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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. Well I needed another break from starships and submarines today and I'm fighting off a sinus infection from working outside most of last week, soooo... What's this??? 🤔 A MACROSS model kit on my desk for the 1st time in about a million years?! 🤣 Now I've NEVER built a Hasegawa kit before... ever....so here we go. 1st impressions, WOW... I know this a new 2023 mold but damn, the plastic just feeeeels hella good and high quality. Much to my surprise...ALL of the parts that matter are UNDERGATED! Which to me means only one thing... You can paint 99% of this thing on the sprues!! NIIICE! I just put the two halves of the radar array together and I must say I'm impressed. Is it Bandai Star Wars kits level perfect fit???....no....but it's damn close and praise doesn't come any higher than that. Anyone with a good pair of nippers a tiny bit of sanding stick and a little cement could build this very easily. One wouldn't even have to paint it really if you were a beginner. Now I'm looking forward to building my new Regults eventually! Bravo Hasegawa!
  2. Ohhh --- @SpacePirateNeko -- You've opened a GIANT can of worms sir!!! LOL! Stonewell SC-27 Star Goose (macross2.net) Ambulance (macross2.net) Boom Lift Truck (macross2.net) Crawler DL-88 Centipede (macross2.net) Siokorvsky Comanchero Attack Helicopter (macross2.net) GN XM-3002 Junky (macross2.net) Sentinental M-299 Sugar Foot (macross2.net) Glamor VC-33 Mom's Kitchen (macross2.net) General Titanic VC-27 Tunny (macross2.net) Fan Liner (macross2.net) Taxicab (2012) (macross2.net) Shinnakasu Red Imperial 99 (macross2.net) Fokker D.VII Replica (macross2.net)
  3. I'm ALL in for part two at home when the wife's out and I can crank up the sub!
  4. derex3592

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm ALL in for a Max and Kaki!
  5. I really wanted Storm Shadow and a Cobra Trooper of two, maybe the Baroness in black. Always liked the bad guys better!
  6. There's no way that's official. It's a custom entry in a model contest more than likely. I'd LOVE to have one though!
  7. This morning I needed a break from starships and submarines, SO, I broke out the Tamiya 1/350 USS Missouri! NOT actually starting this kit, but I knew from others build videos there were a couple of simple PE parts that went onto the walls of the superstructure with some PE doors so I delved in. I gotta say, this may be a 90s kit I think???... but maaaan I'm in heaven already just messing around with stuff. Also Tamiya's included PE isn't brass... it's silver and much MUCH harder to cut off the fret but also much MUCH more sturdy than the brass stuff, I kinda dig it. Anywhoo I went ahead and drilled out the portholes JIC I get a wild hair later to light this thing. Prob not but having the holes there looks better anyway.
  8. @pengbuzz / @MechTech - Thanks guys! I really wanted to make the USS Dallas from Hunt for Red October but that number wasn't one of the 3 options unfortunately. 😞
  9. Hobby Boss 1/350 USS Los Angeles Class Attack Submarine finished up. Also a new toy to try out on larger upcoming projects!
  10. Man I would buy the heck out of that from Arcadia in 1:60 OR Bandai Hi-Metal R!
  11. Thanks guys! Much appreciated!
  12. Titanic transport 100% successful! Nothing broken! Acrylic case arrived with blue base and looks great! Not cheap, but worth the money! She is now proudly displayed at my brother in law/father in laws printing shop as you walk in the door! 😎
  13. Looks great to me! Bring it on! 😁
  14. Speaking of packing VERY delicate models for a trip..... Titanic is going to it's new home this afternoon! Ignore my wife being silly as always.. 😜
  15. @Chronocidal- uhhhgggg -- no, I haven't built the nacelles yet, but I'll make sure to check that now....thanks for the heads up. I swear, I can only dream that some day Bandai will make us new FROM SCRATCH proper Star Trek ships...NO one else has gotten it right so far to my knowledge on the older Enterprise kits..(that being said, I'm not sure about the new 1/350 kits, I hear those ARE nice, but waaaaaaay to BIG for me)
  16. Enterpriseseses update pic.... Refit is primed but engineering section still needs seam work around the nacelle pylons. OG is proceeding to primer soon - ish, and the Bottany Bay has it's base coat on.
  17. Sunday mornings fun with photoetch 4 sided box railings! OMG..... I almost gave up... LOL
  18. I'll be shocked as s*it if it does!
  19. @wm chengOhhhhh MAN does that bring back memories! THOSE extra decal sheets --- whooooo hooo! PARTY TIME! Hahahaha! @electric indigo is right, the kit decals are CRAP, watch out.
  20. @wm cheng My 1/1000 scale mini fleet so far.... I'm gonna need a bigger desk at this rate... LOL 😂
  21. Love it! Great job!
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