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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. I suppose I'll TRY to get one to display in battroid next to the Yammy fighter. If I miss the PO, not gonna cry to much
  2. "Da, Ves Comrade, va submarine painting crew has been busy this morning vorking on da Typhoon. She vill launch on time I assure vu, with her furry mascot!โ€œ
  3. A hauntingly beautiful voice for sure. R.I.P.
  4. @wm cheng thank you! (just wish the airplane was going together as good as the cockpit did! Terrible fuselage/intake and wing fit! Uhhg!) Nope! Just rollin with the sub as is!
  5. @MechTech I was a little afraid of the NEON green too, but man, if you look at the pictures of these things after years in the water, the green algae build up at the waterline is a thing! I made it shift from bright green to light brown to darker brown as you go down the side of the hull under the water line. Better pics tonight!
  6. I'm REALLY looking forward to this release! It's gonna go great next to my 1/60!
  7. The RETURN OF THE...PENG! hahaha- Get it? Anywhooo... finished up the USS TEXAS Virginia Class Attack Sub...(If you haven't ready about these things, check out some videos on YT, they are amazing machines! Run by AN X-BOX controller and no I'm not making that up!) Full beauty shots later on, also I got my 3D seat harnesses in and the F5-E cockpit finished up just about the same time I found a PILOT on the sprue way off to the side that wasn't in the instructions! DOH!
  8. Yeh, and how do you get around NOT utilizing the internal structure part of the kit I wonder???
  9. I guess the BIGGEST factor to me is EASE OF PURCHASE. Down here in good old Texas the two hobby shops that still exist pretty much ONLY sell acrylics nowadays. If I want lacquers or enamels, I have to go online and wait for them to ship.
  10. I think a LOT of misunderstanding comes when people have bad results with acrylics. I for one HAAAATTTEEED Tamiya acrylics in the beginning. GIVE ME BACK MY MODEL MASTER ENAMELS I would scream to the heavens with no avail...But as one grows older and a bit wiser, (and watches LOTS of dependable YouTube model channels), one begins to understand how to use each brand of paint effectively. I ALWAYS prime my models before paint, mostly with Tamiya Fine Surface Primer or now MR Hobby 1500 through an airbrush. Utilizing proper hobby masking tape and not over the counter painters tape is also a place a think folks get into trouble. CURING time is also something that people I think don't give enough attention to, God knows I didn't for a number of years. Also FINGER OILS and acrylics don't mix well either. All these pros out there wear gloves at ALL times handling the model after painting. There's a reason! Learning and applying all this, I haven't had paint peeling problems in years, and I mask and paint a lot.
  11. OMG!!! Those are the absolute CUTEST things I've ever seen!!! @Shawn I LOOOVE the artwork on the boxes! My favorite I think is the cross-eyed little 2001 POD guy with the arms! ๐Ÿ˜
  12. I'm gonna have to HARD PASS on this garbage now that I've read some reviews. ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ
  13. Gotta admit, that Ghost is pretty epic!
  14. @electric indigo- I'm going to try my first ever "grownup" airbrush camo job sooner than later on my F-5E build, don't laugh at me when you see it..... It's heavy no doubt, little bit of adjustment to get used to, but nothing crazy. I'd give good money to have a hose that would go from one to the other, but as far as I can find, no one makes such a thing or the proper adapters to do such a thing that I have been able to find yet....
  15. Ok, 2nd indoor painting with mini compressor / Eclipse test.. Temperature outside in garage... HotterN'Hell. Temperature at model desk.. 72 degrees with ceiling fan on medium... LOL ๐Ÿ˜‚. I mottled the red underside of sub #3 this morning using Mission Models paint Red Oxide German WWII, (which is far more accurate than Tamiya Hull Red IMHO) Battery lasted fine for this. Down to one bar so realistically maybe 30 minutes of airbrushing.. maybe... depending on PSI used. Do I have as much control as I do out in the garage with my point 02 GSI Creos and real compressor with tank? No. Am I sweating like a pig? No. Definitely gotta thin down the paint maybe more than usual but hey I'm happy enough with the results so far. Especially for $47...
  16. @Duke Togo I've got my IMAX tickets for Sunday AM! Can't wait!
  17. This. 100%.
  18. FANTASTIC job and attention to detail @wm cheng! Truly a site to behold!
  19. Ok, so 1st quick test of little compressor and using my Iwata Eclipse. Quickly thinned 6 drops of Tamiya Light Grey with 6 drops Tamiya acrylic thinner and sprayed two cockpit parts for an upcoming 1/72 F5E Tiger II build. Easy peasy. (Hindsight being 20/20 I could have used 3 drops each, 6 was waaaaay to much!) No muss, no fuss. Worked great! I sprayed at the "26" PSI setting which I maintain is only about 15 real world PSI. Also, main reason for doing this was to try my 1st ever 3D printed DECAL! Newsflash! These things are awesomeness! Now I know it doesn't fit exactly on the plastic instrument panel, that's because the one I got isn't technically made for the Hobby Boss brand F5E. Whatever, close enough. I've already ordered a matched set for my 1:48 scale Hasegawa F-22 that's in my stash! ๐Ÿ˜
  20. Speaking of Tamiya Weathering Kits.... I have a question ๐Ÿ™‹. So I was using one yesterday to dirty up my next submarine model with 3 different shades of mud sand and something else. It looked great, but when I went to clear coat to seal it in along with the decals and then go back and flat coat the whole thing, my lovely weathering kinda all faded away and can't be seen. Both gloss and clear coats were Mr Hobby brand thinned out and airbrushed so no weirdness there. Should I NOT clear and flat coat after weathering? Or should I clear coat to seal decals in then flat coat and THEN add the weathering and just call it a day? It seems to only be a problem on darker color kits in my experience.....Armor guys have to know about this... Opinions welcome. In the mean time, the Enterprise A Refit has joined the 1/1000 fleet!..... Gonna need a bigger desk...๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿ™„ ๐Ÿ˜‚
  21. The Dragonfly was I THINK my first ever GI Joe vehicle back when I was a kid. I played with it every damn day. I had a F.A.N.G. and Battle Pod to do battle with Wild Bill in the Dragonfly. Eventually I got the COBRA MAMBA helicopter jet thing which was EPIC! Good times. I don't have room for these HASLAB creations, but boy if I did....... I REALLY loved the look of the new H.I.S.S.
  22. Impressive.......MOST impressive๐Ÿ˜ฎ
  23. @Big s SAME! Don't forget the makeup sponges! I LOVE those things!
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