges are great for paint chipping effects however!
  21. Paint doesn't go through a sponge
  22. @Rock - this has to be one of the top 2 or 3 BEST paint schemes I've ever seen for the 19! Can't wait to see the finished product!
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