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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. That's awesome!!!
  2. @Urashiman - Well, I haven't used it much yet, the manual says an hour, so I'm expecting maybe half of that. Also, probably greatly depends on which PSI you run at. I have noticed that its lowest setting, "22PSI" is more like about 12-15PSI with a real world air compressor. Still, only talking about painting very small parts with it, so I'm still anxious to get into a build where I can use it.
  3. @Thom Well.... I've been playing around with it today, with some red and blue Mission model paint. You gotta thin it a little bit or use some flow improver, but no issues thus far. It just passed the "WIFE" test of me explaining it to her and getting the OK to use it in the house on a limited basis! So that's a HUGE win! 😁
  4. Show and tell day from Prime Day sales! Little magnetic parts holders that have flexible metal stands! Brilliant! I bought 2 sets, $12 each. Also picked up (both from Barbatos Rex's recommendations video) for $47... an airbrush and USB-C rechargeable portable mini compressor with 3 adjustable PSI settings. Now the airbrush is, let's be honest, crap. It sprays, at one speed. Basically a point 03 single action. Fine, whatever. The real draw here is the mini compressor! Because look what screwed right onto it after some trial and error.. My Iwata Eclipse! Unfortunately my GSI Creos point 02 won't quite line up with the threads. Darn. Whatever, this now gives me an EASY way to spray small parts indoors at my model desk (100 % true acrylics only of course) Vallejo / Mission Models etc... NO SMELL and water or Windex cleanup. No more BAKING TO DEATH in the garage in the heat for me for small part painting! YAY!
  5. Indy rode off into the sunset with dear old dad and friends after finding the Holy Grail. I don't know what any of you people are talking about after that.... Wife went to see Dial the other day, I was out of town working, she liked it. Maybe when it hits Disney + on a lazy Sunday night I'll watch it....maybe.
  6. This is gonna be a GREAT wife date night movie!
  7. Key word there being almost...LOL
  8. Living in TX I can attest to the accuracy of this. It's over 100 degrees now in my garage where I paint BEFORE you put hot cars in it......NOPE. My KINGDOM to have a house with a dedicated back room that I can have a professional ventilation system to outside in so I can paint indoors. My build progress would increase exponentially!
  9. I absolutely can't wait for @tekering or @cool8or to get a hold of this and knock it out of the park!
  10. @wm cheng - Thank you! High praise from a master! You know, I didn't. I had a half can of Tamiya Semi-Gloss left over from Bandai's Buzz Lightyear model years back. I hit it with that and called it a day. It looks fine to me. I didn't risk putting down something that I didn't like. Going to work on TOS Enterprise next and finish up my sub models and get busy on my Hasegawa Regult! Plenty of days off coming up so there will be lots of updates!
  11. NCC-1701-A reporting in and ready for action! This is the 1/1000 Round Two kit with the full Aztecs set. Pretty pleased with how this one came out. Went over the entire thing with multiple thinned down coats of the base color to tone down the colors and decals. Yes, I know some of the accent colors aren't EXACTLY what is on the studio model but guess what, it's my model and I like it the way it is. Enjoy the pics! Also got a label maker so I can label my subs as I finish them.
  12. @wm cheng - Now see----that's why I like you, I had the EXACT same thought about doing some kind of semi-gloss or pearlescent white or clear over the whole thing to kind of mimic what it looked like in TMP. I've NEVER experimented with pearl coats and I don't want to ruin the model at this point.... Anybody got any suggestions???....
  13. @wm cheng Your Galactica is coming along GREAT! Yes, I know the nacelle blue is a bit bright, it's the only blue acrylic I had that I could paint by hand and just get it done. I'm going to tone down the ENTIRE ship with a few light misty coats of the hull color, Vallejo white grey. That along with some light misty coats of Tamiya Smoke usually gives things a pretty realistic look. I did the exact same thing on the Reliant and it turned out good. I've decided NOT to do any battle damage on this Enterprise, I want a pristine new look on this one! Side note - I'm SO DONE with aztecs on starships for a GOOD LOOOONG TIME. I couldn't imagine taking on the 1/350 version. Just too daunting. The TOS 1/1000 didn't have aztecs and neither does Voyager, so those two will just be painted! THANK GOD.
  14. I've still got like two gallon ziplock bags full of Yetistand parts and pieces and adaptors. I should really go through them all at some point and get some more of my Valks on display with them! ROOM to do it is the problem!
  15. @ChaoticYeti - Welcome back! Your inbox is about to explode...LOL
  16. Any model ship fans out there --- you GOTTA check this out....I've watched this guy plenty but THIS ONE is over the top!
  17. ALL decals down and sealed in with gloss clear. No major calamities to report ...most detail painting done...windows done...getting to the home stretch now!
  18. Great looking custom!
  19. Definitely want Max, I'll wait for BBTS to put him up. Maybe I can ship him with Dana 12 1/2 years from now when they both get made...
  20. Congratulations! It IS a GREAT looking Valk!
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