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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. I'm all in for a TV cannon fodder! But I'd be severely tempted by an Elint Seeker in 1:48.....it's never been done...
  2. Truly BEAST MODE!!!
  3. @MechTech Man you are amazing! That's SO cool! Bench updates! The 1:72 HobbyBoss F-5E is finished. Not a great kit. It looked super easy but in reality it wasn't. Lot of filling and sanding work. Then when it was 98 percent finished kitty got a hold of it and mangled one of the missile launch rails... Dragged the whole freakin model off the desk and broke off the engines and a rear aileron. Uhhggg. So I managed to fix all that and I also learned that doing 3 color cammo free hand with an airbrush is a minefield! I'm just not that good yet! Cammo stencils moving forward or rolled up blue tac! Took forever to get it to look close to right. Also paint test yesterday for the USS Texas... 2 Mission Models acrylics and two MRP lacquers. Also got the first 12 photoetch railings on the Texas superstructure. Last but not least, the Lockheed Martin Skunkworks has been busy in secret.... EDIT: I need to get a better picture of my desert base, I made it up this morning for $8.50 from Hobby Lobby...It's got aluminum foil as the desert floor so it looks like wavy sand. I was going to use my Tamiya snow effect stuff but it had turned to stone in the bottle years ago I guess. The rocks were model railroad outcropping rocks for $4. I painted the whole thing with 3 colors of acrylic paint through the airbrush.
  5. You know sometimes it's just fun to get back to the basics... Wash model parts, airbrush straight onto bare plastic with Vallejo ModelAir and slap some cockpit decals on... Anybody wanna take a guess on the next project? 🤔
  6. You know, I'd pay good money to sit with and watch GL sit down and watch these Disney shows and give his honesty opinion right after.
  7. Episode 3 had me thinking I was watching the Luke Obi Wan training scene in the Falcon and the escape from the Death Star fight with the Tie's from New Hope extended out to thirty some odd minutes.....kinda yaawwwwn....
  8. Yes.....probably more than "one"...
  9. Speaking of painting, just thought you guys might wanna see these deals on a few good quality airbrushes for WAY cheaper than usual right now! I'm tempted to get the $35 dollar one just to have!
  10. Anything with Fassbender in it, I'll watch. He's great.
  11. My eyes hurt already....
  12. @Big sIs it just me or does the lady holding the hand of the kid next to that sign remind you of Minmay and the Petite Cola Machine in the 1st episode of Macross???
  13. AWESOME!!!! I could spend a week there!
  14. @Big s - HA! same here. Oddly enough he tested the previous model to the little black box I got and it was trash. Apparently the re-design fixed all that.
  15. It's small compared to the 1/350 USS Missouri waiting in the closet.....LOL!
  16. @nightmareB4macross - it is a fun kit so far...however....there's looooooots of fiddly very small PE to deal with on this one, and I'm not the best roller, bender of microscopic PE, we'll see how it all goes. @Big s - Ohh man, I hope you didn't buy the silver one on my recommendation....I'm gonna feel really bad if that's the case!
  17. The 1/350 Texas got a primer coat this morning....
  18. Ok, confession time.... I'm sure you've heard the old saying "don't marry the girl until you lived with her for a while"....LOL.. Well... same rule applies with small portable air compressors. The little silver rechargeable one just wasn't cutting the mustard. It was great at first BUT the EXTREMELY odd sized attachment was a royal PITA honestly. I ordered adaptors on top of adaptors and nothing worked. The only thing I could get to work was my Iwata and now it's airvalve is DOA for some reason, 🫣 and more than that I wanted a hose and the battery just wasn't lasting as long as I wanted or I'd forget to charge it.. So long story short I upgraded to this for $65.00 off Amazon. Plug in to wall power? Check. NORMAL sized air hose connection? Check!!! Free half way decent airbrush with 3 needles AND a moisture trap? Check! Holder for airbrush on side of mini compressor? Check. GSI Creos. 03 working like a champ. Noise level? Maybe a couple of db louder than the little silver one but still very quiet. I'm happy now. 😁
  19. OK....after a solid hour + this morning when I was semi-fresh and the house was quiet, I sat down with this thing. Turns out my problem was this --- yesterday when the arms popped off the 1st time, and MANY times after that, I had been snapping them back on the slide rods the wrong way. I had snapping down from the top --- NOPE -- gotta snap em from the SIDE, VEEERY hard to tell that from the B&W instruction photos. @jenius didn't cover that in his VF-0 transformation video, which I rewatched this morning.. just FYI @jenius might want to mention that on the OD. Just my .02. If you don't you will NEVER get the arms to collapse forward enough to peg into the legs. Other things were just off as well until I got that figured out. After that, things more or less went together correctly. I still maintain this one is the fiddliest HM-R's yet to get everything tabbed in tight in fighter mode. It ain't easy, and god help you if you wanna snap in the gunpod at some point..LOL. I think I'll go back to battroid and he can stand next to my Arcadia OD that stays in fighter mode. Hope this helps anyone else having issues out!
  20. @Chronocidal - Yeeeeeees!!!!
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