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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. Got mine yesterday and opened it up this morning, it is a gorgeous figure, however, I'm not quite loving it so far....it's REALLY fiddly IMHO or I have fists of ham because I never transform anything anymore...I got to Gerwalk no problem, but fighter is fighting me, now I'm 100% sure it's me, but it was to the point to where I had to put it away this morning before I got upset and broke something. Anyone else having trouble getting the head to collapse all the way down for fighter??? Also, like EVERY Macross Bandai release, the ARMS are my kryptonite, especially at this scale. Yamato had SUUUUCH a better system IMHO. I'll wait for a @jenius video to see what I'm doing wrong I suppose. Still happy I got it, the rainbow canopy is AWESOME, and the color scheme is great.
  2. Friday Afternoon...new shelves!!! 😁
  3. Friday morning....
  4. NO! we all go watch @jenius reviews and transformation videos!
  5. I stopped Rebels for no reason really, just life in the way after whatever season ender it was with Ahsoka and Vader going at on top of some pyramid after what's his face got blinded. I remember that season being pretty darn good, maybe I should rewatch and finish it before Ahsoka....???
  6. UP FOR PRE-ORDER FROM TF SOURCE AND BBTS! https://tfsource.com/articulated-figures-statues/voltron-vehicle-force-mini-action-series-voltron-defender-of-the-universe-action-toys/ https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/249784?o=4
  7. I'm ALL in for one! A new CF without EXPLODING triangles would be icing on the cake!
  8. Probably just depends on where you live, my ONLY option was DHL for like $28 to TX.
  9. Frasier is my ALL TIME favorite comedy, I seriously hope they do it justice......
  10. @tekering - amazing work sir! I'm right there with you on figure painting!
  11. AE via DHL says it should be on my doorstep on 8/24!
  12. THAT looks sick dude! Great job!
  13. The reason I did the white mottling was #1 I just wanted to practice doing it on a small aircraft, and #2, to lighten up the entire thing so the base color for the cammo wouldn't be to dark. It's a crappy photo, but you can still make out some it through the tan yes.
  14. Got my in stock email from them as well today!
  15. Updates! Typhoon is finished and put to sea this morning.... Watch out Yankee American scum! Going back to my teenager roots, @electric indigoMr. Electric Indigo sir, submitted for your approval, I have prepped and primered and got my base color down on F-5E. I wanted this kit in flight, however the kit didn't want to do that, so, I had to cut apart gear bay doors and do all kinds of hacking and filling on the underside, but it looks ok to me. Primered in Mr Surfacer 1500 Black and then mottled with Tamiya Flat White. My new MRP Slovakian TAN went on for the base coat. Veeery nice paint. Pre-thinned for airbrushing so nothing wasted if you have leftover! Right back in the bottle! Next up....going to try my hand at free handing the cammo colors with my GSI Creos point 02... Should be interesting! Stay Tuned!
  16. I kinda want it!!!
  17. Nothing here from Anime Export yet either....
  18. @Thomlooking good! Loving all the added details! I'm trying out a new paint.. MRP paints from Slovakia! I ordered them through Sprue Brothers Models in MO. I ordered them on Wednesday at 1220PM. I got a shipping confirmation email at 1:20PM that day and they were on my porch this morning before 11AM. DAMN! And it was the cheap $6 shipping option. Very good packaging as well. If you need to order paints, give them a try! This was my first time and I'm impressed! Also... Don't know if it's other Hobbytown stores, but the one by my work down here is selling ALL Mission Models stuff at 50% off right now! More details coming up on FS color matching between different manufacturers being a hilarious rabbit 🐰 hole to go down for upcoming military jets! Also picked up some AK Real Colors to try and some new clear and flat liquid coats from Alclad! Lots of fun coming up! 😁
  19. @tekering hmmmmmmmmm........I can only hope beyond hope what I'm thinking about is what you are hinting at!
  20. Yeh, same here. Starting to get slightly irritated with them!!! 🤬
  21. Buy the old kits for the box art, cut the boxes apart, make a nice collage out of them, throw the kits in the trash and go buy newer kits. Old Macross kits are NOT what you wanna start out learning on. Trust me. Try the new Hasagawa1/72 Regult kit. It's a great kit to start out with for beginners!
  22. I really COULDN'T care less how much METAL the HI METAL R's have in them! They are great figures. Have you picked up the MONSTER?! Trust me, there's PLENTY of metal in that! People who complain about the name thing need to just STFU honestly.
  23. All decals done, detail painting done, clear coat down, now onto weathering....
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